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Establishing Our Home

Posted on Thu Feb 24th, 2022 @ 6:47am by

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Delta Quadrant, Indigo Prime, Alexandria II
Timeline: MD 12 / 2246 hours
4288 words - 8.6 OF Standard Post Measure

It was the night after the attack by the beast. Thankfully, so far, Daphne didn't seem to be experiencing any negative effects from the experience. Micheal knew, though, that it could only be a matter of time. He hoped, however, that she wouldn't have any nightmares from it.

As he and Kaleigh lay together in their bed, he gently held her to his chest, still having his limbs attached. "How are you doing, sweetheart?" He asked softly.

"Hmmm am doing ok" Kaleigh replied softly. "Found a few more edible plants today, and Rebecca thinks we should be able to propagate them" her hand idly traced patterns on his chest.

"That's great!" He replied, though he seemed a little distracted. "But, I meant, how are you doing, after that beast attacked you and Daphne?"

"Oh fine." She replied honestly. "When you have lived through two starships being destroyed and the Ocampa..." here she gave a shrug. "Par for the course."

He chuckled softly. "I forgot exactly how much you two have been through." He turned his head towards her and gently kissed her forehead. "I was terrifed," He admitted. "All I could think was how much I couldn't stand to loose either of you." He nodded slightly before continuing. "I know, I know, we've only been together a short time. I just...I guess I have already grown to need you both here." He paused and looked down at her. "That makes me sound like a wierdo stalker kind of guy, doesn't it?"

Kae shook her head. "No you sound Terran. No matter what Micheal, you were alone for a long time without Terran contact. Part of you does not want to loose that. There are reports of that type of thing being reported in Terrans who were held prisoner by the Alliance. We are human, Terran and we still need that contact."

He grinned softly at her. "You are absolutely perfect, you know that? I am very lucky to have found you." He paused, then said, "While I hate that the two of you were captive, I am glad I found you out here."

"Believe me we are happy to have found you as well." Kaleigh replied with a smile. She pressed her lips to his cheek.

He made a soft, happy sound, when he felt her kiss him. Turning his face towards hers, he gave her a passionate kiss, pulling her to him a bit closer.

Kaleigh slid her arms around him as they kissed. "Do you want more Micheal?" She whispered in his ear. "Because if you do, I am more than willing."

Micheal purred softly, "I will always want everything you ever want to give me." He moved his left hand up into her hair, gently pulling her head back slightly. He then started to kiss her again, deeper and with much more heat than before. Slowly, he rolled them over, putting her on her back.

Kaleigh locked her eyes on him."yes." She said truthfully. "I do and you know I trust you and what we share."

"I trust you with everything I have," he said quietly as he gazed into her eyes. "If you'll have me, I'll spend the rest of my days keeping you and Daphne safe and bring you happiness and love."

Kaleigh nodded. "Yes." She whispered. She didn't think they would ever get home, her home was here now.

A warm, happy smile filled his face. Leaning down, he kissed her again. After several beats, he broke the kiss long enough to say, "I love you, Kae. Now and always."

"I love you Mike," she kissed him gently. "Forever"

They then spent the next several hours, enjoying one another until finally, they collapsed onto the bed, gasping for air as their overheated bodies struggled to cool down.

Kaleigh could barely move but she pushed herself up right. “Do you want my help tonight?” she asked, indicating his limbs.

He nodded, looking into her eyes. "Yes, please. My legs are feeling a bit out of alignment. I'll have to do some maintenance on them tomorrow."

Kae nodded and followed the instructions he had given her days before. She was gentle and careful as she placed the limbs in their slots.

Micheal let out a quiet sigh of relief when his artificial limbs were removed. "Thank you, sweetheart," he said with a loving smile as he opened his right side to her.

Smiling she climbed back into the bed. "Maybe one day we will find a way to help you."

He smiled softly. "The only way I can think to fix this, me," he sighed heavily, seemingly feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. "I don't know...magic? There's so much of me that's...not me anymore."

