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Beaming In

Posted on Fri Jan 14th, 2022 @ 2:56am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Transporter Room 1
Timeline: MD 1, 1430 Hours
942 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain Ivan Petrov had been slowly taking a tour of several different areas of the ship over the course of this, his first day aboard. Walking the corridors was good for him and it was good for the crew to see their new Captain taking stock of things and remembering names. When he got the notification that his new Chief of Operations was soon to be beaming aboard the Vengeance from spacedock, he diverted his own course toward the transporter room.

Callie had arrived at spacedock in good time, making her way to the transporter room she stepped up ready to be beamed up to the Vengeance. A few seconds later she materialized on the transporter pad onboard the Vengeance. Stepping down she nodded to the transporter Chief.

Just mere seconds after she materialized, the door to the room opened and in walked Petrov, his eyes fixing first on the transporter Chief, with whom he gave the Terran Salute, and then at the new arrival. As soon as he saw her, he knew she would be one his son would like; blonde, beautiful, and intelligent. He, on the other hand, was more interested in her abilities as a department head. He nodded at her and offered a broad grin atypical of Imperial authority figures. He would give her a chance to offer the Terran Salute and to formally report for duty before he greeted her.

The moment Callie set eyes on her new Captain she stood to attention and offered a smart salute. “Captain, Lieutenant Callie Vali, Chief Operations Officer reporting for duty Sir!” She offered the PADD containing her transfer orders.

“At ease, Lieutenant, and long live the Empire.” He said, grinning as he took the PADD and examined it with interest. Once he saw the orders were valid, he lowered the device and looked back up on the transporter pad. “Welcome to the ISS Vengeance. I’m Captain Ivan Dimitriovich Petrov, or as the Emperor has entitled me, the Butcher of Rakal V. I think you’ll find I’m not as nasty as that however. How was your journey, Ms. Valí?

Callie stood more at ease. “It was pleasant enough Sir, I tend to stay out of the way and let people get on with what they have to do. I am looking forward to serving onboard this ship, up until now I’ve been serving aboard my father’s ship. The details of which are classified, though I’m certain you have access to those details.”

“I’ve read some things, yes. I imagine this might be quite the adventure for you here not being under the tutelage of your father. Be sure to reach out if you run into any difficulties.” He said, nodding in a father-like manner. “Our goal is to serve the Empire, not to be prideful.”

He said that, though he himself was a rather prideful man. He gave her another kind expression and watched her to try and gauge what she was thinking.

Callie offered a smile. “Thank you Captain, I’ll be sure to ask should I need to.” She gave him a curious look. “Should you need it Sir I’m also a fully trained Psychologist, the upside of being half Betazoid.” She looked at Petrov curiously guaging What kind of man he really was. “I believe we’re both trying to make up our minds just what kind of person we’re truly dealing with. My father taught me to be honest at all times, so forgive me if I’m a little blunt sometimes.”

“I appreciate honesty.” He said with a nod. “And rest assured that the truth always comes out in the end. I hope that, when it does, we will both be found loyal and doing our duty.”

He smiled again, but this time it was more serious. He knew he was talking to a half breed, and one with the ability to sense his emotions, which was even worse. He did not conceal his feelings on the matter, yet he chose kindness instead.

“As for the role in psychology, I will take it under advisement. I imagine it might be a very useful skill to have, yes?”

Callie could sense the fact that Petrov didn’t like the fact that she was a half breed “Permission to speak candidly Sir?”

“You May.” He answered, skeptically.

“Thank you” She paused. “I’ve gotten used to people not liking the fact that I’m only half Terran. My mother was, and still is, a slave. My father saw the potential in having a child who would possess empathic and telepathic abilities, hence why I’ve been trained to use those abilities for the good of the Empire. You couldn’t wish for a more loyal Officer Sir, I aim to be one of the best Officers you’ve got. I won’t let you down.”

He seemed to think on the subject a bit. Having an officer around who could look into his mind wasn’t his favorite idea, but he rather liked the idea of having one who could look into others. Besides, she couldn’t changed her unfortunate heritage. He smiled, placing his giant hands on her shoulders.

“Of course you won’t, dear; of course you won’t.” He said, and then released her. “Get your department in order and we shall speak again when the details of our fist mission come in. Long live the Empire. Dismissed.”

“Thank you Captain, Long live the Empire.” Callie saluted before heading on her way. Now all she needed to do was learn her way around the ship.”


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