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Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 9:30am

Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Name Troy Alexander Marshall

Position Fallen Hero

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace San Diego, North America
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 180cm/5'11"
Weight 77kg/170lbs.
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description Character is portrayed by Orlando Bloom.


Spouse Lieutenant JG Callie Marshall (nee Vali)
Children Expecting their first
Father Terrance Marshall, Chief of Staff at the Office of Strategic Operations Command under Vice Admiral Ross
Mother Elizabeth Marshall, Scientist working with the Imperial Science Council
Sister(s) Half sister: Eritrea (he is currently unaware he has a sibling
Other Family Mentor: Vice Admiral William Ross

Personality & Traits

General Overview Troy is a very pragmatic individual. Though somewhat ambitious, it is tempered by his philosophy that ambition should never exceed ability. He has no problem with being utterly ruthless, but he disdain cruelty for its own sake.
Strengths & Weaknesses Master level swordsman
Exceptional with starship combat strategies and tactics

Sucker for a beautiful woman.
Ambitions Command a powerful Imperial warship someday, preferably a Sovereign-class or even a Defiant-class
Hobbies & Interests Fencing
Military history
Classic literature
Strategy games

Personal History Troy Alexander Marshall was born in the North American City of San Diego on Terra. Troy was raised in a very martial household, his father serving in the Imperial Starfleet and a mother who was a well respected scientist working for the Imperial Science Council.

Troy attended the finest prep schools in preparation for joining the Imperial Starfleet. He entered the Imperial Starfleet Academy and excelled in the Security/Tactical track with an emphasis on strategy and tactics.

Troy was assigned as a tactical officer aboard the ISS Imperator following his graduation from the Academy. Though ambitious, he lived by the maxim that ones ambition should never exceed ones ability. He studied his starship qualifications earnestly and by his final year aboard the Imperator was granted the duties of night watch bridge duty officer and command of the bridge once a week for the night watch.

Troy returned to Terra and took up the duties as commander of the protection detail assigned to Rear Admiral William Ross. His detachment saved Admiral Ross from three attempted assassination attempts over his two years heading up the protection detail.

Troy returned to the Academy for department head schooling and was even tasked with conducting quarterly seminars on teaching cadets starship combat strategies and tactics. He also administered the Kobayashi Maru test following his seminars.

Troy heard of a new starship undergoing space trials and petitioned now Vice Admiral Ross for assignment to the ISS Vengeance as Chief Security/Tactical Officer.
Service Record Imperial Starfleet Academy (JUN 2360-MAY 2364): Cadet

ISS Imperator (JUN 2364-JUN 2367): Tactical Officer

Imperial Security Command (JUL 2367-JUL 2369): Security / Protection Detail Commander for Rear Admiral William Ross

Imperial Starfleet Academy (AUG 2369-DEC 2370): Department Head School and part time instructor

ISS Vengeance (JAN 2371-Present): Chief Security Officer (JAN 2371 - MAR 2371). Promotion to Executive Officer (MAR 2371 - Present)