
  • 30 Mission Posts

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Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 11:31pm

Commander Cyrus Cain

Name Cyrus Jonathan Cain

Position Fallen Hero

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Omaha, Nebraska, Northern Dominion, Terra
Age 46

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 175 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Spouse Elen Cain
Children Melanie Cain
Father Clayton Cain
Mother Marin Cain

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cyrus is a man who has great skill and experience with building starships who now desires deeply to command one. He believes the Vengeance should have been his after he put in so much hard work and time building it and harbors a resentment towards Ivan Petrov for stepping in at the final hour and taking it from him. He is a logical man who likes to work with his hands and cares little for philosophy. As a commander, he is more familiar with jell packs and conduits than he is with people, but he has years of experience in command and leadership roles and is quite calm under pressure.

Service Record 2343 - Entered Imperial Starfleet Academy
2347 - Assigned as an Engineering Officer at Mars Shipyards and promoted to Ensign
2348 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
2350 - Assigned as Deputy Project Engineer on Galaxy Project and promoted to Lieutenant
2356 - Assigned as Project Engineer on the Starlight Project and promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2360 - Assigned as Deputy Project Lead on the Starlight Project
2364 - Assigned as Project Lead on the Intrepid Project and promoted to Commander
2367 - Assigned as Executive Officer of the ISS Intrepid
2371 - Assigned as Executive Officer of the ISS Vengeance