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Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2022 @ 11:31am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: MD 32, 1545 Hours
1057 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The Captain frowned at the men assembled before him: Commander Cain and Lieutenants Marshall and Petrov. His pilot had been stabbed three times and certain accusations had been made. They needed to get to the bottom of this. His eyes lingered on Lieutenant Marshall in particular; Johnathan's last word before he drifted into unconsciousness was his name.

"Gentlemen." the Captain said, folding his arms under his barrel chest. "Lieutenant Anderson is in stable condition, as you know, but we almost lost him. I want to know who tried to kill my pilot, and I want to know now."

Andrei stood silently, and his eyes drifted toward Troy with an almost sarcastic gaze. He sighed and offered a shrug.

"Well, sir, I think we know who's name is on the weapon, in a manner of speaking, don't we?"

Troy turned to look at Andrei with a distinct eye brow raise. "How's the nose Mister Petrov? Still sting from when Lieutenant Anderson reminded you to show adequate respect for a Department Head?"

"Lieutenant, don't try to put this on me-" Andrei started, but was cut off by his father.

"What what?" Ivan said, pointing toward the two men. "What's he talking about, Andrei?"

"Nothing, father." Andrei said, looking back toward the Captain with an annoyed expression. "Lieutenant Marshall is implying that I had some motive against Johnathan, which isn't true. Yes, we had a disagreement, but...let's say that Marshall is the one with more motive than anyone else to kill Lieutenant Anderson." he paused then, leaning in and looking straight into his father's eyes. "Romantic competition."

Troy nodded at Andrei's accusation as he fixed his gaze on Ivan. "It is true that Lieutenant Vali has been engaged in a sexual relationship with Lieutenant Anderson and myself, but it should also be brought to light she had a short lived such a relationship with Mister Petrov before she broke it off. It is my professional opinion that neither one of us should be the lead in the investigation for the attack on Lieutenant Anderson."

The Captain rolled his eyes at what he'd just heard and Commander Cain muttered a series of curse-words over the matter. Before a response was given, however, Andrei cut in.

"Lieutenant Vali broke off nothing. And, even if she had, I couldn't care less. I think I made it perfectly clear I think the entire situation is not only ridiculous, but laughable." he said, crossing his arms. "There is no reason I would lay a hand on Lieutenant Anderson, and I was otherwise occupied anyway. Father, I should lead the investigation as I have no conflict of interest."

"That's bullshit, Andrei. I can smell it from a mile away." the Captain said, looking at his son intensely. He hadn't known the grown up version of Andrei for long, but he was no fool and he knew a fox when he saw one. Blood was in the water now, but he wasn't sure his son would do something like this. "Marshall, forgive the pointedness of this question, but would you say you love Lieutenant Vali? You brought her to dine with the Admiral, after all, and I've noticed your...less than subtle glances on the Bridge. And, you are having a child together."

Troy’s expression remained the epitome of professionalism as he gazed at Ivan. "I am indeed in love with Lieutenant Vali. I have been considering a proposal of marriage pending a talk with my parents once we return to Terra. Something not feasible at this time due to strict radio silence required for the mission." He glanced at the XO. "May I recommend Commander Cain lead the investigation. Mister Petrov and I could be restricted to quarters when not on bridge watch. Our departmental duties could be performed by the senior division officer and the Department Enlisted Advisor until this matter is cleared up."

The Captain nodded. He would concede that Troy and Johnathan's consistently close relationship with Vali made them natural rivals, there was no proof yet. He wasn't comfortable placing Andrei in charge of the investigation in this matter, but mostly because there was clearly some feeling that he might not be impartial, or may even been involved.

"I can agree with that plan, Lieutenant." Petrov said with a frown. "And while assassination attempts aren't exactly rare on Imperial Starships, there are certain rules. This isn't one of them. a Jefferies tube. It's despicable. The two of you will confine yourselves to quarters. Furthermore, you are to have no visitors or contact with others outside of your duty shift.

Troy nodded. "Of course sir. Thank you for your leniency." He glanced at Andrei curiously. "You best hope no evidence turns up linking you to this crime Mister Petrov."

“That’s the hope of a guilty man, sir.” Andrei said simply. “But since so did nothing, I fear nothing.”

Troy turned back to Ivan. "I would also suggest that Mister Petrov and I have restricted computer access accepted when on the bridge performing our duties under the Commander of the Watch, which both of us should be taken off that watch bill until the investigation is done."

Troy turned to the XO next. "I recommend you use the internal sensor logs to ascertain the exact whereabouts of every person at the time of the attack. Officers and crew would have their commbadges and all of the slaves have subcutaneous tracking devices that require a surgical procedure to remove. Once the assassin can be positively identified it should be a simple matter to trace back his steps to the mastermind behind the plot."

“I’d rather not take investigative advice from the chief suspect, if it’s all the same to you.” Cain said, his arms crossed. He eyed the Lieutenant suspiciously. “The data coming in and out of your quarters will be closely monitored. If either of you are stupid enough to use it to cover your tracks, than that’s all the easier for me.”

“We hope it wasn’t one of the two of you.” Ivan said, correcting his XO. “You are dismissed.”

Troy came to attention and rendered the Terran Imperial salute before exiting the Ready Room. He went to the tactical station and waited. The watch was ending and Andrei was to relieve him.


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