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Rebuilding Our Home...

Posted on Sun Feb 27th, 2022 @ 9:57pm by
Edited on on Sun Feb 27th, 2022 @ 9:58pm

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Delta Quadrant, Indigo Prime, Alexandria II
Timeline: MD 15 / 1006 hours
2411 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Micheal was on his back, working on the new designs for the living area and hydroponic unit. "Can you hand me that coil of fiber optics?"

Kaleigh walked the coil over. “Here you go” she said handing it to him.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He took one end of the coil and carefully snaked it into the the tight assembly, finally connecting it to the required port. "Okay, while I hold this end here, I need you to run the other end up through the structural support and connect it to that port up there." He pointed to the port two meters above his head.

"Sure" Kae moved to twine the cable through the support and then connected it into the port as instructed.

Once he saw the cable connected, he told her to step back, then told Rebecca to power up the line. An instant later, the line started to glow softly, indicating that it was carrying a charge. "Status, Rebecca."

"The connection is holding and power is flowing properly to the required sections, Master."

Standing up, Micheal pulled out a rag and wiped his hands as he looked over their hard work. "Alright, I think we are ready to start building the room itself." He gave Kaleigh a grin. "Do you still want to put the table and chairs over here and the kitchenette and hydroponic rack over there?"

Kaleigh turned and studied the area. It was big enough for what they wanted as well as room for a small sitting area. “Hmm yes with the sitting area over there” she pointed to the far side. “And maybe later we will need to make another bedroom.” she added with a smile.

Micheal nodded thoughtfully as he looked over the empty space. And then it hit him. Turning to smile at her, he asked, "You mean…???"

She laughed “No not yet, too soon to know. But by months end, if everything happens as it should I should know if our efforts are successful.” she paused. “My parents had me tested in case so I know I will have no issues carrying a child to term.”

He calmed some, but kept smiling. "Just the thought of us having a child, makes me very happy, my love."

Kae nodded “I can see that” she teased “As well as how much effort you put in.”

He smiled and blushed slightly. "Only with you, my love." He reached and and pulled her into an embrace. "I love you, Kae, with every fiber of my being, real and artificial."

Gently she brushed her lips across his. “I love you too.” She whispered. “Now we best get moving on this. I was thinking also, if we can get more pelts we can use them for floor rugs and such.”

A soft growl rumbled in his chest. He then nodded. "Whatever I can do, to keep you smiling like that, I'll do willingly."

Kae smiled. “I was only suggesting it because it would make us all more comfortable” She said softly.

He nodded. "I'll start getting a hunting kit together tomorrow."

Kae nodded. “I will get the fishing kit together as well. Once we have the food and storage we can start the beaming of the minerals”

“Sounds like a good idea. Though, only one of us should be away from Daphne at a time."

“Agreed, so we alternate” She said with a smile. “And I had an idea last night.. If we set up a small fence line around the shuttle, we should be able to have some outdoors time without worry:”

"That's a good idea," he said with a nod.

“I think Rebecca and I can handle that, it will require some replicating of electric fence poles and need to be powered by the shuttle.”

"Rebecca?" Micheal asked aloud.

"Already working on designs, Master."

"Well then, it looks like you ladies already have things in hand." He smirked playfully.

“Rebecca is brilliant you know” Kaleigh said with a smile. “If she were corporeal she would be revered for her intelligence and beauty.”

"Thank you, Mistress. I do strive to do my best for you all."

Micheal grinned. "We know you do, Rebecca. Afterall, you're a part of our little family as well."

"Thank you, Master" Rebecca's image, which had been on a nearby screen, seemed to blush.

Kae smiled at the AI and then said “So shall we get building my Love?”

Micheal nodded. "Definitely, sweetheart. We should probably start with the hydroponics rack. That way, we can get the berries and tubers you found growing."

Kaleigh nodded and went to get the stuff they had replicated for the Hydroponics.

