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Pit Stop...

Posted on Mon Feb 21st, 2022 @ 1:28am by

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Delta Quadrant, SS Alexandria II
Timeline: MD 10 / 0950 hours
4198 words - 8.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been a few days since Kaleigh, Daphne and Micheal had discussed the possibility of new living arrangements. At first, the young girl was scared of the change. She had, afterall, been sleeping in either the same room, or the same bed, as Kaleigh, for over five years now.

It took some more discussion, including Rebecca as well, to finally convince Daphne that it was okay for her to finally have her own room. She was safe here. Then, once that was agreed upon, when Micheal told her that the room she was in was going to be redesigned, having a larger, single bed, plus a few other pieces of furniture for her to use, she became very excited by the notion.

So now, they were on the hunt for a Class M world. Both to gather the raw resources Rebecca would need to fabricate what was needed, and to see about finding more fresh fruits and vegetables, possibly even some animal products to change up their diet some.

Micheal was at the Helm, flying the runabout, while Rebecca and Kaleigh scoured the sensor logs, trying to find the best world to land on.

"There is an M-Class, its barely that really" Kae said softly "About 2 hours away" She brought it up on the screen.

Micheal looked at the readings. "Looks like there could be some flora and fauna along the equatorial region? Unless you want to keep looking?"

"It's here. We do not know if there will be others. " Kae replied. "Lets take a chance."

Nodding, Micheal replied. "Alright, altering course and speed. ETA...ninety-eight minutes."

Kae nodded and sat back. "Be interesting to explore a different world" She said softly.

Micheal grinned. "Hopefully, there aren't any hostile natives."

"That is indeed a good point. Scans when we are closer will show life signs though"

"True," Micheal agreed. They would soon find out.

===Ninety minutes later===

Micheal had put them into a equatorial orbit, to allow their sensors the best chance of reading the planet's surface.

"No signs of technology at our level" Kae said softly "But there are a few lifesigns out there"

Micheal looked back at her. "What kind? Humanoid or animal?"

"Animal i think." She shrugged "And we know nothing about this quadrant really."

"Untrue," Rebecca interjected. "Mistress, from the intelligence that has been collected thus far, I can calculate that the sentient lifeforms found here are ninety-seven percent bipedal humanoids."

"Here is hoping, I really do not want to face sentient animals" Kae smiled at the AI.

"That is a very logical hope, Mistress."

"Alright," Micheal spoke up. "I think I found a decent landing area. Taking us down."

Kae nodded "I will go check on Daphne" she said standing.

Micheal nodded to her. "Rebecca, ensure all systems are ready to transit to atmospheric flight."

"Yes, Master." Her image closed her eyes for a moment. "Systems ready, Master.

Micheal nodded again, then began their decent towards the planet.

As Kae passed Micheal, she let her hand touch his cheek and then as she passed the AI, she repeated the gesture to Rebecca and left the cockpit.

Micheal smiled at the touch. Rebecca, how couldn't feel it, was still affected by the gesture. Her programming told her that she had just received a very intimate touch from her Mistress. If Rebecca could express emotions fully, she might've felt adoration towards Kaleigh.

5 minutes later Kae returned having made sure Daphne was ok and retook her seat.

Micheal was focused on his piloting as the runabout passed through the outer layer of the atmosphere. "Touchdown is three minutes," he said aloud.

Kae brought up the scanners. "Looks to be a clear area... a few trees to the north of the landing zone."

"Got 'em," he replied, his concentration on his piloting.

A few moments later, he activated the landing thrusters and brought their ship down to the ground, with barely a shudder. Once they were stopped, he powered down all nonessential systems, both to conserve power and make them harder to detect by any ships that might pass by.

"Alright, ladies, the Captain knows that you have a choice when you travel, thank you for choosing Alexandria Spacelines."

Kae gave a soft laugh "very funny" she stood up and picked up the tricorder and pack she had made. "Shall we?"

Micheal chuckled softly as he stood and grabbed the quiver of arrows and compound bow. He would bring his disruptor pistols as well, however, as they currently had no way of recharging their power packs, they would only be used as a last resort. "Rebecca, remember the plan, if we aren't back in an hour, or if you feel an impending threat to Daphne's safety, lift off and head back to orbit, wait for our signal there."

