Thomas O'Hara

Name Thomas Kyle O'Hara

Position Imperial Secretary for Foreign Affairs

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Amityville, New York, Northern Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) April 3, 2306
Age 65

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 200 Lbs
Hair Color Greying Light Brown
Eye Color Blue


Spouse Tessa O'Hara
Children Patrick O'Hara
Kenneth O'Hara
Julia O'Hara
Donald O'Hara
Father Donald O'Hara
Mother Jennifer O'Hara
Brother(s) Kevin O'Hara
Marcus O'Hara
Sister(s) Cynthia Toon

Personality & Traits

General Overview A bright and skilled diplomat who knows the friends and enemies of the Empire like the back of his hand. Thomas has studied the art of diplomacy all his life and has benefited from the experience that comes from travel. He speaks 17 different languages, including Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian, and Ferengi, and he has a refined and professional approach to his work.

Personal History 2306 - Thomas was Born

2328 - Received Bachelors degree in Intergalactic Relations from the New York Imperial University (22)

2330 - Married Tessa; Received masters degree in Intergalactic Relations from the New York Imperial University (24)

2331 - Passed Diplomatic Service Exam; Assigned as Special Assistant to the Director of the Bureau of Romulan Affairs (25)

2333 - Patrick is Born; Promoted to Executive Assistant to the Director (27)

2335 - Kenneth is Born (29)

2336 - Assigned as a Foreign Affairs Officer at the Imperial Consulate on the Romulan world of Terix II (30)

2338 - Julia is Born (32)

2340 - Promoted to Deputy Consul of the consulate by Antonius V(34)

2344 - Donald is Born; Assigned as the Assistant Ambassador to the Imperial Embassy on Romulus by Antonius V (38)

2348 - Assigned as Ambassador to the Ferengi by Angelus (42)

2354 - Assigned as Ambassador to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance by Angelus (48)

2361 - Assigned as Director of the Imperial Diplomatic Service by Angelus (55)

2363 - Assigned as Imperial Secretary for Foreign Affairs by Antonius VI (57)