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Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 11:21pm

First Consul Shiarrael t'Nairrehk

Name Shiarrael t'Nairrehk

Position First Consul of the Romulan Republic

Rank First Consul

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Birthplace ch`Havran
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5f8
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description She has not got the normal forehead ridges of a Romulan. She does however have pointed ears and Green blood.


Spouse T'Jaeih t'Noramei, aged 42

Personality & Traits

General Overview Shiarrael is a typical Romulan. Both cold and Calculating as well as hot tempered and deeply passionate. She is not above using her feminine wiles to get information from people or to get what she wants. Because she looks human with pointed ears, most do not treat her as a Romulan, to their peril.

She has one obsession. She ADORES comfortable surroundings. And silks and other finely produced goods (Asian styles). She ALWAYS decorates her cabin in what can be termed as Eastern style with lots of reds and gold.
She is a true child of the Jorani Clan from which her house stems.

Personal History Shiarrael was born to the prominent family tr'Nairrehk. The, middle child, of 5. From the beginning it was obvious to her parents that she was not normal. The doctors explained that Shiarrael suffered from a genetic defect that left her without the ridges normally found on full Romulan offspring. She was genetically their child, no the mother had not played the father false and she still had the ears of a romulan. Her parents however were not fully convinced. But they still educated their child in the Romulan ways and manners though she was not allowed out of the house, as neither of her parents wanted the embarrassment of walking with a child who looked human. When she was 12, she was sent to the Romulan Military school with her meager belongings and her brand new honor blade. That was an extremely young age for any romulan to be sent there, most waiting until they were 15 or 16. But it was there she learned that she had been sent away because of her appearance. It was an insult to the Mnhei’sahe of her family. And the Mnhei’sahe was important.

So at 12, Shia started forging her own path. A path that would lead her to be the youngest graduate with honors from the Galae’s Academy. Shia took on the tasks put to her with zeal and earned a reputation for being stubborn and her teachers had a lot of praise for her, though her parents were not that enthusiastic about it. At 14, she broke her arm in a training exercise and despite the pain, continued. She had to have the arm re-broken and re-set after the exercise was over. There she met a Romulan Senator named T'Jaeih t'Noramei, who took an interest in the young girl and set about molding her. She graduated top of her class and none of her family attended her graduation as her younger sister chose that day to be born. Hurt, Shia shoved her emotion deep down.

At 16 she was assigned to the GSN Devoras as a tactical officer. She made little in the way of friends and was called Fvai by her fellow crew members because she did not look Romulan. Fvai meant Dog in romulan and she put it from her and worked hard.

She was transferred to the GSN Dividices for a year before finally being promoted to Erie’Arrain and sent to the GSN Generex as a Tactical Officer. It was there that her genetic mutation was put about from the beginning and even though she was still called Fvai she had some respect. Upon her transfer to the GSN Khazara she was put in the security department where she earned the nickname Khellian meaning hunter. She worked hard and soon she was recognized in the war against the dominion and brought much honor to her house. Though she never returned to her family home. Nor did her parents acknowledge her privately. After her time on the Khazara she transferred and was promoted to Arrain to the GSN Talvath. It was then that she and T'Jaeih met again and began their relationship, And while it looks equal, Shia is definitely the subordinate to her lover.

After a year she was promoted to Enarrain and transferred to the GSN Dhivael as its first officer. This promotion brought much honor to her family and she was the youngest First officer in the fleet at the age of 25. And her parents made much of her publically, going so far as to be present at her promotion ceremony and to try and talk to her. Shiarrael ignored her parents and siblings and went her own way. She spent a year on the Dhivael before being transferred to the GSN Terix as their Xo with a new rank of Erie’Riov, a full commander.

T'Jaeih t'Noramei summoned Shiarrel back to ch`Havran. It was there Shiarreal learned that T'Jaeih had managed a coup of extraordinary proportions. She was now Praetor and she immediately assigned Shiarreal as First Consul. And together they work to protect the Empire