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Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 4:16am

Lieutenant JG Jonathan Forrest

Name Jonathan Michael Forrest

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Birthplace ISS Resolute
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) May 31
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0""
Weight 170
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Jonathan is not the most intimidating figure around, at an even six feet tall, he is only slightly above average. He carries all of his one hundred seventy pounds well because it is all muscle, but he hardly has an imposing bulk. However he carries himself with confidence, so it is hard not to notice his presence when he walks into a room.

For much of the year, his hair is the color of dark, wet, sand. But, from late spring to early fall, the sun lightens it and gives it highlights. It is well within regulations for a junior officer but comes close to the maximum length the guidelines allow. His eyes are hazel Normally they appear greenish-brown, but under the right conditions; a certain light, something he wears, or even his mood, his eyes can look pale blue, or even grey.

He is proud of his uniform and fills it nicely, but when relaxing with friends or away from class his clothing is stylish but casual.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Admiral Marcie Forrest-Samuels 60
Mother Commodore Jennifer Samuels-Forrest 59
Brother(s) Alex 23
Sister(s) None
Other Family Biological father Michael Hall Various Uncles Aunts, cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Honor, duty, and devotion to the Empire are not just empty words to Jonathan, they are words he has chosen to live by. It was inevitable that he would join Starfleet, after all, he is a direct descendant of Maxwell Forrest, one of the Empire’s first and finest admirals, and both his parents were high-ranking officers. His mother Marcie has just become an admiral after a decade or so as a ship’s Captain. His mom Jennifer is a Commodore and an engineer. He has been an Imperial brat all of his life and has spent time on both ships and starbases alike. His parents were more often than not on separate billets and he was often left alone for great periods of the day. So, when he wasn’t in class, or spending time with family, he did a lot of exploring and he became thoroughly familiar with a number of different ships and stations. He learned to deal with a variety of different people from slaves to high-ranking officers

He’s really known nothing but serving in the Imperial fleet and doesn’t care to, he likes the idea of having a career there. He wants to carry on his family's tradition to serve the Empire and help expand it. And of course, he would someday like to do it as an admiral.

He has great hand-eye coordination and excellent instincts which is what makes him a good helmsman, and he loves what he does. But, that is just a stepping stone to him commanding his own ship which will, hopefully, lead to him becoming an admiral like his mother.

On the one hand, his mothers have given him a lot of freedom. They didn’t push him into joining the Imperial forces, he signed up because he wanted to. They don’t care who he falls in love with or sleeps with as long as he is careful and happy, and they only ask that he get in at a reasonable hour, though they don’t define what they consider to be reasonable. On the other hand, while they don’t try to squash his love life, they are nosy about it and other matters he would prefer to keep private. And, while they haven’t pushed him towards Starfleet or command, they are elated at his choices and are keeping a close eye on him and trying to subtly pull strings for him, even though he wants to do things on his own.

While he generally believes in following rules and the chain of command, he doesn’t do so blindly and is not afraid to ask questions or raise objections when he thinks something is wrong. He can sometimes be a risk-taker, a gambler. He is intuitive in his thinking.
Strengths & Weaknesses Jonathan is an intuitive rather than an analytical thinker. The fact that his intuition is usually good is a strength and works in his favor. The fact that he relies on it, sometimes to the exclusion of the analytics works against him and is a weakness. He is a very good tactician, thinking well on his feet and able to adapt and overcome. However, he’s not that good of a planner. Navigation and piloting are areas that he is quite skilled in, if he wasn’t looking for a career in command, he would want to fly fighter craft. On the other hand, engineering and science are subjects he struggles with. He is gregarious and a social butterfly, even flirtatious. That makes him good at reading people and making them feel part of the team, but he sometimes has a problem knowing when to be serious and when not to be.

He is very good in hand-to-hand combat, but his skills with a phaser still need work.

He is confident in his abilities, sometimes overconfident.

Ambitions His primary goal is to serve with honor and distinction in his personal life and as an officer. Professionally, he would like to command a starship and knows he has the ability to do so. Personally, he wants to find someone to settle down with and start a family with

Personal History Jonathan’s mothers met shortly after they both left the Academy and were serving on the Reliant together. They met, fell, and loved, and after something of a whirlwind romance they were married. Like any marriage, they have had their ups and downs, but theirs is a happy relationship. They had been married for five years when they decided to have children. Since both women were stationed together at the time they decided to get pregnant at the same time, using artificial insemination to do so. While both women’s first priority was to have a healthy, happy child, they also wanted that child to be bright with a lot of potential.

They selected Michael Hall, a recently retired Admiral in Strategic Operations who, even though he was in his late thirties at the time was in robust health, was highly intelligent with a keen mind for both science and engineering. Jonathan was born first on June 11th and his brother Alex was born three weeks later on June 25th. Michael had no desire to be part of either of the boys’ lives nor did the mothers have any real interest in having him a part of their life.

There were long stretches where the family was not together, Jonathan was sometimes with his mother Marcie sometimes he was with his mom Jennifer. Sometimes his brother was with him, sometimes not. The two women were able to coordinate leaves and were always together during those times. On a handful of times over the years, they were all together until the last two and a half years when both women were assigned to Starfleet Headquarters.

Most people could have cared less that Jonathan had two mothers, but he would occasionally get comments from nonhuman children that came from a heteronormative culture. He would sometimes get into fights over this when he was younger thinking he’d been slighted or that they were insulting his moms. As he grew older the questions lessened and rather than get in a fight over it when it did he shrugged it off or used words rather than his fists.

He would rather use his words to get out of other situations and avoid unnecessary brawls but is not afraid to throw a punch or jump into a fight when he thought he should and he’s had to do that a handful of times, usually coming out on top.

As he grew older his relationship with his mothers became more complicated. He still loved them, but he began to resent what he considered to be their interference. They would question the motivation of his friends. They also kept tabs on him and wanted too many details.

They weren’t above sharing about his accomplishments; his acing a test or scoring the winning goal in Parrises Squares, or soccer with those who not only wanted to hear but those who didn’t have a lot of interest in hearing. This has put a strain on their relationship and he is glad to be away from them and truly on his own