"Understood, Master," the AI replied quietly.

Micheal moved to the hatch and unlocked the door, opening it and allowing the first breeze of fresh air into the cockpit in nearly two months. Notching an arrow, he stepped outside, blocking the open hatch with his large frame, while he did a quick visual scan.

Satisfied that there was no immediate threat, he cleared the hatch, allowing Kaleigh to follow him into the alien world.

Daphne was originally to remain on board but Kae had changed her mind and now the 7 year old walked beside her 'mother' as they exited the ship with Micheal.

Micheal saw Daphne exiting the runabout and was about to say something, but stopped when he saw both the look in Kaleigh’s eyes and the pure wonder blossoming on the young girl's face. Finally, he gave Kaleigh a slight grin and nod of his head. Lifting his right wrist to his lips, he spoke into the comm device in his gauntlet. "Keep a transporter lock on us, Rebecca, follow established programing, should we encounter any danger.

"Understood, Master." She replied. "However, sensors are showing that there is some kind of particulate in the air, harmless to you, however, it might interfere with the transporter. I will work to find a way around the issue."

"Thank you, Rebecca. We'll keep in touch." He lowered his wrist and said, "Well, Daphne, as the first Terran young lady to step foot on a previously undiscovered world, would like the honor of naming this planet, for the Imperial Archives?"

"hmm.." The 7 year old looked around and then up at the sky which was a particular shade of purple "Indigo?" she asked.

Micheal thought about it for a few beats, then smiled broadly and nodded. "Indigo Prime, it is!" He moved over and gently rubbed the top of her head. "Excellent name choice."

She beamed a smile at him and then, slipped past him to look around a bit more.

Kae followed them down the ramp and looked around as well. "So where are you going to start?"

Micheal looked over at Kaleigh as he replied. "Well, I figure the landing scared off alot of the critters, so I'm gonna head out a couple clicks, then settle in and get quiet, see what pops up. You have a full charge in your phaser?"

"Yes, and the Tricorder is set up. We won't go far," She said, indicating Daphne and herself.

Micheal nodded. "Okay. Be careful. If you get into and trouble, just call me or Rebecca."

Kae smiled and taking Daphne's hand they headed off looking for the items on their list.

Micheal watched them head out. For the first time in his life, he was feeling some measure of peace. He just hoped it would last.

Finally turning away, he quietly melted into the forest, beginning his hunt.

Kae and Daphne used the tricorder and their own eyes and soon found themselves taking samples from a berry bush. The small oval shape berries were dark red and Kae cautiously took the sample and analyzed it. It took the tricorder a bit but came back as safe to eat. Noting their location on the map they were building, Kae pulled a small sack from her kit and while Daphne filled it with Berries, Kae dug out several of the smaller bushes. It was one thing to harvest food, but enough to grow your own. Rebecca would be able to figure out how to keep the plants alive.

As the two moved about, collecting berries, they had no idea that they were being tracked by a large predator.

Kae straightened up after a moment and looked around, noticing that the birds had gone quiet. "Daphne..." she whispered. "Come closer please."

The child did so quickly.

A dozen meters away, hidden in the shadows, the predator watched its prey. It had never smelled anything like them before, yet, they certainly seemed soft fleshed, like its usual prey.

Kae hit the comm. "Rebecca, scan for lifesigns near us please. And alert Micheal."

"I....ray,, .ay ag...?" The reply came back choppy.

Suddenly, a huge beast burst from the woods, advancing on them, blocking their path back the way they came. The creature was huge! It was almost four meters long and could have easily weighed almost a thousand kilograms! It had six legs, four front and two rear, and each massive paw had six toes, with clearly razor sharp talons extending from each. It's head was nearly the size of a photon torpedo, covered in scales and bristling with dozens of glistening fangs.

"Miss.....?!" The sound of Rebecca's voice could be heard again, though still very choppy.

Kae yelled "CALL MICHEAL" even as she brought her phaser to bear and fired a warning shot at the creatures feet.

