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Confiding in you

Posted on Thu Feb 10th, 2022 @ 12:13pm by Callie Marshall & Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Captain’s quarters
Timeline: MD31 0735 hrs
807 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Callie stood outside Petrov’s Quarters, her shift over she had decided to tell him her news. Callie hoped he and his wife wouldn’t mind a few moments interruption. Reaching out she pressed the door chime and waited for an answer.

Ivan was perusing some work at his desk in his smoking jacket, a pipe in one hand and a PADD in the other. Having people drop by was rare for a Captain, so when the chime sounded he looked a bit confused. It must be one of his children coming to visit. “Come.” He said, looking toward the door. When his Chief Operations Officer walked in, he looked on with some surprise on his face.

“Callie,” he greeted her, standing up with his pipe steaming from his mouth and gesturing toward the comfortable sitting area. “Come in. Please, sit down.”

“Captain” Callie offered the customary salute. “Forgive me for interrupting your off duty time Sir, I err... I need to talk to you about something.”

“Well, of course you do. Why else would you be here?” He asked with a grin. He sat down across from her in a luxurious chair. “Talk to me.”

Callie sat quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath. “Ever since I got here I’ve bern letting myself somewhat loose.” She offered an embarrassed smile. “Since then I’ve fallen head over heels with Lieutenant Marshall, and now... I’m pregnant Sir. Just over three weeks, the doctor has confirmed that Troy is the father.”

Since he had seen them together at the dinner, Ivan wasn’t at all surprised to hear about their relationship, but a pregnancy so early, on the other hand. That was a different story. He smiled at the news.

“Mercy, Callie. Congratulations.” He said, leaning forward. “Children are a wonderful thing. And you and Lieutenant Marshall seem to love each other very much.”

“That we do Sir” Callie nodded. “Actually he err... asked me to marry him! I said yes!” She grinned like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. “The pregnancy part obviously wasn’t planned, that was my error but I’m not unhappy about it. I will still conduct myself in a manner fitting an Empire Officer.”

“We’ll, for as long as you can.” The Captain said, his expression losing some of its joy. Pregnant women were regarded as a liability in the military. “I don’t mean to cast a specter over your nuptials, but, as you know, the Imperial Starfleet tends to wash out pregnant officers. If you don’t mind me asking…what do you plan to do next?”

“To wash me out they’d have to challenge my father first!” Callie shook her head. “If I have to give up my career I’ll stay aboard as a civilian Psychologist, you’d still need one.” Callie offered a smile. “I want to be wherever my future husband will be.”

Ivan nodded. “That’s true, but remember that almost everyone assigned to a high place on Vengeance had friends in high places. It’s the nature of excellent assignments in the Imperial Fleet. It only takes one so far. We are a space navy far before we are a tool for imperial nepotism. But, if it should come to that, you would be most welcome to stay as a civilian.”

“Thank you Sir” Callie smiled warmly. “With your permission once Troy and I are married I’d like to share Quarters? I know married couples generally do, but I just thought I’d ask before assuming it’s okay.”

“Of course.” He responded.

Callie smiled warmly. “Thank you Sir.”

“I do have one more question.” He said. “Are you planning to marry on Terra or here on the ship?” He asked, thinking of how long it had been sense he had married people.”

“To be honest I haven’t thought about that yet” Callie smiled. “I think I’d like you to marry us Sir, if Troy is happy with that.”

“I’d be honored,” he responded, “but we’ll hold out until the two of you know more.”

Callie nodded. “If it wasn’t for this current mission we’re on I’d do it right now!” She grinned. “As it is we’ll wait.”

Ivan held back his words of caution, knowing that the officers had only met just under a month ago and that there was still an incredible amount they didn’t know about each other. He was no expert on relationships and had certainly made serious mistakes in his marriage. He just hoped the two of them would be smart. He said nothing then, knowing not what to say.

“I should be going, it’ll soon be time for my shift. Thank you again Captain.” Callie nodded politely and headed on her way.



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