Kae was not going to argue but she was also not going to give up. "Hmm we shall see" she whispered.

"Well," he said with a growing smile, "Even if we never do find a way to fix any of it, so long as I have both you and Daphne are by my side, I will always feel like a whole man."

Kaleigh nodded and snuggled closer. “Well you definitely are male that's for sure” she teased.

A look of mock shock crossed his features. "My good woman! I do believe that I have demonstrated that I am more than just male." His expression changed to one of hunger. "I do believe I have done things to and for you, that a normal male could not." He was meaning the extra stimulation that he was able to give with his artificial left hand.

Kae giggled and said impishly “Hmm seem to be forgetting, maybe you should remind me more tomorrow” And then she kissed him. “Go to sleep Mike.”

He pulled her to him again, kissing her deeply. Then, after relaxing his hold, he nodded and replied. "Yes, Ma'am." There was a glint of unending desire in his eye. It was clear that, even if they were standing in the middle of Rome, the middle of Terra's seat of government, the desire he displayed would still be for this woman alone.

Kae pulled their blankets up. “Good Night Micheal” she whispered and settled into sleep.

A few moments later, after Micheal could tell that Kaleigh had fallen asleep. He smiled softly, knowing that this woman loved him. A few moments later, he put his cpu into standby mode, which allowed the organic part of his mind to relax enough for him to finally fall asleep.

===The Next Morning===

Micheal awoke first. After opening his eye, he carefully looked down at Kaleigh’s sleeping form. He smiled softly as he looked over her. He felt that she was the most beautiful, most intelligent, bravest woman he had ever seen.

He activated his cpu, bringing all his programming online. As he did every morning, he ran a systems check on each of his artificial implants.

Kaleigh shifted in her sleep, curling tighter into a ball as she did so. She seemed to sleep that way, as it was a habit from when she had to share a bed with Daphne. She would always end up in a ball.

"Sweetheart?" He said softly, as he reached out to her. "Kaleigh?"

“Hmmpf?” Her eyelashes fluttered slightly as she slowly woke. “Mike?”

"Morning, my love." He smiled happily. "It's time to wake up."

“Mmphfff don’t want to” she muttered back and reached to pull the covers over her head.

He chuckled softly. Playfully, he reached over and pulled the covers clear of her head. "I'm sorry, honey." He carefully rolled closer to her, his right arm curling around the top of her head. "We've got a lot of work to do."

“Mmphff, 5 more minutes. You wore me out last night.”

He smirked slightly. "I do aim to please, my love." He carefully leaned down and kissed her head. "You did your fair share of it too."

“Hmm yes and am tired” she kissed him back. “And unless you are going to take me again give me 5 more minutes... maybe 15...”

He smiled happily down into her beautiful face. "Well, I would love to give it a go, though, you'd have to do most of the work at the moment, as I am shy three limbs." He chuckled and kissed her again.

After coming back up for air, he continued. "However, perhaps we should save the fun time for later. First, we need to eat some breakfast. And, I'm sure, young Daphne will be wanting some food as well?"

Kaleigh sighed and opened her eyes “Fine you win.” she grumbled “Go shower I will follow you through.”

He nodded, then rolled away, to the other side of the bed, where his artificial limbs were stored. After attaching his arm, then his legs, he ran an internal check on each limb. When he found no major faults, he stood and made his way to the shower.

Kaleigh watched him go before grabbing a robe and pulling it on and tying it at the waist. She slid her feet into sandals and went to check on Daphne. After confirming the child was still asleep, she returned to the cabin and entered the bathroom.

Micheal was still in the shower, allowing the hot water to cascade down his powerful frame. He smiled slightly, hearing Kaleigh enter behind him. "Care to join me? There's a spot on my back that I just can't seem to reach."

She smirked “uh huh” She slid the robe from her shoulders and joined him in the shower. “As long as you help me wash as well”

Turning to face her, Micheal smiled and reached out to pull Kaleigh closer. "Oh, I will be very happy to help you, in any way I can."

