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Posted on Sun Feb 20th, 2022 @ 9:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Security Offices
Timeline: MD 36, 0930 Hours
1169 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


With the recent turn of events Callie made her way, albeit gingerly, to speak with Andrei. She & Troy certainly hadn’t wasted a moment of their first night together since Johnathan’s stabbing, now she was starting to feel it. Arriving at the security offices she was greeted by one of the junior enlisted crew.

“I came to see Lieutenant Petrov.”

The young man nodded. “Please wait here ma'am, I’ll tell the Lieutenant you’re here”

Callie nodded and waited as asked.

Making his way to Andrei the man stood obediently. “Excuse me sir, Lieutenant Vali is here to see you.”

Andrei lifted his eyebrow in a show of slight surprise. He looked toward the direction from-which the man had come and made contact with Callie from across the room.

"Bring her to my office, crewman." he said simply, placing a hand on the man's shoulder before moving slowly toward the room. He left the door open.

The crewman turned and rushed back to Callie, a business-like expression on his face.

"Lieutenant Petrov says you can meet him in his office, ma'am. Just over there." the man said, and then moved back to his own desk.

In the office, Andrei had taken to straightening some PADDs on his desk, which he stood in front of. The room was well decorated with sparing and shooting awards, paintings, and furniture. He clearly had an eye for detail and, because of the dim lighting in the room, the soft guitar music, and the subtle smell of lilac, it was a very relaxing space. Large windows provided a view of the security offices outside which he made opaque with a push of a button so people wouldn't be able to see their interaction.

Making her way to Andrei’s office Callie entered offering a respectful nod. “Lieutenant, May we talk?”

"Yes," he said, gesturing to the couch underneath the opaque window. As the door closed behind her, he went to the replicator beside his desk.

Callie gingerly took a seat, her aching leg muscles reminding her of the night before. “I owe you an apology. I blamed you for framing Troy when it wasn’t your doing, and I... I’m sorry.”

"Can I get you a drink, Callie?" he asked, seeming to ignore her apology. He looked at her evenly, his face not betraying what was happening in his mind.

“No, but thank you for asking.” Callie offered a polite smile.

"Russian tea, sweet, hot, with lemon." he ordered from the replicator. An enamel colored cup appeared on a saucer. He picked both of them up together and walked toward her with the steaming liquid. He sat down in a chair across from her and turned his head to the side. He, unlike her, wasn't technically on duty, so he had time to spend. "What I don't understand, Callie, is how you could suspect me of attempted murder? I know I hurt you, but...honestly, I don't see how you could think so poorly of me as to accuse me of such a thing."

Callie gave Andrei a raised eyebrow glance. “Really? Weren’t you the one who more or less told Johnathan he’d regret hitting you? You have to admit that made you appear the guilty party. I lost my temper with you, I shouldn’t have, as such I came to restore some sense of... balance between us. We do have to work together after all.”

"I said he'd regret it. I didn't say I would kill him." Andrei said with a frown. "Those aren't the same thing at all. I was considering maybe damaging his career or sabotaging his replicator, but murder? No."

He sipped his tea with a satisfied, more relaxed expression.

"But, it doesn't matter now. That's behind us, isn't it?"

Callie nodded. “It is, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t interfere with Johnathan’s career, or interfere with him at all. He was after all defending my honour when you insulted me.” She gave Andrei a wry smile. “What if my son had indeed been yours? Would you still be poking fun?”

Andrei paused at that, his eyes flirting for a moment between her and the cup in his hands. The steam streamed up toward his nostrils. He flashed an expression which was uncharacteristically uncertain.

“I’m not sure I know what I might have done.” He said honestly. “But I think Johnathan has been through enough.”

Callie smiled. “Now that’s the first time I’ve seen you look uncertain Andrei. To be honest I think a child would cramp your style.” She smiled a wry smile.

“Maybe it would have.” He said with a slightly thoughtful expression. “I’m glad I don’t have to find out, and I hope you’re happy with your situation. Love is such a…compelling feeling for most people.”

Callie nodded. “I’m very happy with my situation, as you put it. You never know there could be a woman out there for you Andrei.”

Inwardly, he doubted that. Any woman that was meant for him would have to be like he was: warm on the outside, but cold as ice on the inside. Perhaps she was right though, and the right woman was right around the corner.

"I don't know about that, Callie. But right now, I'm not interested in emotional entanglements. I just want to have fun and focus on my career." he said, and then paused, looking at her with his mysterious eyes. "We're okay then, right? You and I are no longer...enemies?"

Callie offered a smile. “No we’re no longer enemies Andrei. Let’s just say we’re back to being colleagues.”

"Then a toast, to the best of colleagues." he said with a grin as he raised his tea cup. Then taking a sip from it. Remembering something, he sat it down on the coffee table and stood up, moving behind his desk and pulling out a drawer. He produced a small silver box with a ribbon on it and returned to the seating area, handing it to Callie..

“For me?” Callie looked at the box curiously.

"Well, go ahead, open it." he said with a smile.

Opening the box Callie looked at Andrei somewhat gobsmacked, “It's my underwear!”

"I suppose it's a bit strange for me to keep these after all, isn't it? After all, those aren't to sort of mementos colleagues keep.”

“You’re damn right it isn’t!” Callie closed the box before pausing. “However... it’s a memento of the fun times you got to have, not that I’m letting you keep them.”

"A secret between you, me, and the Captain's Desk." he said with a smile and then gestured for the door. "Well, you have work to do and I've got to take my morning jog. Thanks for dropping by, colleague."

“My pleasure” Callie nodded and stood. “Enjoy your morning jog Andrei.” With that she left him to it.


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