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Wed May 10th, 2023 @ 4:21am

Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Name Kassandra Elektana Selin

Position Fallen Hero

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Birthplace Sidari, Corfu
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) September 17th 2349
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5f7
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Is of Greek/French/Russian Heritage, has olive skin and is fit and healthy for her age.


Father Ivan Petrov
Mother Mariette Selinofoto (deceased)
Brother(s) 1. Commander Alexandros Selinofoto - Son of Clarissa and Artaxes - Aged 35 - Executive Officer - ISS Ravager
2. Lieutenant Commander Iason Selinofoto - Son of Mariette and Artaxes - Aged 30 - Chief Engineer - ISS Hydra
3. Lieutenant Commander Lysander Selinofoto - Son of Leila and Artaxes - Aged 28 - Chief of Security - ISS Nostradamus
4. Doctor Nathanael Selinofoto - son of Clarissa and Artaxes - Aged 27 - Private Practice on Terra.
5. Lieutenant JG Christos Selinofoto - Son of Leila and Artaxes - Aged 25 - Twin of Athanasia - Engineer - ISS Ravager
6. Lieutenant Andre Petrov (Half brother)
Sister(s) 1. Athanasia Selinofoto - daughter of Leila and Artaxes - Aged 25 - Twin of Christos. - Lives in New York, dating whoever
2. Mika Petrova(Half Sister)
Other Family Step Mother's: Clarissa Selinofoto and Leila Selinofoto
Artaxes Selinofoto* Step Father
Yana Petrova - Stepmother

Personality & Traits

General Overview Quiet, unassuming, enjoys being by herself and reading books or drawing in her sketch padd.
Still sends designs to Paris and Milan and gets paid for it, so off duty she is often sketching. One of her designs was worn by a member of the Imperial Royal family. She does not call home, refuses to acknowledge her family, as she blames her father for putting her into the Academy and thus, having her life run for the next 10 years.

She is Loyal to the Empire, but has her own goals that do NOT include being in the fleet for her entire life
Strengths & Weaknesses + Infiltration Specialist
+ Unassuming
+ Loyal

- Family is not a priority and can be a trigger
- Not physically Strong

+ Speaks Greek and Basic Russian
Ambitions It was to Complete her 10 years then leave the Fleet for Civilian life, to go back to her plans of designing and dressmaking fashions. But now it is to survive and make it back to Terra.
Hobbies & Interests Sewing, Reading, Swimming, Cliff Diving

Personal History Born in 2349, on the 24th of July at the family mansion in Corfu near Sidari, Kassandra is the youngest of 7 children. Her father is a polygamist and has three wives, well had, as Kassandra’s mother died when she was 3.

Growing up, Kassandra was always on her own. Three years separated her from her nearest half siblings of Christos and Athanasia, and her full brother Iason was 8 years older and not at all interested in his little sister.

Kassandra was sent to an all girls school, and was often compared to her older sister, who was outgoing and vibrant, though truth be told, not that great at school work. Kassandra on the other hand was good with school work and got top grades without much hassle.

When she was 14, she started designing clothes and sold some of her designs to a top fashion house in Milan. Her father strongly disapproved of this, and when she was 17, she graduated from School, looking to go to Paris to study fashion but her father put his foot down and sent her to the Imperial Academy.

Kassandra was NOT impressed by this, after all, her sister was allowed to flit off to New York to ‘study’ but really she was over there wasting their father’s money. Athanasia’s goal in life was to marry well and move the family closer to the Imperial court. Something her father, the governor of their province approved of.

So Kassandra was sent to the Imperial Academy where she found herself shunted into the Intelligence gathering stream of courses.At this stage she chose to change her last name so as to show herself apart from her family. Kassandra, who had grown up being second best to her glamorous sister, found that being overlooked was sometimes best in the Intelligence school. It made hearing secrets easier. That and her design skills helped with her disguising abilities. Still, she didn’t strive hard, she just did what she could to maintain her grades and remain out of the main view.

Unfortunately for her, her instructors noticed and she found herself undergoing more and more undercover operations even while in the academy.

Surprising to her, Kassandra graduated top 2% in the Intelligence Class of the year of 2371 and was assigned to the ISS Vengeance as an Intelligence Infiltration Specialist with the rank of Ensign.

While on the Vengeance, Kassandra was wounded and upon receiving medical treatment, Kass discovered that Artaxes Selinofoto was not her biological father. Ivan Petrov was. And now she has to deal with this.
Service Record 2371 ISS Vengeance - Intelligence Agent
2371- ISS Vengeance - Assistant Chief of Intelligence
2371- ISS Vengeance - Chief of Intelligence