She slid her arms up around his neck. “Good” she whispered and stood on tip toes to kiss him.

Wrapping his arms around her, He returned the kiss with every bit of passion and desire that he felt for this woman. His hands started to move over the body that he was quickly learning to enjoy and cherish.

Her hands roamed as well. As they kissed, she pressed closer and felt the water hit her head, drenching her hair. She slid her left leg up to his hip.

Moving his hands down her body. Then, after taking hold of the underside of her left leg, he lifted Kaleigh up and turned them, putting her back to the bulkhead at the back of the shower stall. As they continued to kiss, he slowly slid his erect manhood into her welcoming center.

Kaleigh whimpered into his mouth even as her body reacted to his entrance and she shifted against him eagerly.

Micheal quickly found a rhythm of movement against and with Kaleigh. He growled into her mouth as he felt her tighten around him. He felt whole whenever he was with her.

Moving with him, Kaleigh let their actions sweep her into the passion she had only known in his arms and bed and let her body move to match his and to please him.

As they continued to make love, Micheal was swept up in the passion of it all. He soon found a higher gear from which to push her higher and farther past her previous climaxes.

Kae moaned as her body tensed “Mike... please..” she whimpered.

He dug in and gave her everything he had. All that altered to him at that moment, was to give this wonderful woman as much pleasure as he could.

Her head lolled onto his shoulder as her climax rippled through her, causing her form to clench around him, as she moaned and whimpered his name over and over.

As soon as Kaleigh’s climax hit, causing her body to tighten even more around him, Micheal grunted loudly and exploded deep inside of her.

After several beats, he finally slowly pulled clear of her, gently lowering her leg back down. He then gently held her to him. "I love you, sweetheart,' he said softly as he held her to his bare chest.

She nuzzled his chest. “Hmm love you.” She mumbled back as she came down from the high.

A soft gowl of pleasure rumbled deep in his chest as she nuzzled him. He gently held her to him as the water continued to wash over the both of them.

After a moment Kae lifted her head. “We should get moving. I am surprised Rebecca has not contacted us.”

He nodded. "I'm sure she would have, if there was an issue." He reached for the shampoo and, after gathering enough in his palm, he started to gently lather up Kaleigh’s hair.

Kaleigh smiled and reached for the soap to return the favor of washing him.

A short while later, after several playful touches of each other's bodies, the pair were drying off and starting to get dressed. "So," Micheal asked as he started to do some closer checks on his legs. "What are you and Daphne going to be doing today, while I start the breakdown of the prisoner cells?"

“I was going to go to the lake and get fresh water samples. Daphne has school work to do.” Kaleigh replied as she pulled on jeans.

"Alright, I'll try to work quietly, so as not to disturb her. As for you, my love," he stood and moved over to encircle her with his arms. "You be careful out there. We don't want any more run-ins with those torp-cats."

“Hmm indeed. That said, more meat is always welcome I guess. But I will be careful.” She leaned into him and pressed her lips to his cheek. “Breakfast time.”

He smiled warmly at the touch of her kiss. "Indeed. We both need to refuel ourselves." He then followed her out of their cabin and made their way forward, stopping at Daphne's room to make sure she was awake.

Micheal moved past the room, giving Daphne the time alone with Kaleigh, to get ready. As he entered the cockpit, he received a status report from Rebecca. Overnight, long range sensors picked up several Kazon and Ocampa starships moving past the planet, though, thankfully, none seemed to detect them here.

He started to go over the day's workload, when the two women of his life entered the cockpit. Smiling, he turned and looked at Daphne. "Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

“Uh huh” Daphne said as she moved to the replicator to get her breakfast. “But Kaleigh says I have school work to do.” she crinkled her nose. “It is going to be boring”

He smiled as he reached out to gently touch the top of her head. "I know, sweetheart," he said with a soft smile. "But it is something that you need to do, do you can be a strong Terran warrior and leader when you grow up. Besides, I'm sure Rebecca will ensure the work remains interesting. Won't you, Rebecca?"