She returned and they set to work easily, without arguments. It was strange, she noted, that they had not yet argued about anything.

Micheal found the more time he spent with Kaleigh, the more in love with her he grew. He found that made a very good team.

Hours later, they were standing outside while Kaleigh took measurements for around the runabout. As she did, she kept glancing at the top of the runabout and her face had a considering look on it.

"What are you thinking about now, my love?" Micheal asked as he finished clearing out the scrub and underbrush that surrounded the runabout.

“Hmm Automatic deployment” Kaleigh said. “To give us more time.”

"Of what, the fencing?"

“Yes, if we can deploy it from the Runabout on Landing and such, it would give us more room etc and if we can rig it so it sets up and stuns things around it...”

Micheal nodded and grinned. "You sure you weren't in tactical, my love?" He chuckled softly.

“I was trained a bit. Intelligence Department insists. You need to have tactics at times.”

He grinned again as he moved closer to her. "You are just full of surprises aren't you, beloved?"

“Just trying to keep us safe like you do Love”

He smiled, then leaned closer and kissed her cheek softly. "We make a great team."
"Between the two of us, we are unstoppable."

“Which the Kazon and Ocampa and any others will find out to their peril” Kaleigh said as she finished her measurements.

"Indeed," he said proudly. He realized that, even if they had met back on Terra, he would still see this woman as the other half of him. That they found each other, on the other side of the galaxy, was merely Fate.

Kaleigh paused. “I have basic hand to hand skills, but Daphne has none, we will need to train her Mike”

He nodded. "Agreed. You start her with the basics. When you feel she is ready for advanced training, I will teach her, and you, what I learned in the Marines."

Kae nodded “Sounds good, though do not expect me to be at your level darling” she purred in his ear as she headed for the Runabout to give Rebecca the measurements.

"Oh, I'm sure you could subdue me with very little difficulty," he smirked as he watched her saunter away, his eyes, real and artificial glued to her ass.

As she entered the runabout she turned and winked at him and vanished inside.

Micheal grunted to himself, then got back to work, clearing the area around their ship.

A couple of hours later, Rebecca had finished running the specs and Kaleigh and her had started replicating the fence.

Micheal came back inside and smiled at Kaleigh. "Well, we've got a good ten meters on each side of the ship cleared out. Any more, and we'd need to think about some camouflage from overhead observation."

“Holo emitters are hard to replicate but we could look into that.” Kae said softly.

"I think we should stay focused on what we need to build now. Any further advancements can wait until later, when we are more secure."

“Yes and having more resources.” Kaleigh smiled. “At least we will have some room to prep everything outside as well as inside.”

"Yes," he agreed. "And once we get a few other items built, we can really start the work of refitting our ship."

Kae agreed with a nod of her head. She carefully attached a sensor to the pole before her. “About another 2 hours or so.” she said.

"Well, then let's get it done," he said as he helped finish the job of protecting their home.


Nearly three hours later, the fence was up and activated and Kaleigh was running scans on it to make sure it would hold up.

"How's it looking, beautiful?" Micheal exited the runabout with a pair of replicated beers. He handed one to Kaleigh as he approached her.

“Looks good, so far,” She took the beer.

"Will it keep out those torp-cats?" He asked as he took a sip of the cold beer.

“We hope so.” Kae replied. “It's electrified and has a sonic horn.”

"Good," he replied. "I'd really hate for those things to get too close."

“Same” Kae replied looking up from her PADD. “That said, once you get the refrigeration unit up and running, we can store more meat.”

"Well then, looks like I've got my work cut out for me, don't I?" He gave her a soft grin.

“I am sure you can do it Darling” Kae said.

"With you by my side, I can do just about anything, my love." He then moved off to start the fabrication of the refrigeration unit.

She watched him walk off then picked up her tricorder and checked the amount of day light they had left. “Mike? I am going to go put some traps in the lake.”

Looking back over his shoulder at her, he nodded. "Alright, but don't be too long, sweetheart."

