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Early Release

Posted on Thu Mar 10th, 2022 @ 10:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Callie Marshall
Edited on on Thu Mar 10th, 2022 @ 10:41pm

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1500
1047 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


With repairs well underway in engineering Callie had managed to get away, heading to Sickbay to check in with Troy she was surprised to find him on a biobed rather than up on his feet.

Dana offered a smile as she approached Callie. "Don't worry Lieutenant Marshall will be fine. He suffered a punctured lung. He's recovering as expected but he'll need to rest and give himself time to fully heal.

Callie nodded. "Thank you" she smiled as she walked over and gently placed her hand on Troy's. "Hey, how are you? I didn't realise you were so badly injured, I'd have been here sooner if I did."

Troy set down a PADD and squeezed Callie's hand as he looked up at her. "I am doing fine. My injuries have all been treated and I will be released shortly from post op recovery to rest in my quarters in the next few minutes. Sickbay needs the space for more critical patients at the moment."

Callie nodded. “In that case I’ll be staying with you to take care of you.” She smiled. “Unless you prefer I didn’t of course.” She gently squeezed his hand. “No strenuous exercise until your well enough though.”

Troy chuckled as he nodded. "Can't imagine a more lovely nurse to take care of me during my convalescence." He allowed a few non strenuous thoughts come to mind that would still be satisfying in the short term. He finally turned to the nurse they had rescued recently. "It's been two hours since my surgery. May I be discharged from Sickbay now?"

Dana offered a smile as she looked towards Troy. "I'm afraid that one isn't up to me, only the doctor can discharge you from Sickbay."

Troy’s expression grew annoyed. He took a deep breath before rising from the bed gingerly. "I am checking myself out then. My treatment is complete and Sickbay needs the space for more serious casualties. I will continue my recovery in my quarters if need be."

Callie looked at Troy in surprise. "Troy! maybe you should wait until you're told to go?" she looked at Dana.

Dana stood for a moment before nodding. "Very well Lieutenant, but you are to rest! If you don't you'll end up back here before you want to be."

Troy nodded his assent to the medical instructions. The general anaesthetic would used during his surgery would not fully wear off until morning anyway. "Understood. I will keep it light through tomorrow and come in tomorrow afternoon for reevaluation. Let the senior medical staff know." He took out his pants, underwear and t-shirt from the drawer under the bed to change for the walk back to his quarters.

Callie offered Dana a smile. "I'll make sure Troy gets plenty of rest. That I promise."

Dana nodded. "Please do, I'd hate to see him back in here in a worse condition."

Troy pulled on his underwear and trousers before pulling off the gown and donning his undershirt. He then put on socks and boots before grabbing his tunic, vest and jacket before nodding at Callie. "You sure you have the time to escort me back to quarters? I don’t want you to be negligent in your repair duties."

Callie shook her head. “Don’t worry about that, repairs are going well. Commander Cain has been helping out.” She smiled. “There’s more to do but I’m going to see you home. I don’t think Captain Petrov will mind me seeing that his Chief of Security is resting.”

Troy quirked an eyebrow. He sighed as he finished dressing and gestured to the exit. "Very well my lovely nurse. Get me to bed."

Callie grinned as she escorted Troy out of Sickbay. "I'll get you comfortable then I'll have to go and finish what I've got waiting. It shouldn't take much longer to get the important repairs done, it's all going well ... so far!"

Troy smiled back at Callie as they walked to the turbolift. He really didn't feel too bad despite the injuries sustained by the transition wave. He mostly felt a bit of soreness he had been assured would only last for another day, two at most. He wanted to get back to work as soon as possible. "How are you doing with...everything that’s going on?"

Callie shook her head. "Not great, the thought of having a baby whilst stuck out here is one that terrifies me! There are no medical facilities out here to back us up if anything goes wrong!" she sighed. "I'm sorry I'm just tired, and I've got a headache that doesn't want to go away."

Troy considered Callie's words on the turbolift ride to Senior Officers' Country. He took her hand. "We are alive and together. We will make it. I promise."

Callie nodded and offered a smile. “I believe you, I have faith in you, and no matter what I will protect our Son.”

Troy gave Callie a quick kiss. He nodded as he looked into her eyes. "I know you will. We both shall."

Troy took Callie's hand as the turbolift doors opened. He walked beside her to his quarters and opened the door. Once inside he turned to her and gave her a long, deep kiss before breaking it and stepping back. "Come back here when you get done." H gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "We are Terrans. There's nothing we can't overcome, especially if we do it together."

Callie smiled and nodded. "I know we will. Now you get some rest, I'll be back once these repairs are sorted."

Troy returned Callie's nod and smile with ones of his own. "I will see you in my dreams until I can see you in the flesh. Come back as soon as you can."

"Ohh I will" Callie offered a warm smile. "Every minute away from you is time I can't wait to make up!"

Troy smiled and kissed her one last time before patting her rear playfully. "Do what you have to. I will see you when you're off shift."

Callie grinned. "Keep that up and there wont be much rest going on when I get back!" she grinned a wry grin before heading out of the door.



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