Contessa Pennington

Name Contessa Anne Pennington

Position Imperial Treasurer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Birthplace Virginia Water, Surrey, England, European Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) August 6, 2340
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 140 Lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Contessa boasts an impressive figure with model-like facial features. Though often thought to have had plastic surgery, she is merely blessed with more than others. She often uses her appearance and manner of dress to accentuate the influence she has over others and the perception they have of her.


Father Charles Pennington III, Banker & Oligarch
Mother Isla Pennington
Brother(s) Charlies (Charlie) Pennington IV
Sister(s) Katherine Pennington
Calista Pennington

Personality & Traits

General Overview Contessa presents as a confident and business-like woman with high standards and a biting, unapologetic Machiavellian approach. The daughter of the owner of the Empire's largest bank, she grew up in luxury which surpassed that of most nobles, and carries herself like a princess despite her common blood. Bold, witty, and likeable, Contessa is uniquely good with counting coins and finding new ones for expensive projects. A towering and obvious ambition and a coquettish love of putting people off make her a uniquely difficult person to deal with in the all-too-boring Imperial bureaucracy.

Service Record 2340 - Born in Surrey, England

2354 - Hired as Executive Assistant to the CEO of Pennington Bank (14)

2361 - Promoted to Assistant Chief Operations Officer at Pennington Bank (21)

2363 - Appointed Minister of Finance of Titan by Lord Benjamin Kuiper (23)

2366 - Appointed Treasurer of the Royal Household by Antonius V (26)

2370 - Appointed Imperial Treasurer by Antonius VI (30)