
A Pile of Chips

Posted on Thu Mar 10th, 2022 @ 10:38pm by Callie Marshall & Commander Cyrus Cain
Edited on on Mon Mar 14th, 2022 @ 12:19am

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0800
839 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

With everything that had happened of late Callie was being kept busy with repairs. With both isolinear and bio neural systems to take care of she was pulling in as much help as she could get, including Commander Cain.

“Excuse me Commander” She stood with a PADD in hand. “The latest updates on the Ops systems Sir, we’ve got a lot to do. There’s damage to both isolinear and bio neural systems.”

Commander Cain had been standing by the helm and watching a mix of engineering and operations crew repair wiring in a ceiling panel. His uniform was dirtied and his face was covered with dried sweat and dirt. When the Chief of Operations approached him, he turned to her with a serious, though sad expression. He was glad his engineering experience was coming to some use.

"Yes, I read that in your report." he said, rubbing his chin with his free hand. "Is there something you need to get the job done? That system is essential to the functioning of this ship."

"What I need Sir, is you" Callie offered a smile. "I could use your familiarity and experience with this ship and her systems. You've been doing a brilliant job so far, I need all the help i can get."

Cyrus gave a relaxed smile, some of his stress seeming to melt away.

“I can assist with that, Lieutenant.” He said in a quiet but raspy voice. ”where are we with the repairs at this point and how would you like my assistance?”

Callie offered a smile. "We're currently around 65% done, which to be honest I'm not happy with whatever happened to us, it fried systems that I thought were supposed to be shielded to prevent this kind of damage. I have a whole plethora of bio neural gel packs to get through, not to mention the isolinear systems."

“Getting dragged across a galaxy, it’s amazing we were scattered across 70,000 light years rather than transported.” He said, seeming grateful, but tired. “How about we go to a main junction together and get to work then?”

Callie nodded "I'd appreciate that Sir. The sooner we can get systems up and running properly the better I'll feel."

“Then let’s go.” He said with a nod and headed for the turbolift. Once he was inside he requested a trip to the main computer core, and when the lift began to descend, he turned to Callie. “How are you and your people holding up considering what’s happened to us?”

"To be honest Sir, when the Captain's message about where we were came through it kind of hit like a ton of bricks!" She paused. "I don't think anyone has truly had time to comprehend the full implications of it yet, we've all been too busy concentrating on fixing the ship." She stopped herself from pacing by leaning up against the lift wall. "All I can think about is the fact that we're alone out here, considering I'm pregnant it's a scary thought."

“It will take time to process, and the work we have is good for us; keeps us from losing our damn minds.” Cyrus said with a slight grin. He eyed her then. “As for you and your child, Lieutenant Marshall will protect you and so will the rest of us.”

Callie nodded and offered a smile. "Thank you Sir, but I don't want to be the weak link in the chain so-to-speak. Defending me in any situation could cost people their lives."

“Being a pregnant woman is a reality, Lieutenant. There’s no use pretending you’ll be able to be all things to all people.” He said, not addressing the weak link comment. The truth was, she would be for quite a while.

Callie nodded. "I know you're right but I don't have to like it. I am looking forward to being a mother though, it just worries me that we're so far away from home."

“We will find a way home, one way or another…” he said, trailing off with a somewhat ominous tone. The doors then opened and the two of them walked together toward the computer core. When they entered the room, a handful of operations ncos were sliding isolines chips into recently emptied slots. “Take the lead, if you would. I’ll follow.”

Callie nodded. “Aye Sir” She couldn’t help but feel somewhat under a microscope with Cain watching. “Alright people we’ve got a lot of work to do to get this ship operational again. Let’s snap to it!”

Cyrus watched as her crew snapped to it as she had ordered. They picked up the pace, placing chips in the correct slots with increased speed. He looked at her with an affirmative nod.

“I can take the lead with the fell pack crew if you can handle it here.”

Callie nodded. "I can handle it Sir, that would be great. The sooner we get on the sooner we can get this ship up and running again."


