Silas Sharp

Name Silas Sharp

Position Director of Internal Terran Security

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Carson, California, Northern Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) July 15, 2309
Age 62

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 203 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Spouse Tabitha Sharp
Children Bradley Sharp
Tiana Grove
Jazmine Williams
Father Edward Sharp
Mother Gina Sharp

Personality & Traits

Personal History 2309 - Born in Carson, California

2331 - Received a Bachelors in Criminal Justice from the University of Southern California; Hired as an officer at the California office of Internal Terran Security - 22

2333 - Married Tabitha - 24

2334 - Switched to the Investigations Division as a Special Agent- 25

2335 - Bradley is Born - 26

2337 - Tiana is Born - 28

2341 - Promoted to Supervisory Special Agent - 32

2343 - Jazmine is Born; Promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge - 34

2347 - Transferred to the American Office as Deputy Special Agent in Charge - 38

2350 - Promoted to Special Agent in Charge - 41

2356 - Transferred to Italian Office as Special Agent in Charge - 47

2361 - Transferred to Pacific Dominion Office as Special Agent in Charge - 52

2365 - Appointed Deputy Director of ITS by Antonius VI - 56

2368 - Appointed Director of ITS by Antonius VI - 59