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The Investigation: Andrei

Posted on Tue Feb 15th, 2022 @ 11:44am by Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Andrew’s Quarters
Timeline: MD 33, 0900 Hours
892 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Having concluded his interviews with Troy and Callie on the Bridge, Commander Cain made his way down to the quarters of Andrei Petrov. The Captain’s son was a rogue, ambitious, mysterious, and the bearer of the constant attention of many of the crew. In other words, Cain didn’t trust him for a second. Apparently, Anderson had struck him and he had vowed some form of revenge. The Captain didn’t think it was him, but Cain wasn’t yet sure about that. He rang the chime and waited.

Andrei came to the door in his boxers, his hair matted as if he had just woken up. As he looked at the Commander standing in the doorway, he frowned at stepped aside, allowing him to enter without a word. As Cyrus settled into a chair and started his recording, Andrei sat down on the couch across from him, picking up a day old glass of water from the table and taking a sip.

“Of course, you know why I’m here.” Cain said, looking at the young man who was far more sparsely clothed than he would have liked. Andrei, for his part, gave a silent nod and placed his arms on the back of the couch in a casual manner.. Cain continued. “For some reason, some people suspect that you might have been involved in the stabbing of Lieutenant Anderson.”

"It seems, for some reason, people expect me to have done a great many things." Andrei said with a dry wit that was common for him. He hadn't been able to start his morning with a run as he always did, so he was already somewhat out of sorts. "In particular, Callie Vali who keeps coming to my quarters screaming at me about this or that thing."

"The Lieutenant mentioned that, yes." Cain said, remembering his conversation with her. "Why would she accuse you of being behind the attack on Johnathan Anderson?"

"She would tell you it's because he hit me once." he said dismissively. "But, if I'm to be honest, I think she only feels that way because of how I behaved when she told us she was pregnant. I was honestly quite rude. It was immature and I shouldn't have been, but I did make fun of her. At this point, I think Callie sees me in the worst light possible."

"You regret that, do you?" Cain asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I do." Andrei lied, shaking his head as if in a mild amount of emotional pain. "But I can't go back and change that now."

"Right..." Cain said, emotionless. He was trying to read the younger man but detected a genuine, though dry, reaction. "Tell me, Andrei, what do you think really happened to Johnathan when he was stabbed."

“I don’t know, Commander. It’s just as much a mystery to me as it is to anyone else. I was in the Mess when it happened, surrounded by dozens of people and thinking about anything except Lieutenant Anderson or his band of lovers.” Andrei said, “anything I could tell you would be pure fiction. I wasn’t there.”

“Well that’s interesting, Lieutenant, because I have it on the word of several sources that you knew certain details about what Johnathan said after being attacked.”

Andre I’d eyes flashed irritated confusion. “What sources? Is one of them Callie; the woman who spent the hours following the stabbing shouting the details of the event around the ship at the top of her lungs?”

“Are you saying you heard what Lieutenant Anderson said from Lieutenant Vali?” Cain asked, pained at the twisting web which was being weaved before him.

“No, Commander. I’m saying I heard it from any number of people in ship’s gossip. Not only was Callie not playing it close to the vest, but there were other people in the corridor walking past when Johnathan crawled out of the Jeffries tube. What I know is now common knowledge.”

Commander Cain looked down at his notes for a moment, switching to another line of questioning.

“You know, some might say you would benefit from the implication of Lieutenant Troy in this crime.”

“And they would be right, sir.” Andrei said with a chuckle, “yet I had nothing to do with it. And believe me, if I had a real reason to get rid of Lieutenant Marshall, I would challenge him myself.”

“Some might also say, by getting rid of Lieutenants Marshall and Anderson in one scheme, you might have Callie Vali to yourself.”

That accusation only got a riotous laugh from Andrei, complete with doubling over and the slapping of his knee several times. When his reaction slowed and he wiped a tear from his eye, he shook his head. “That’s fucking stupid, sir.”

Cyrus side deeply, irritated. He stood up with her announcement and walked toward the door, pausing only for a moment to say one last thing. “ Lieutenant, I’m not sure if you’re involved in the situation, but people don’t normally make so many enemies for no reason. Perhaps you should treat people better.“

“Or, perhaps they should treat me better, Commander.” Andrei responded, getting up off the couch and taking his empty glass to the replicator.

Cain turned his back and, rolling his eyes, left the room.


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