The beast reared back at the attack. As it did so, it opened its long muzzle and roared loudly. So loud, the ground vibrated from the sonic waves.

Kae grabbed Daphne and got her up onto her back and then began to back away slowly from the beast, fireing again and again.

Dropping back down to all six paws, the beast's three diamond shaped eyes blinked in unison and fixated on Kaleigh. It started to snarl and growl menacingly. Saliva started to drip from its fans as it started to approach again.


Micheal was drawing a bead on a large animal, which almost looked like a cross between a white tail deer and a zebra. There would be enough meat on the creature to feed the three of them for several weeks.

As he was about to loose his arrow, his cybernetic left ear detected what could only be the sound of a phaser being fired. It was followed almost immediately by a roar unlike anything he had ever heard before. His target heard the noise as well, and bolted in the opposite direction.

"Rebecca!" He shouted into his gauntlet as he started running back the way he had come. "Status!!"

"Master!! I cannot get through to Mistress! She tried contacting me, but the signal was jumbled. I tried to clear it up, but could not get through to her. I have tried getting a transporter lock on bothistress and Daphne, but, as feared, am unable to!" The AI sounded worried, which caused Micheal to run faster, his artificial legs moving him to breakneck speeds through the forest.

"Send me the grid coordinates of her last transmission!" The cpu in his brain activated a rough three dimensional map, which looked, by his perspective, to be floating a few inches in front of his left eye. Less than a second after asking for them, the coordinates were given to him. The cpu then calculated the quickest route and he took it. "Keep trying to get a transporter lock on them! I am twelve minutes out at my current speed!!"

"Yes, Master," she replied.

===Back to the Attack===

Kae was firing right at the beast's feet. She kept backing up with Daphne clinging to her back. She had to find a safe place. But she needed a bit more space. She aimed at the beast's front left shoulder and fired.

The beast took the hit, the phaser energy seeming to burn off the fur, or moss, that covered the shoulder, the reveal a type of bony armor. Roaring again, it backed away from the attack, though it didn't retreat. After moving a few dozen meters away, it turned back, seemingly glaring at Kaleigh.

It was clear that the creature was not going to give up the attack.

Kaleigh began to back up a bit faster, again taking aim at the beast and firing, this time hitting its side. She didn't think she would be able to kill it but she needed to make it think a bit more.

The beast howled again, though this time, instead of moving away, it kept coming forward. As it approached, it started to get lower, as if about to strike.

Kae tensed and brought the phaser up to bear again.

Suddenly, several arrows whistled through the air, the first one hinting the ground by the creature's rear, and exploding, causing it to jump and spin around to face the new threat.

Kae didn't hesitate she began to run in the opposite direction.

As the creature faced away from Kaleigh and Daphne, several more arrows rained down upon it, a few piercing the soft flesh of its hind quarters. It roared from the pain causes by the barbs stuck in its flesh.

Micheal burst from the treeline, screaming a loud battle cry.

The cry had her skidding to a halt and Daphne climbed off her back as they turned to watch.

The beast, seeing its attacker, hissed loudly and advanced, intent on killing this creature running towards it.

As the two were about to collide, the beast leapt forward, its front paws and talons extended to grab Micheal.

At the last moment, Micheal leapt as well. Though, with the aid of his artificial legs and knees, he was able to go higher than the beast. He flipped its head, and landed onto its broad back. With his left hand, he dug into the flesh of the vacuum of the creature's neck and held on. With his right hand, he drew his ka-bar and started to stab the creature repeatedly in its neck.

Kae pressed Daphne's face into her away from the imagery.

Roaring furiously, the beast tried to free itself from the thing on its back, but, it started to get weaker, as it recieved more and more injuries. Finally, it collapsed to the ground. Not dead, but nearly.

Micheal knew the fight wasn't over yet, so he made sure the he stayed clear of and fangs or talons. Finally, locating the creature's spine with his left hand, which was still digging into the soft flesh behind the beast's armored head, he took hold and squeezed. He was rewarded with a soft crunching sound, and the beast finally dropping dead.

