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Posted on Wed Feb 16th, 2022 @ 9:42pm by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 34 / 2014 hours
827 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


With Troy on lockdown with no visitors allowed, Callie had spent an evening or two sitting at Johnathan’s beside. With Sickbay being quiet she’d even splurged out on a spare biobed to be close by. This evening she’d fallen asleep in a chair at the side of the bed, her head resting next to Johnathan’s arm, between work and the energy her pregnancy was pulling she’d dropped off unintentionally.

A short while later, Johnathan slowly stirred awake. He found that, thankfully, the pain was a little less. Not gone, but, not blinding either. He took in as deep a breath as he could stand, then turned his head, seeing Callie sitting there, asleep, he smiled softly.

Callie stirred her eyes slowly opening as she lifted her head. “Hey!” She offered a warm smile. “It’s good to see you awake, How are you feeling?”

"Hey," he croaked softly. Swallowing, he said, "It hurts, but right now, I'm thirsty."

Callie nodded. “You relax I’ll get you some water.” She stood and walked over to the replicator getting a fresh glass of chilled water. Returning she helped to hold the glass. “Take a few sips, go carefully I don’t want you choking.”

He followed her instructions, slowly sipping the refreshing fluid. Afterwards, he laid his head back and sighed softly. "Thank you, Callie."

She nodded and placed the glass down. “Johnathan do you... remember who did this to you?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to know. “You said Marshall” she gave him an almost pleading look.

A pained look crossed his face. "Callie, I....I can't remember! Commander Cain asked the same question yesterday. Like I told him, all I can remember is leaving my office for the bridge, the lift was out of service, so I started to use the Jeffries tube. The only other thing I can thinking that I can't die, because it would leave Kass alone." Tears started to streak his face.

Callie leaned in for a gentle hug. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you.” She stepped back. “This is my fault Johnathan! Everything I am is telling me..” she lowered her voice. “Andrei had something to do with this, I just can’t prove it.” She sighed. “I don’t believe Troy would do this, he wouldn’t hurt you.”

Johnathan didn't know what to say. Apparently, he had named Troy, though he couldn't remember doing so. "Callie, I...I don't remember one way or the other." He felt that he had both let Callie down with his statement, and possibly betrayed Troy, a man who had only ever been polite and friendly with him.

Callie paused for a moment. “Maybe I could help you remember? But I’d need permission from the Captain, and Commander Cain to do so. I’d have to enter your mind and I’m not sure you’re currently strong enough for it.”

Johnathan was quiet for a few beats. "You could see what...what I've forgotten?"

Callie nodded. “It’s possible, yes.”

Johnathan nodded. "Then speak to Commander Cain. I'm sure he will want to speak to everyone who was close to me anyways."

Callie nodded. “I’m not sure he’ll trust anything I say. I’m the fiancé of the accused, as far as everyone is concerned I’m firmly on Troy’s side. I asked him Johnathan, he swore to me he had nothing to do with what happened to you.”

He nodded, unsure how to respond. He was feeling very conflicted. On one hand, he trusted both Callie and Troy. On the other, he couldn't access his memory of the attack itself. He felt like a very poor friend for not simply saying aloud that he believed her.

Callie sensed the air of discomfort and offered a smile. “You don’t have to say anything Johnathan, it’s alright I understand.” She absentmindedly removed her glove to scratch an itch on her palm. Without thinking she placed her hand on Johnathan’s skin instantly making contact with his mind. She gasped as she saw what was in the forefront of his mind, the scene as he’d heard and felt it. She quickly snapped herself back out and put her glove back on. “I... I’m sorry I didn’t mean to...”

Johnathan gasped when he felt Callie enter his mind. He had no defense against it. Though it was quick, he still felt as if he had been attacked. "Wh...why..?!" He asked weakly, before the stress caused him to lose consciousness.

“No! Johnathan!” Callie looked around wondering if she should call someone. Taking a quick look at his readings she was relieved to see no cause for alarm. Not certain he’d want her to be there when he woke up she stood ready to leave. “Please forgive me” With that she left Johnathan be.



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