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Getting a Room...

Posted on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 5:45pm by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Chief Operations Officer's office
Timeline: MD 3 / 1005 Hours
1348 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

After he was cleared by medical, Johnathan made his way to OPS, to get a room assignment from the Operations Chief. When he reached the door to the office, he reached up and pressed the door chime.

Callie was sitting at her desk pouring over a pile of reports, as well as technical specs for the Intrepid class ship. “Come in.”

The doors slid open and Johnathan was again confronted with a very attractive woman. The ship seemed to be filled with a near full roster of Eve's and Aphrodite's.

Stepping inside the small office, the doors sliding shut behind him, he gave the woman a handsome grin. "Good morning. I'm Lieutenant jg Jonathan Quincy Anderson the Third, New Chief Flight Ops. I just came aboard last night and I need quarters assignment, please."

“Of course Lieutenant” Callie offered a warm smile and motioned to a seat. “Bear with me while I pull up your details.” She gave him a curious look. “So if you came aboard last night where did you spend the night?” She paused realising that could be a private matter, and held up her hand. “Don’t answer that, it’s not a matter that requires details.”

He smiled and shrugged as he sat down. "It's no big secret. I stayed in guest quarters, alone." His grin grew slightly at her attitude about the situation. His eyes then narrowed slightly. "I think I remember you. Did you have Commander Fitzpatrick for Intro to Fleet Diplomacy, at the Academy?"

Callie gazed up at Johnathon curiously, “Actually, yes I did.” She offered a warmer smile. “I never used to socialise much at the Academy, I kept pretty much to myself.”

Returning her warm smile with one of his own, Johnathan replied. "Well, if you'll excuse this pilot's forwardness, it's a bit difficult to forget eyes as beautiful as yours."

Callie couldn’t help but blush, she hadn’t been complemented by anyone aboard her father’s ship due to the fact everyone knew who her father was. “Thank you, you’re very kind.”

He shrugged slightly. "Just being honest." He moved to sit in the chair opposite her desk.

“You must have a pretty good memory remembering me from the Academy” Callie looked at Johnathon curiously whilst comparing him to his personnel file.

Again he shrugged. It wasn't a smug motion, just one that seemed to reflect that he had heard that before. "I have a hard time forgetting most things," he replied, as if it was an ample answer.

Callie paused sitting back in her seat. “That sounds...hard, on you that is. We all have things we’d like to forget, and not being able to, or not wanting to, can lead to issues in the future.” She grinned. “Sorry, I’m a trained psychologist too.”

Johnathan grinned slightly. "Well, we all have damage that we carry with us. It will either destroy us or make us stronger."

“Isn’t that the truth!” Callie nodded in agreement. “Okay I’ve confirmed your assignment with security, you’ll find your quarters on deck 3 along with the rest of the Senior staff and Officers.” She handed over a PADD. “This plan will show you the location of your quarters. Your first time use entry code is supplied as well, after that you can set your own code for entry which will be known only to you.”

Reaching forward, Johnathan took the PADD, his mind straying slightly to just how lovely this woman seemed. He hoped they could be friends. "Thank you. After I get my room settled, I was going to go down to see my office on Deck 11. The XO informed me that it's by the shuttlebay. Also, my department has three slaves assigned to it. Do I get them from you, or are they already assigned and down there?"

“They should already be there, just let me check...” Callie smiled, looking back at her screen she called up the duty roster. “According to the files, the slaves have arrived and are already there working.” She paused. “To be honest I understand the need for slaves but I don’t agree with it. I’m only half Terran, my mother is a slave.”

Johnathan's easy grin faltered some. He hadn't realized that fact. "I'm...I'm sorry to hear that," he responded honestly. He wasn't sure how he felt about having slaves. Growing up in the orphanage, all he had was himself. He knew that slavery existed, and had existed for as far back as time went.

"This will be the first time that I've had slaves in my control." He shifted slightly in his seat, feeling a little uncomfortable by the topic.

“I can’t say I like it anymore than you” Callie agreed. “How you treat your slaves is up to you, if they will work hard by being treated fairly then there’s no need for an iron fist. Though I’m sure the Captain would say the opposite. I’m going to have to work twice as hard just to prove that a hybrid is as good as everyone else.”

The young pilot shrugged again. "Even though you're a hybrid, at least you still have some pull from your father, should anything happen to you. I'm envious of that. All I have is me and my service history. I have no family and the only friends I have are the twenty-three fellow survivors, that I saved, at my last assignment." He deflated some. "And they're all scattered throughout the Empire now. So, basically, I'm still alone. I'd gladly take being a hybrid, if it meant I had someone who really cared about me."

He blushed deeply, realizing that he had just let his mouth run wild. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. Embarrassment and regret were coming off of him in waves.

Callie offered a warmer smile as she relaxed back in her seat. “The only thing my father cares about is the fact that I’m an empath and a telepath. He may have raised me, trained me to be the best, but as for love...” She shook her head. “I’m just the daughter he had with his slave.”

Johnathan frowned slightly. He would give anything to feel the love of his parents. To hear that a parent was basically indifferent to their child, boggled his mind. An uncomfortable silence started to hang between them. The young pilot was feeling that he was in completely uncharted space, and was unsure how to proceed.

Callie offered a warm smile. “I apologise if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable. My father would call apologising a weakness, but in my opinion it can also be a strength.”

He shrugged slightly. "It can be both. I'm sorry. Growing up in an orphanage, I've never known what it feels like to have a family."

Callie nodded. “I can’t really say, I never really saw much of my mother as my father kept us apart. As for my father...let’s just say he’s not really the loving type. He reminds me of a Vulcan, all tough exterior and no emotion.” She offered a smile. “On duty in public I may have to act hard as nails, but here and at home I don’t stand on ceremony. If you ever need a...friend you know where to find me.”

Johnathan thought about that for a moment. He had learned to always be careful when someone claimed they could be a friend. It had rarely worked out in his interests. However, there was something about the way that she looked at him...a part of his brain whispered that she might be telling the truth.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you. The same for you."

Callie nodded. “I appreciate that, thank you.” She smiled warmly. “I hadn’t better keep you any longer, if there’s anything else you need then please let me know.”

Johnathan stood and smiled. "I will. Thank you." He then turned and left, thinking about his next appointment.



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