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Injured Flyboy

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:56am by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Ensign Gretchen Rosen

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Delta Quadrant, ISS Vengeance, Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1000
682 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

After he had delegated the repair assignments to his staff, Johnathan finally made his way to sickbay. As he slowly made his way inside, it was clear that he was in a good deal of pain. Seeing that there were still many of his shipmates eing treated, he stood off to the side, leaning against a bulkhead and using his cane from when he was recovering from being stabbed, to help support his weight.

It was Gretchen who got to him first, scanning him quickly with a medical tricorder. "This should ease the pain," she said as soon as she saw the readings, giving him a quick injection. "We'll have a bed free for you soon." Such was the harsh reality of triage in a situation of this urgency.

Johnathan nodded, some relief moving through his body. "Thank you, that helped a good bit already." He then waited patiently for a biobed to be emptied of more seriously injured crewmen.

It was nearly an hour before Gretchen came back. If Johnathan had dozed off in the chair, she tapped him gently. "We have a bed for you," she said.

Dana had been kept busy with all the patients that had piled into Sickbay, having a free moment she made her way across to Gretchen and Johnathan. “Sorry Lieutenant as you can see it’s pretty hectic in here. Let’s get you across to your bed.” She nodded to Gretchen.

Johnathan nodded and accepted the assistance of both women. "Thank you. I had a support beam pin me against the helm. My neck and back are on fire right now."

"You have three cracked vertebrae, a herniated disk, a torn disk, and some nerve impingement. Not to mention that disc is right up against your spinal cord," Gretchen said, "but we can fix you right up."

“Let’s get you as comfortable as we can and we’ll have you sorted in no time” Dana offered a smile, grabbing a hypospray she pressed it gently to his neck. “This should help alleviate some of the pain” She looked to Gretchen. “Let’s get this done.”

"Thank you," he sighed softly as the medications flowed through his body. Laying on his side, he tried to get as comfortable as possible.

"It's very rare in this day and age that your condition requires surgery," Gretchen explained. "I am prescribing rest, pain management, and regenerative treatments to accelerate the healing process."

Dana offered Johnathan a smile. “I’ll bring you a pillow and a blanket. Is there anything I can get you? A drink or something to eat?”

Johnathan gave both women as charming a smile as he could with the pain. "That's good..good to know. Think I've..had enough surgeries...on my...on my back, thank you." He took a breath and then replied to Dana. "Thank you, no. All I really want is for the pain to be gone, so I can get back to work. There's a lot of damage to repair, and...and I don't want to disappoint anyone...least of all...the Captain."

"I'm appreciative of the urgency, lieutenant, but just because the pain is temporarily suppressed doesn't mean you're in shape to return to duty just yet," Gretchen said. "You need to rest."

"Don't worry we'll let the Captain know that you need to stay here and rest for now." Dana smiiled. "I'm sure he'd rather you be fit and well."

Johnathan simply replied with slight head nod. He couldn't help how he felt. If the pain wasn't so strong, he wouldn't even have come down. There were others that were injured far worse than he was.

Gretchen smiled slightly at both of them. "Good. Close your eyes for a bit. Nurse Monroe, let's..." and then her eyes were back were on an alarm over another bed. Such was medicine in a crisis. "With me!" she ordered Dana and it was off to the next emergency.

He nodded slowly and did as instructed. Then, when they left him to treat another shipmate, he remained where he was.



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