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Fri Nov 3rd, 2023 @ 12:03am

Emperor Antonius VI

Name Antonio Angelo Giuseppe Orsini Augustus Italicus

Position Emperor

Rank Emperor

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Rome, Imperial Mandate, Terra
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) August 14, 2297
Age 74

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 185 Lbs
Hair Color White (Formerly Brown)
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Never tall or particularly strong, Emperor Antonio has always been a man who ruled with his mind. He is more round than he once was and his stature reflects the slowing down of age. He walks slightly bent. One of his most distinctive characteristics are his piercing blue eyes.


Spouse Empress Cosima
Children Giuseppe Angelo (Deceased)
Princess Royal Giana
Princess Elana
Crown Prince Paolo
Father Emperor Angelo
Mother Empress Genevieve
Brother(s) Prince Mario Orsini
Sister(s) Princess Claudia Orsini

Personality & Traits

General Overview Brilliant beyond any Terran Emperor in memory, Antonius has sought his entire life to weave an intricate web that brings the Empire back to galactic power status. He is a distant father who only draws close to his more intelligent children.

Personal History 2297 - Born as a Duke to Grand Duke Angelo and his wife, Grand Duchess Genevieve. Family in Italy and France.
Younger Brother, Mario, and sister, Claudia

2317 - Marries Pia Marino, daughter of the Lord of Peru

2322 - Duchess Pia dies in a car accident (25)

2325 - Received Decorate in Political Philosophy from Parisian Imperial University. Started work as a professor at Cambridge (28)

2331 - Becomes Grand Duke when Antonius V ascends (34)

2333 - Marries 18 year old Cosima Anello, daughter of the Lord of Toscana (36)

2335 - Duke Giuseppe Angelo Born (38)

2343 - Duchess Giana Born (45)

2347 - Becomes Crown Prince when Angelus ascends; Grand Duchess Elana Born (50)

2356 - Grand Duke Paolo Born (59)

2363 - Becomes Emperor (66)