Once she was sure the beast was dead, Kaleigh let Daphne turn to face Micheal. Then she moved to stand beside him. "Thank you"

Still breathing heavily, and covered in magenta-colored blood, Micheal looked like a beast himself. When he heard Kaleigh’s soft voice, his head snapped towards her and, a beat later, the expression on his face softened. "Are you two injured?" He asked, cpncern clear in his voice.

"no we are fine. It was in stalking mode," Kae said softly.

Looking back down at the carcass, he then noticed his appearance. "I'm sorry. I got here as quickly as I could. Rebecca couldn't get a transporter lock on you and I sprinted almost three kilometers to get here."

"Hey its ok" She soothed him. "There is a creek nearby... if you wish to clean up?"

He nodded. "Okay, but you two should head back to the ship. I'll get what meat I can from this thing, get cleaned up and meet up back there. We should probably remain inside tonight."

"We found berries" Daphne pipped up heading back to where they had dropped their bags.

"Did you now?" Micheal replied with a grin as he stepped away from the carcass and dropped to one knee, so he'd be more at Daphne's level.

"Yeah, Kae dug up a plant of it as well!" She grabbed his hand to tug him towards the bushes.

Micheal chuckled softly as he climbed awkwardly back to his feet and walked, stooped over, as Daphne led him to the bushes in question.

Kaleigh followed and while Daphne showed him the berries, she picked up the bags and the plant samples. "I figure we could grow a few things." She said as she took some soil samples.

Looking back over his right shoulder at Kaleigh, he replied. "That's a great idea! I'll have to do some more modifications to the ship, but, it could be doable to build our own little hydroponics bay." Afterall, there were those unused prisoner cells on the starboard side of the runabout. He had already thought about ripping them all out and building a small living space for the three of them to relax in.

Kae gave him a smile. "Come on Daph, lets gather this up and let Micheal get stuff done. You and Rebecca can start planning desert with the berries" She stood, her arms full.

Micheal stood, returning the smile. As he looked back over the carcass, he said, "I shouldn't be more than an hour, maybe hour and a half."

Kass nodded. "okay, well I have an idea but I need Rebecca's help so, i will be in the cockpit when you get back." she smiled and pressed her lips to his cheek before ushering the child ahead of her.

A warm smile filled his face when she kissed his cheek. "I'll see you both when I get back." He watched them move back to the ship, switching to infrared with his left eye, when they passed out of visual sight. When they were no longer visible by their body heat, he activated his hearing to listen for any sign of trouble, as he moved back to the beast and started to field clean it.

After forty minutes of hard, dirty work, he had it skinned, gutted and broken down. He used the hide itself, which would make a couple of warm blankets for both beds, to carry the chunks of meat he was bringing back for them. He moved down to the nearby stream and quickly washed as much of the gore off of him as he could. He would shower properly once he got back. Then, before any scavengers could slow his movements, he collected the meat and made his way back to the ship.

A short while later, he arrived, unmolested. Rebecca had already informed him that both Mistress and Daphne had arrived safely and were inside. Stepping in through the hatch, he said, "I'm home." He then moved over and placed the hide and meat on the transporter. "Rebecca, store these in the buffer, until I can build a refrigeration unit."

"Yes, Master." The items vanished in a sparkle of silvery-blue light.

Kae came around the corner a PADD in hand and stylus in the other. "Hey"

He grinned happily. "I was able to clean enough meat off of it to last us a few weeks, plus I saved enough of the hide to make two blankets. What have you two been up to?"

"Daphne is reading and Rebecca and I are working on a device to do visual scans and scouting"

"Oh?" He asked with a grin. "And what have you two come up with?"

She held up the padd showing a small circular device with specs written beside it. "Hover tech and sensors and camera. Might help us with finding food and such."

Looking over the screen image, Micheal nodded. "Very impressive. How long until we've got a working model?"

"A bit. it will take a bit of raw materials."

"Well then, let me go shower, put on some clean clothes, and we can have some dinner while we discuss what all is needed."