The AI activated her visual form and smiled warmly down at Daphne. "It will be my absolute honor to teach Young Miss."

Daphne smiled at the AI. “Do you know any games?”

Rebecca knelt down and nodded. "Yes, I do, Young Miss. We could use them to aid in your lessons."

“Wicked” Daphne said with a grin.

Kaleigh merely smiled and got her own breakfast.

Micheal smiled as he watched the interaction between Rebecca and Daphne. He also knelt down to the young girl's level. "Now, Daphne, while I am not your father, I am you guardian, your protector. As is Kaleigh. So, there will be times that you feel you don't want to listen to us. However, you will have to. What we have to teach you, will keep you safe and make you strong."

He reached out and gently cupped her left cheek with his right hand. "Always remember, no matter where you go, not only will we always love and care for you, above all else, you are a Terran. It is your birthright to rule over the other species in our galaxy."

"So, with that in mind, when you are doing your lessons, I want you to listen to Rebecca as she is teaching you the basics that you will need. As you get older, Kaleigh and I will teach you more. But you have to learn the basics first, okay?"

The child nodded. “Okay” She said brightly.

Micheal grinned and nodded. "That's a good girl." He leaned closer and whispered. "And if you do go on your school work, I might need a hand in redesigning our home. Would you like to help?"

Daphne nodded eagerly “yes sir” she said with a grin.

Micheal nodded again. He leaned closer and gently kissed her forehead. He would protect this little girl with his last breath. He knew she would never see him as her father, however, he would love her as a daughter. "So, go have some breakfast, and then start your classes."

Daphne took her plate and sat down to eat.

Kaleigh had watched them, eaten an apple and then headed for the hatch. She needed some air.

Micheal heard Kaleigh step outside. After he saw that Daphne was good, he replicated a couple coffees, then stepped outside aa well. Moving up next to her, he offered one of the mugs. "Did I say something wrong in there?"

She took the mug with a smile. “No. Just me being a bit emotional thats all”

Reaching out with his left arm, he lovingly pulled her against his side. "May I ask why?" He said softly.

“She isn’t mine” Kae whispered. “She is the next best thing but I cannot claim her. I... promised her mother”

"While I know we can never claim her as ours, we could maybe look at her as a niece?"

“Yes that would work” Kae whispered.

"And who knows," he said softly. "If we're lucky, one day, we will have our own children that we can proudly claim as ours."

Kae nodded “That would be nice” She leaned into his side.

He purred softly as he held her close to his side. "I will build a home strong enough to keep you both safe, my love."

She reached up brushed her hand over his cheek. “I know. I should get started on those samples. If it is good enough we can store the water.”

Nodding, he replied. "And I'll start breaking down those cells inside. Perhaps I can design a water storage system as well. Though, it would need to be small, as there is only so much space available."

“Hmm yes, makes sense.” Kae kissed his cheek and then headed down the ramp.

A soft grin filled his face at the kiss. "Just watch yourself out there, sweetheart," he called after her as he watched her go.

“I will be fine” She called back and began to jog to the lake.

Micheal dropped the grin and kept both eyes on her as she moved away. The lake was less than a kilometer away from their landing site. He knew that he could reach her in a couple moments, sprinting full out, if needed.

For now, though, he moved back inside and got to work.

Kae made it to the lake and began taking samples. As she did so, she noticed something she would call fish. Food sources were always good. She made a note to replicate some nets and such to see if she could supplement their food. Then she finished taking her samples.


Micheal was making excellent progress in breaking down the four prisoner cells. After Rebecca had deactivated all power to the area, it was as easy as cutting the pieces out wth a phaser torch. He then made teach pice small enough to fit in the replicator alcove, allowing Rebecca to recycle the material. By the time Kaleigh returned, she would find the entire section gutted to the bulkheads, ready for them to start the redesign.

Several hours later, Kae returned to the runabout. She carried a pack with samples and more berries as well as some tubers. “I am back!” she called as she entered the runabout.

