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The Investigation: Callie

Posted on Sun Feb 13th, 2022 @ 10:13pm by Commander Cyrus Cain & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Briefing Room, Deck 1
Timeline: MD 33, 0800 Hours
1198 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

After finishing with Kassandra, Cain moved toward the next person on his list. Lieutenant Vali had been involved in something of a love pentagon with the other people on his list, which made her close enough to this case to even be a potential suspect. He exited the turbolift just as Alpha Shift was getting to their stations and walked over to the Ops Console. Right as she was logging in, he put up a gloved hand.

“Hold that thought, Lieutenant. I’d like to speak with you in private first.” He said, his face stern. “Come with me.”

He then proceeded down a set of stairs toward the Briefing Room.

Following on behind Cain, Callie was nervous to say the least but she didn’t have anything to hide.

Once they were in the room, he sat down, pulled out a PADD and started an audio recording for his own records. Looking across at her, he offered a tight and unconvincing smile.

“Lieutenant, you know why we’re here. A member of the senior staff has been stabbed and I’m going to find out who did it.” He said, remaining still. he was never a security officer and spent his career as an engineer, but he knew enough about people to get answers in most situations. “Describe your relationship with Lieutenant Anderson.”

Callie nodded and took a deep breath. “Johnathan... Lieutenant Anderson and I are close friends. When I first came aboard I enjoyed the freedom of being out from under my father’s control. I let myself loose one of those men I left loose with was Johnathan. We were lovers for a short time until I fell in love with Lieutenant Marshall. As it now stands Johnathan is a close friend, he’s also going to be the best man at our wedding.”

“Forgive me, Lieutenant, but it seems to me that you are either naive or delusional.” He said, unapologetically. “Romantic competition is one of the most common reasons for murder. People get possessive or feel betrayed; they want their competitor out of the picture. You’re suggesting that there are no ill feelings between Lieutenant Marshall and Lieutenant Anderson? Doesn’t that seem a bit ridiculous to you?

“With all due respect Sir, Troy has no reason to be jealous of Johnathan. I chose of my own free will to be with Troy, and as for Johnathan he’s special to me, but as a friend and he knows it.” Callie paused. “Maybe I am naive but I’m also a Betazoid, I asked Troy if he had anything to do with what happened to Johnathan and he told me truth when he said no.”

“You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t take the senses of a telepath as seriously as solid motive, and despite your own feelings, he does have considerable motive which cannot be ignored.” Commander Cain responded. “I’m sure you’re aware that Johnathan said his name before he was rendered unconscious. How can evidence like that be ignored?”

“Did Johnathan actually say Troy stabbed him? It could be he wanted to speak to Troy.” Callie gave Cain a curious look. “Do you seriously think someone with Security skills & experience would be that sloppy? As for my senses as you’ll find out, I can sense deception. Unless of course you’re someone devoid of conscience.”

“Perhaps your boyfriend is devoid of conscience. Maybe he ordered a sloppy hit out on a man who not only slept with his beloved, but continues to love her, in order to throw us off the scent.” He said, pausing. “You know, if Marshall did this, that would make you partially responsible for creating the situation, wouldn’t it? I don’t know about you, but that possibility would make me feel pretty bad and more than a little defensive. I might not even be willing to consider the possibility that that’s what happened.”

Callie frowned. “Don’t you think I’ve already considered that Commander? I already blame myself for this! If Johnathan hadn’t punched Andrei...” She paused. “He was defending my honour. Don’t you think that’s a little odd Sir? One man threatens revenge and funnily enough this happens. If you want to blame me then lock me up in my quarters and have done with it! I feel bad enough already!!”

“Frankly, I have no idea what you thought of, Lieutenant. I just know that it’s my job to find the answers to the hard questions and figure out who did this to Lieutenant Anderson.” He said, looking at her evenly. “ if my questions offend you, then that is what is necessary to find the truth. No, I find it interesting that you mention Lieutenant Petrov. You say he threatened Anderson. Tell me exactly what happened in that situation.”

Callie nodded. “When I discovered I was pregnant I called Andrei, Johnathan and Troy together to tell them. Andrei thought it was hysterical, so much so he threw the accusation that I may have been with even more men, and having some kind of mutant child.” She paused. “Johnathan leapt to my defence and punched Andrei in the face. Andrei’s response was... outwardly not much, but he did say...” She paused to recall. “You’re going to regret that, you twat.”

Cain took a mental note to analyze that wording later; it was the first time he’d been able to get an actual quote from the event. He said nothing, however, allowing her to continue.

“After I saw Johnathan in Sickbay, fighting for his life I was so angry I went to see Andrei.” Callie paused. “Now I think of it the strange thing was that Andrei mentioned Johnathan being stabbed in the Jeffries tube, maybe he read that in a report or something, but when I got there Johnathan was lying in the corridor with Kass trying to stem the bleeding from his wounds. Plus Andrei knew that Johnathan had said Marshall, but he wasn't there with them.”

“That does seem to be common knowledge at this point, but I will keep that in mind.” Commander Cain said. “Is there anything you think I should know for the good of this investigation?”

Callie paused uncertain what else to offer. “It may not be common knowledge Sir, but I’m a qualified Psychologist. Personal feelings aside it is my professional opinion that Lieutenant Marshall did not do this. He knows he has no reason to fear Johnathon, and the fact that if he did he’d lose the woman he loves.”

“I know your history, Lieutenant. Unfortunately, your professional opinion just isn’t professional when it comes to your fiancé. I know you mean well, and maybe you’re right. I will find out.” He relaxed his hands in front of him, finally. “That’s all I have for now, Callie. You may return to your duties.”

Callie nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you Commander.” She nodded and headed on her way, for now all she could do was keep faith that Troy would be found innocent.


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