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Itching to Fly

Posted on Wed Feb 23rd, 2022 @ 11:40am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 42/ 0900 hours
837 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Johnathan couldn't sit around in his cabin anymore. Yes, he still had two days left of his recovery, and he hadn't been cleared fully by medical yet, but, he was starting to go a bit stir crazy.

Yes, Kassandra had been helping him with that. In her own special way, and he had been able to spend some time with his friends, now that Troy was no longer confined to quarters. However, he was a pilot to his core, and he hadn't flown anything for too long now.

So, he made himself presentable, put on his armor and a crisp uniform. And made his way up to the bridge, to hopefully speak with the Captain.

When he reached he bridge, he took a moment to gaze longingly at his helm station, then nodded to the officers present on the bridge, before moving to the closed door leading into the Captain's ready room. After taking a beat to ensure he was ready, he reached up and pressed the door chime.

“Enter.” Came a bland response from the other end.

The doors slid open and Johnathan stepped inside, moving smartly to stand in front of Captain Petrov's desk. Snapping to attention, the young pilot saluted.

“Lieutenant, it’s good to see you up and about..” Ivan said, pausing from behind his desk, “are you supposed to be up and about?”

"Captain," Johnathan began. "I feel fine, Sir. A little sore still, but, I can't stay cooped up in my quarters. I'm a pilot, Sir, I Ned to fly. Request permission to resume my duties, Captain."

"And, do you suppose sickbay would have it?" Petrov said, an understanding look in his eyes. "Who is your attending physician down there?",

"Aside from the CMO, Cadet Mika has been treating me, Sir."

Ivan quickly tapped his commbadge and leaned back in his chair.

"Captain to Cadet Patrova."

On the other end, a disturbance was made under a set of standard-issue blankets as the com came through. After a few seconds of stirring, Mika's messy-haired head emerged from under the covers with a look of confusion on her face. Her hand searched in the dark and eventually found her commbadge, which she depressed roughly.

"Petrova here." she said, groggily. Having Gamma Shift duty meant she liked to sleep while most people were going through the most active part of their day.

"Wake up, girl. I have need of your medical expertise." the Captain said with a smile.


"I said wake up, I have a question for you." the Captain said more pointedly this time. "Lieutenant Anderson is standing before me right now, cap in hand, begging to return to duty. You are his attending physician, are you not?"

Mika scratched her head, pushing back the covers and swinging her legs around. She was wearing panties and a long white t-shirt, preferring a minimalist style of sleep attire.

"Yes sir, I am." she said, seeming to get ahold of her lost memories. Her voice was still a bit tired. "He still has two days left on his rest-order."

"Yes, I know that." Ivan said, this time, a bit irritated at the slow pace of the conversation. "He says he's fine and I would conquer. I want to release him for duty."

"Well, are you a doctor, Daddy?" she asked, matching his tone a bit more. "Because his doctor needs to release him first."

"Mika, why do you think I'm calling you? I'm sending you an order for his immediate release for duty."

"Well, what if I don't want to sign it?" Mika asked hesitantly, standing up now and walking around her quarters in the darkness. "I need to check my patient first and make sure he's alright to be released early. I mean, you wouldn't strongarm Doctor Lamont like this would you? It's not really fair."

Ivan looked over at the pilot while his daughter spoke and put his hands up in a look of subtle exasperation. When she was done speaking, he responded.

"Yeah, okay...okay. Put some clothes on and grab your medical tricorder. I'm going to send Lieutenant Anderson down there to you for a final check." he said, and then he tapped the commbadge, cutting off the conversation without giving her a chance to respond. "You heard the lady, Lieutenant. Oh, and keep your damn eyes on the work and off of my daughter."

Johnathan grinned at that. "With respect, Captain. While your daughter is certainly a highly intelligent, very attractive young woman, my eyes, and everything else on me, belong to another. I only see Mika as a shipmate and friend."

“You kids sure move on fast.” The Captain said with a small smile. “Guard your heart, Lieutenant, and get down there.”

Johnathan was unsure about what the Captain was referring to, saying that they moved on fast. However, he felt that it would have been impolite to say anything. Instead, he said, "Aye, Sir." He saluted again, then turned and left, making his way down there.


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