Micheal stepped into the cockpit, filthy from sweat and grime, from his work. A happy grin filled his face as he saw her. "Welcome home, my love! I see you were successful in more than just water samples?"

“Yes, found more berries, some tubers, and there are fish in the lake, well what we would call fish.”

Nodding as he pulled a rag from his back pocket and wiped his face clean, well, cleaner than it was, he then said, "if we'renot careful, we might never leave here," he said jokingly.

“The more I think of things, we need a bigger ship” She quipped. “The Water seems to be very good. I am surprised they have not found it before now.”

Micheal had been thinking about this since they arrived. "From every bit of Intel that Rebecca and I have gathered since arriving here, this entire section of the quadrant was supposed to be suffering from a major famine and drought. Even though the habitable zone on this world barely fills a degree north and south of the equator, I am surprised it hasn't been stripped clean already." He started to get a concerned look in his right eye. "Unless, they are avoiding this world for some reason?"

“Those beasts maybe a reason, or maybe it's a holy site?” Kae shrugged. “Do we have sensors able to penetrate the ground?”

"Rebecca?" Micheal asked aloud.

"Already working, Master," the AI replied. A few moments of silence later, and she replied. "I think Mistress may be correct, Master. My sensors have been able to penetrate approximately three kilometers directly below us. There does seem to be evidence of a massive city of some kind, buried by sediment. If my calculations ate correct, the ruins could be as old as five to ten thousand of our years."

“So that could be the reason they avoid it. Rebecca, utilising our periodic table and elements, can you determine if this planet has any deposits of gems etc?”

"One moment, Mistress." A few more moments passed. "I am picking up minerals that could resemble our elements. There are some that I do not recognize, nor could even pose a hypothesis as to their identification. However, as for gemstone deposits. I am picking up several veins of diamonds, rubies and possibly sapphires. There is also evidence of some precious metals as well." She paused then asked, "Is there a significance in my findings, Mistress?"

“For trade” came Kae’s response. “I am not one for digging but transporters can be used. Beam out chunks and then we can break it up.”

"I see," Rebecca replied. "It will take some time to modify the transporter programming for your plan to work, Mistress. I will begin immediately."

"Too bad we can't just build a bigger ship ourselves," Micheal chuckled.

“No but maybe we can find one.” She replied with a smirk.

A smile grew on his face. "You have a plan. I can see the gears rolling in that beautiful head of yours."

“To make our lives better we can take over a few of the Kazon as we discussed. Water is key, and the Ocampa are a major obstacle. But I think we can outsmart them.”

He nodded thoughtfully. "If we focus first on water storage. Plus, if we can gather enough of those gemstones and precious metals, it would go quite a ways to starting our own Terran Empire, here in the Delta."

Kae smiled at him. “Indeed. And maybe when we do, we will be able to find a way home.”

He nodded happily. "To be home again, see the beauty that is Terra with my eyes...well...eye..again. Where are you from, back in the world?" He replicated a glass of iced water and sat to listen.

“New York.” She said calmly. “About an hour or so from the city. You?”

He shrugged slightly. "I was born at the Dallas Maximum Security Penitentiary for Women. As soon as I was pulled free of my mother, I was sent to one of the orphanages in the district, specifically for children born of incarcerated mothers."

She touched his face gently. “That is a horrible thing. That is just plain horrible”

He shrugged again. "It's all I've known. I only know my mother and father by their personnel files. She was serving a life sentence for murdering him. The only reason she wasn't given the death penalty, was because she was carrying me at the time."

Kae slid into his lap and wrapped her arms around him. “That wont happen to us or our children” She said softly. “We will make sure they have a home with family.” then she lowered her voice into his ear “And I think we can start making that family if you wish.”

Micheal smiled softly as Kaleigh slid into his lap. He tried to keep from getting any grease or grime on her clothes, but, the proximity of her body to his made that impossible.

"Well, seeing as we are now both filthy," he growled hungrily. "I think we need to take another shower." He then turned his face towards hers and nodded. "To have children with you would be the best part of my life."

OOC; is the planet they are on.


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