“I won’t” She gathered the traps and headed for the lake.

Kaleigh arrived at the lake, and looked around carefully before driving a stake into the soil at the edge of the Lake, then twisting the rope around it. The Traps were attached to the rope and she tossed them into the lake to see what they would get in the morning. Once her traps were launched, she took another look around and filled up the two water bottles she had carried with her and then headed back to the runabout.

By the time she returned, Micheal had a surprise for her. While Rebecca was still replicating the parts to build the refrigeration unit, he was able to get enough parts together to build a, albeit temporary, dining set for the three of them to have their meals together on. He was setting up the final touches of setting the table, when she returned home.

Kaleigh entered the Runabout and paused looking into the new common area. “Well this looks nice.”

Micheal looked up and smiled at her. "I know it's only a temporary set, but, I wanted us to all have a place to eat as, well, a family."

Kae smiled and walked over to him. “Looks very nice, Lover”

Micheal grinned happily, seeing how what he had built made Kaleigh feel. "So, what would you like for dinner, my love?"

“Hmm surprise me?” she asked with a smile.

He smiled and nodded, then moved off to the replicator to look through the available menu. "Why don't you get freshened up and dressed in something comfortable? I..uh..left you something on the bed." He smiled a bashful smile as he spoke.

Kae nodded and headed for their bedroom. She stood and smiled at the pajamas on the bed and the more sexy clothing hidden underneath it.She closed the door and headed for the shower.

After Kaleigh left to get cleaned up, Micheal smiled over at Daphne and asked, "So, sweetheart, what would you like for dinner?"

“What is there to have?” Daphne asked

"Whatever you'd like," he replied. "The replicator has an extensive menu selection." He paused, then asked, "How about….Chicken tenders with french fries?" He suddenly remembered that, as she had been in captivity for nearly five years, she would've never had discovered a favorite food, back home.

“Okay” Daphne replied. “Are they nice to eat?”

"Are they nice to eat?" Micheal responded with a smile. "I think you're gonna love em!" He gave her a wink and then added, "go ahead and get washed up for dinner, while I start getting the meals ready to replicate."

Daphne nodded and headed to wash up.

Micheal smiled as he watched her scurry off. He then moved over to the replicator in the cockpit and started to order everything that would be needed for dinner.

Daphne beat Kaleigh back to the new eating area, and was watching something on her PADD when he returned.

Micheal carried in a tray full of covered dishes and other assorted dinner items. He was carefully positioning everything on the table when he heard Kaleigh approach from their bedroom.

She entered dressed in the warm Pajamas he had left out. She smiled at the scene. “Smells good” she said.

Micheal smiled warmly. "Did I replicate the right sizes?" He asked, looking over her clothing.

Kae nodded “Yes they are perfect thank you.”

He smiled warmly. "Excellent!" He moved to pull her chair out for her.

Kae brushed her lips across his cheek and sat down.

Micheal made a soft, approving noise, when he felt the kiss on his cheek. After gently pushing her chair in, he lifted the cover on Kaleigh's dish, revealing a torp-cat steak, with a side of mashed tubers and gravy. "I hope you like it," he said with a hopeful grin.

“Looks as good as it smells” Kae replied as she watched Daphne tuck into what looked like Chicken tenders and chips.

Micheal smiled happily. It warmed his heart to please Kaleigh so. "Well, so long as we stay here, there will always be more where this came from."

She nodded and took a bite. “Cooked very nicely.” she said softly.

"Well, dig in," he said happily, as he sat down in his seat.

Smiling Kae did so, the meal was great. Way better than other meals she had, had in the past five years.

As the small family ate, Micheal looked over at Daphne. "How're you doing with those chicken tenders and fries?"

“They are yummy” Daphne replied with a smile. “Better than what we used to eat with the rebels”

Micheal gave the young girl a soft grin. "And I will ensure that you always do, sweetheart."


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