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Who's the Daddy?

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2022 @ 8:25am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Ensign Mika Petrova

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Various
Timeline: MD31 0710 hrs
1121 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure


~ Troy’s Quarters ~

The morning had come around all too soon, as agreed with Troy, Callie was up ready to head to Sickbay to see if Doctor Lamont could help identify the father of her baby. Sipping some water Callie was feeling a little off, uncertain whether it was the start of morning sickness or just nerves.

Troy stepped out of his bedroom to find Callie already in his living room. "Good morning." He stepped over to replicator and ordered up a coffee.

“Good Morning” Callie offered a smile as she walked over to Troy and gave him a kiss. “I woke up feeling a little queasy, not sure if it’s the start of morning sickness, or just nerves at going to see Karen this morning.” She slowly sipped her water. “I need to know, but I’m also afraid to.”

Troy returned the kiss before taking his first sip of coffee. He tapped his commbadge. "Lieutenant Anderson. Marshall here. We will swing by in a few minutes to pick you up enroute to Sickbay."

Over the commbadge's hidden speaker, Johnathan’s voice could be heard. =/\=Understood, Sir. I'll be ready. Thank you for letting me know.=/\= There was a soft click, indicating that he had closed the channel.

Getting herself a quick snack for breakfast Callie smiled as she heard Johnathan’s voice. Once he’d responded she looked towards Troy. “How long will Johnathan need to stay confined to his quarters?”

"That will depend on if he is formally charged for assault." Troy looked at Callie with concern. "If Andrei decides to press charges he could be locked up in the brig."

Callie nodded. “I hope not! He didn’t have to do that just to protect me. I feel responsible.”

Troy shook his head. "He knew the potential consequences for his actions. You are no more responsible for what happened than I am. Andrei is lucky it was John and not me. I would have punched him in the throat."

Callie offered a smile. “Then I’m glad you were restrained enough not to have done that, I wouldn’t want you sitting in the brig.”

A few minutes later they were both standing outside Johnathan’s Quarters. Pressing the chime Callie couldn’t wait to see Johnathan.

A couple seconds later, the doors unlocked and slid apart, revealing the ship's Chief Flight Officer, clean and looking impeccable in his crisp uniform. "Good morning," he said to them both, his eyes glistening some when he looked at Callie.

“Hello Johnathan” Callie smiled the biggest smile yet. She wanted to give him a big hug but doing so in the corridor would be a big show of emotion, that on an Empire ship would show weakness. “It’s good to see you.”

The pilot dipped his head slightly, as he replied, "the feeling is mutual." He then looked at Troy. "For the both of you, I mean, Sir."

Troy gestured to the turbolift at the end of the corridor. "Shall we?"

Callie nodded. “Let’s get this over with.”

Johnathan nodded, then fell into step with them both, staying right behind them. While he didn't voice, or even think it around Callie, he had an idea as to whom she would want for the father. And it wasn't him. He wasn't sure what made him think this, but he did. However, he was a man of his word. He had told her that he would always love her and be there for her, even if the child wasn't his.

The three of them entered Sickbay two minutes later. Troy walked across to the medical office window and tapped on the glass to get attention. "Do you have a minute?"

"Several," Karen said, stepping out. "You didn't have to knock. I saw you come in. I was just calling up the results."

Callie offered a somewhat nervous smile. “We were hoping someone could provide us with a paternity test, and results. I want to know who my baby’s father is.”

Karen nodded. "I can." Then she looked at Troy and extended her hand to him. "Congratulations, Lieutenant Marshall. You're going to be a father."

Troy felt a sense of relief. A feeling that quickly expanded to joy. He took Karen's hand and shook it vigorously for several seconds. "Thank you Doctor. You have no idea how happy this news makes me."

Callie waited until Troy was done shaking Karen’s hand before giving him a relieved hug. Her smile practically shone before she looked towards Johnathan. “Ohh Johnathan... I’m sorry!!” She offered him a gentle hug.

While he was happy for Callie and Troy, Johnathan did feel a bit disappointed that the baby wasn't his. However, he was a man of his word. Besides, at least it wasn't Andrei's. Returning the hug, he whispered softly to her. "I'm happy for you two!" He then gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. Stepping back, he turned to Troy and offered his right hand. "Congratulations, Sir." He gave the man a happy smile.

Troy stepped over to John. His expression serious and thoughtful. "Thank you Lieutenant. I can't say that I am sorry. I...I want to be the father." He glanced at Callie and then at everyone in Sickbay before taking Callie's hands in his. He looked deep into her eyes and spoke in a voice all could hear. "My father once said, never have a child with someone who you are not ready to commit your life to. Callie Vali, will you marry me when we complete this mission?"

Callie stood for a moment looking wide eyed like a deer caught in headlights, there was a momentary silence before she nodded. “I... Yes!!!” She practically grinned from ear to ear as she threw her arms around Troy’s neck and kissed him, before stepping back a little. “John, when you see Kass would you tell her I need to see her, I have something I need to ask her.”

Troy felt an even greater joy when Callie said yes to his marriage proposal. He turned to John and extended his right hand. "It would honor me if you would consider being my Best Man John."

Callie looked towards Johnathan she dearly wanted him to accept, but at the same she would understand if he decided to decline the offer.

Johnathan gave Troy an honest grin, then gladly shook the man's hand. "It's fast, but, I'd be honored, Sir."

Callie’s smile practically shone, this was proving to be a whirlwind romance with a man she loved with all her heart, Troy was the one she’d been waiting for, for a very long time.



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