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Off We Go

Posted on Sat Feb 5th, 2022 @ 2:31pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Lionel Morrison

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Bridge - Deck 1
Timeline: MD 9, 0815 Hours
1544 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

15 minutes after the beginning of Alpha shift, the Bridge was bustling with activity for the first time since her shakedown cruise. Today was the day the Vengeance launched for its first mission and there was an environment which mixed anxiety and excitement; excitement because they were finally being called upon to act, and anxiety because of the nature of that action. Their first mission could easily be their last.

Captain Petrov and Commander Cain sat in their chairs in the command area, both veraciously pouring over last minute reports from every department making it clear they were ready to go. Most of the senior staff had remained on deck 1 after the daily meeting to watch the launch and some were occupying their consoles while others were milling about and talking to one another.

Troy stood at the Primary Tactical station just to the right of the starboard turbolift doors. He had completed diagnostics for all the tactical systems prior to morning staff call and simply awaited the pre-launch request from the Captain for his report. He glanced to port and gave Callie a slight smile and reassuring nod.

Callie nodded back to Troy as she looked in his direction. To say she had butterflies at the thought of where they were going, and what they were about to do was an understatement. She knew her job and she’d do it to the best of her ability.

The doors from the back of Deck 1 opened and in walked Andrei, his strong arms crossed under his chest. He was here to see the start of this particular adventure. He felt the same agitation he had been feeling about being pulled away from his previous assignment and a Captain who had promoted him into her own bed. He took note of the gathered crew, meeting their eyes and smiling at the ones with whom he had a good rapport. The others, however, he completely ignored. Walking down to the command level, he lowered himself into the bench next to his father and looked over at the old man.

"A bit crowded in here, no?" he asked, tightly.

His father didn't look over at him for several seconds as he was still working at his PADD. When he did, he only cut his eyes toward his eldest with a thin smile.

"You seem the sort of man who likes a large audience, my son." he said briefly.

Andrei smiled and nodded, but said nothing else, turning his gaze to the other gathered officers.

Up in the front of the bridge, moving his fingers over the double-purposed Helm/Conn station, Johnathan was excited to get going. In a matter of moments, he would flying the actual Vengeance, not just some training simulation on the holodeck. While he knew what the technical reports said she could, he was very eager to actually experience it for himself, when the Captain gave the order to stretch her legs for the first time.

Callie gave Johnathan a nod and slight smile, his enthusiasm was contagious. She could feel his excitement at finally being on the bridge ready for departure. She ignored Andrei altogether, except in professional courtesy.

Down in the marine barracks, the marines were busy prepping for the mission. Pods loaded with gear, supplies and extra ammo as various teams underwent the training simulation to make sure it would go right.

Morrison entered the bridge sans a word. He ignored the others and moved to the intelligence console.

Igarashi emerged from the turbolift. Although she wasn't needed on the bridge, she thought it would be a good chance to observe the crew. "Captain. Permission to 'observe' the launch from the bridge" hinting she was always on the watch out for anyone not performing their duties accordingly.

Karen leaned quietly against the bulkhead, her arms crossed, her eyes on the viewscreen. Her expression was serious and reserved for once. She had some idea what to expect or she thought she did.

When the set alarm sounded on his wrist watch, Ivan set down his PADD and looked around the room at his senior staff. He then stood up suddenly and stepped forward until he was standing in the center of the bridge, looking back towards the master systems display. Silently, he gave a signal for a ship wide comm to be opened so that all aboard could hear him.

“Now hear this, crew of the ISS Vengeance. We are about to embark on a grand new adventure on a mission of war and re-conquest. It is the greatest and highest calling a Terran soldier can answer. Each of us have, and have been placed upon this new warship for a time such as this. And together we will burn through Alliance space like fire; we will tear through our enemies like tissue paper, and we will return to Terra with bloodstained uniforms and golden metals or we will not return at all!” He declared, waving his fist in the air.

“I have commanded many a starship; I have inhabited many a high and low place. I have had a heavy collar and a light one, and I know how you all feel right now. I know the pumping of blood and the straining of souls that characterizes your state. All your life has been a yearning for the restoration of the glory of the Terran people and your heart beats with the same rhythm as mine to free those poor slaves whose destiny is to rule the galaxy. There is no higher calling save the imperial throne itself. So we will do this, and more! Long fly the ISS Vengeance; Long live the Emperor; Glory to the Empire!”

Troy was the first to clap and cheer at the Captain's speech, leading the bridge officers in applause. He was genuinely excited to be returning to space after years of serving on Terra. There was much glory and honor to be gained by taking the fight to their enemies.

Johnathan stood and applauded his Captain. Though they hadn't spoken much since his arrival, the young pilot had already determined that the Captain was the right man to follow. He would strive to give the man the absolute best that he could.

“Commander Cain, get us underway.” Ivan said, moving to the command seat and ending the ship wide himself with a press of a button on the command console.

Cain gave a thin smile. He was so happy to see his ship launched, but he wished it was him who commanded her. Instead, the veteran officer, restored to the graces of the Empire, had swooped in and stollen it. Time would tell how long it would be before things changed. Hopefully Petrov would be in brass again soon, and out of his way.

“With pleasure, sir.” He said, and then set to giving orders. “Lieutenant Marshall, signal Earth Spacedock that we are ready to depart. Vali, clear all moorings.”

Troy opened a channel to space traffic control. "Port Authority, ISS Vengeance requesting clearance to depart." The response was immediate. "ISS Vengeance, clearance granted. Glory on your mission."

Callie looked towards Cain. “All moorings are cleared Sir.”

“Good.” Cain said, and then set his eyes on the brown haired man at the helm. “Anderson, take us out, thrusters only.”

Johnathan grinned broadly. "Aye, Sir!" He then sat back down and spun back to his controls. "Moorings released, umbilical cleared...we are free floating!" His hands moved over his controls as if by second nature. "Thrusters engaged. Course plotted to exit Spacedock One!"

On the main viewer, the image shifted, as the Vengeance slid to port, away from her berth. Once she was clear, her aft thrusters started to fire, changing her direction and velocity. "We will reach Spacedoors in thirty seconds." Johnathan stated, the grin still plastered on his face.

Troy watched as the opening of the Spacedock bay doors grew wider. He felt a visceral rush begin to mount and instinctively glanced at Callie with a wink. He hoped she would be free after watch and wanted to celebrate with him.

The Captain watched the viewscreen as Vengeance emerged from the metal opening in the Spacedock and emerged into the vacuum of space. It had been almost ten years since he commanded a starship. A wealth of feeling rushed into his chest as he realized he was truly restored. Almost chocked up, he spoke.

"Lieutenant Marshall, cue up the cloaking device and prepare to activate it once we near the edge of Imperial space. Anderson, plot course alpha to Quonor."

Troy initiated a level one diagnostic of the cloaking system. He was going to ensure every precaution was taken to complete their mission. "Cloaking device is on standby sir."

Nodding, Johnathan worked his controls, plotting the ordered course. "Course plotted, Sir. Speed set to warp seven."

Blinking hard as tears came to his eyes, Ivan Dimitriovich Petrov, once an Admiral disgraced, lifted his gloved hand and gestured forward.


His grin filling his face again, the young pilot pressed the controls. Outside, the warp nacelles rotated up into drive position. Less than two seconds later, the powerful warship, The Empire's newest weapon against the Alliance, jumped to warp speed, her journey truly beginning.


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