Kaleigh nodded "okay"

Micheal grinned, then made his way aft to get cleaned up. About thirty minutes later, he came back forward, dressed in sweats and using a tool on his left wrist. "Well, I feel Terran again."

Kaleigh looked up from the console and smiled. "Good for you" she said.

As he finished the adjustment on his hand, he pulled the tool clear and tested the limb. Satisfied with the repair, he sent a command to the arm and the access port closes. "So, what shall we have for dinner, sweetheart?"

"hmm not sure. Daphne was looking at berry ice cream" Kae said with a smile. "Something new Rebecca showed her in the system."

"Ice cream? For dinner?" He chuckled. "What? Are we just going to spoil her?" He winked at Kaleigh.

She had to smile at that. "Was more for desert." Kae remarked. "But we can use the berries in other ways as well"

"Such as?" Micheal asked. His cooking skills were mostly bar-b-que.

"Well they can be used in salads and such. I have Rebecca checking their nutritional value, we may be able to dry them as well."

Nodding, he replied. "Impressive work." He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. "Speaking of getting raw materials, I had a few thoughts about other modifications that could be done to our ship."

"hmm?" Kae smiled at him. "Your ship darling." she reminded him.

Shaking his head at her, he corrected her. "Our ship, beloved. This is our home and belongs to both of us. Then, in time, it will belong to Daphne and...hopefully...our own children?"

That made her pause "I had not considered that" she admitted.

Micheal suddenly felt that he had said something very wrong. "I..I mean.." he stammered. "N-never mind."

Kae shook her head. "no its not your fault. I guess its never even crossed my mind that, children would be an option."

He was blushing heavily from embarrassment. "'s okay. I'm sure..we'll find our way home could find someone more appropriate than..than me." He turned away, feeling stupid for thinking that he had any chance.

"Micheal. Stop." She stood up. " I have no issue with having your child."

He turned back to face her. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I'm still amazed that...that you want to be with me. Even though I'm the only Terran male here...still."

"That has nothing to do with it. I think a lot about you" Kae replied. "The only concern I really have is the limited medical facilities"

He paused, not realizing that. "You're right!" The earlier attack of the creature suddenly crossed his face. "If either of you had been..." a look of fear filled his face.

"Its for all of us. Rebecca can only do so much Micheal." Kae said softly. "We have time to talk about it."

He reached out and gently pulled her to him. "I can't lose you, either of you!" He whispered to her. "I need you both in my life now."

"You won't. " Kae whispered back. "We will be fine and safe with you."

His right eye kept looking into her left and right eyes. "I love you, Kaleigh Roberts."

"I love you Micheal Robertson. " Kaleigh smiled back at him.

He grinned slightly. "You ever notice how similar our family names are?"

"Yes, some would say its weird I say fate."

He leaned down and kissed her again.

After they had kissed for a bit, Kae gently pulled back. "Dinner prep" she said ruefully. "We have enough rations without going into the fresh meat, unless you want to try and eat it."

He sighed happily. "Not yet. I need to build a few things first, before we eat that." He slowly released his hold on her. "We might need to stay here a couple weeks. Depends on how long the rebuild takes." He smiled softly. "Along with Daphne's room, I was thinking of ripping out the four cells, and in their place, build a living and dining area for us, complete with a small hydroponic section."

"Hmm thats a good idea" She said with a smile "I'll start dinner"

He smiled again. "I'll get Daphne."

Kae nodded and headed to the replicator to prep their dinners.

Micheal moved aft, to Daphne's room. Instead of just opening the door, he knocked politely. "Daphne? Time for dinner, honey."

The 7 year old came through the door. "Hi Micheal"

He smiled warmly. "You ready for dinner, or would like a ride first?"

"Dinner please" Daphne replied.

"Oh, alright," Micheal said with a smile. He then stepped aside and allowed her to move into the cockpit.

Kae meanwhile had replicated their normal dinners and placed them where they normally ate.

After taking his plate, Micheal lowered his bulk into the pilot's seat, spinning it around to face Daphne and Kaleigh, who had seats of their own on either side of the cockpit.

They ate as a family and after, Daphne helped clean up and Kae put her to bed. Things were moving in the right direction.



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