Sophie Jansen

Name Sophia Marie Jansen

Position Imperial Secretary for Internal Affairs

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Birthplace Breda, The Netherlands, European Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) November 19, 2310
Age 61

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 120 Lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue


Spouse Mark
Children Sigrid
Father Eric van Rij
Mother Fleur van Rij

Personality & Traits

Personal History 2310 - Born in Breda, The Netherlands

2328 - Entered Starfleet Academy, Engineering Concentration (18)

2332 - Promoted to Ensign, assigned as an Engineering Officer on the ISS Toledo (22)

2334 - Promoted to Lieutenant, JG, assigned as Assistant Chief Engineer (24)

2336 - Promoted to Lieutenant, assigned as Chief Engineer of the ISS Thomas Jefferson (26)

2341 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander, assigned as a Senior Propulsion Researcher at the Starfleet Corps of Engineers (31)

2343 - Married Mark (33)

2345 - Sigrid is Born (35)

2348 - Appointed Director-General of the Power Research Institute (38)

2349 - Ernst is Born (39)

2355 - Appointed Minister for Energy by Angelus (45)

2360 - Appointed Deputy Imperial Secretary for Internal Affairs by Angelus (50)

2363 - Appointed Imperial Secretary for Internal Affairs (53)