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The Investigation: Johnathan

Posted on Sun Feb 13th, 2022 @ 9:37am by Commander Cyrus Cain & Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 33, 0700 Hours
930 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Commander Cain had heard from the doctor that Lieutenant Anderson would be continue the morning after his stabbing. He gathered all the information he could the night before and planned to do his interviews with all those possibly involved or in the know today. He strode through the doors of sickbay and walked past the medical staff. Nodding at the Security Guard on duty, he turned to a nurse with a terse expression.

“Get me a chair.” He ordered, and then proceeded to the main biobed to see if the Lieutenant was awake.

Johnathan had finally regained consciousness less than an hour before, though he was still in a great deal of pain. Hearing the Commander's voice approaching, the young pilot tried to get up, out of respect. He was rewarded with more pain flooding his body. He laid back for a moment, to catch his breath, then tried again.

“Lieutenant, cut that out.” Cyrus said, placing a hand on the man’s shoulder as a nurse pulled up a chair. He sat down and activated his PADD, starting a recording. “Stand at attention next time your body allows it. For now, rest.”

Settling back down, Johnathan nodded. "Aye, Sir." He closed his eyes as a fresh wave of pain washed over him.

Mika came into the Sickbay from the office shaking her head. “I see Lieutenant Anderson is playing hero again.” She said, going to the biobed and checking the man’s vitals. He was now stable and they were allowing some time for him to heal internally in place. Certain steps were being taken to speed up the process, but it wasn’t yet instantaneous. She placed a soft hand on Johnathan’s shoulder and looked at the Commander. “The knife wound seems to have come from a standard issue Starfleet dagger like this one and yours.”

Mika reached and pulled her own out of its holster at her shapely hip. She brandished it for a second, indicating the crime could have been perpetrated by anyone. Then she placed it back where it belonged.

“Any indication whether or not it is an officer’s blade or an enlisted one?” Cain asked, watching the Cadet care for her patient.

“No, sir. There would be no indication as the only difference is in the insignia on the hilt.”

“Thank you, Cadet. Now…give me some time with Johnathan, to talk details.” Cain said gruffly. After Mika left with a striking warm smile and the swift movement of hips, he looked back to Anderson. “Look at the upside, Johnathan, at least you’ve got good company.”

The pilot smiled weakly. "She's very nice, Sir. But, my eyes are for another." He laid his head back and sighed softly. "Who did this to me, Sir?"

“That’s what I’m hoping you can help me figure out. Now, I know this might be difficult, but I need you to tell me what happened from the beginning.”

Johnathan closed his eyes, trying to remember. "I...I remember working in my office. Then....I...I was going to...return time the finish my shift?"

“Yes, go on Lieutenant.” The Commander said, spurring him on.

The young pilot's brow furrowed as he tried recall the moments leading up to the attempt on his life. He was finding it difficult to get through the shock-induced amnesia. "I...I think there was...someone working on the turbolift. I had to use the Jeffeies tube...." He strained to remember more, but, everything after was grey. "I vaguely remember thinking...I had to live...can't leave Kass alone..."

Frustrated, he growled loudly. "I'm sorry, Sir. I...I can't remember anything else. It''s all blank."

“Witnesses stated that you mentioned Marshall’s name after being stabbed.” Cain asked. “ what does he have to do with anything?“

Opening his eyes, Johnathan looked at the senior officer. "Troy...?" He seemed totally confused by this bit of information. "I..." he shook his head, getting frustrated. "I don't know, Sir. That part of memory is completely fogged."

The Commander looked at him skeptically. He didn’t ask to be the SOB at the head of this investigation, but that role had fallen to him non the less. And it wasn’t his job to be nice to anyone, but to find the truth. “I believe Lieutenant Vali visited you several times since yesterday. Did you discuss the case at all? I find it hard to believe Troy Marshall didn’t come up considering what you said.”

Another confused look crossed Johnathan’s face. "Sir? With respect, aside from the medical staff, you're the first person I've spoken to since I woke up."

“Reports suggest you said his name after you were stabbed.” Commander Cain said, providing context. “Does that ring a bell at all?”

Johnathan tried to remember, but couldn't. "On my honor as an Imperial Officer, Commander, I do not remember anything other than what I've said." He was quiet for a beat, then said, his voice getting weaker from the strain to concentrate, "With all due respect, Commander...If...If you still don't...don't believe me...have a my mind." His eyes closed as he slipped back into unconsciousness, brought on the pain-induced fatigue.

Commander Cain sighed as Mika approached Johnathan, checking his readings.

“That’s got to be all, sir. He needs rest now.” She said, clearly a bit nervous to be shooing away the XO.

“Thank you, Cadet.” He said, standing from the seat and giving a shallow nod. He then turned and exited Sickbay.


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