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A New Master

Posted on Sat Mar 19th, 2022 @ 6:13am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Slave Pen
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 0030
2730 words - 5.5 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been several days since Andrei Petrov assumed his secondary role as Acting Slave Master following the death of Paul Gruber. It had been a turn of events that no one had expected, least of all his acquaintances in the slave quarters. Many of them, lowly and despised, lived lives below reproach and underneath the lash of the whip. He, on the other hand, would be kind but firm, and not prone to abuse. It was necessary.

He exited the turbolift onto deck 14 and strode confidently into the slave pen, the series of conjoining rooms which made up their residence. Cots lined the floors, low and barely comfortable, and all the slaves had already checked in with the assistant he now had working down here during certain hours. Nodding, he went toward Gruber's former quarters, a room he had locked down with security codes and turned into a sort of secondary office/secondary bedroom. It was well decorated and music played in the background. Stripping off his uniform down to his bare chest and underwear, he half expected the ringing of the chime that typically accompanied his arrival. With Guber, the slave girls had recoiled, but with him, they seemed to bee searching for reasons to speak with him. A night of comfort and a charming and handsome man to share it with were important luxuries for them. He had noticed, however, Eritrea seemed to be more aggressive with the women than he had expected. The jealousies of women. He hadn't taken any of them into his bed, including her, since he was entrusted with his role as Slave Master. Still, it didn't stop them from trying.

He sat on the large bed and sighed, unfurling his mane of jet-black hair. His eyes focused on the wall across from him and a smile crossed his face. This had been a terrible day: a surprise in the Badlands; a trip to the Delta Quadrant; his mother in Sickbay. Now he just wanted to relax in his underclothes and process.

Eritrea walked with a confident, almost haughty, stride to the door and activated the intercom system. Her tone that of young slave eager to be of service. "Master, Slave Eritrea requests an audience with your lordship."

Andrei knew there was a certain imperative to keep things more professional between himself and Eritrea as his authority over her was now direct. He had a feeling she would behave as so many of the others did, and he meant to avoid any entanglements that might complicate his plans. Still, there was a certain itch in his mind that he found only her presence could scratch and, after a day like today, he lacked the force of will needed to send her away.

“Enter.” He said simply, still reclining on the bed. He thought for a moment about standing up, but thought better of changing his position for a slave and giving her some feeling of equality between them. He needed to be clear; that was the safe thing.

Eritrea entered, but remained by the door as she looked with suitable meekness at Andrei laying on the bed. She had not had an opportunity as of late to ply her seductive talents on him, but it looked as if she might have an opportunity now. "May I bring you a drink Master Petrov? Something from the replicator perhaps?"

He looked at her with a distant frown and then offered a shrug.

“Why not?” He asked rhetorically.

Eritrea complied by moving to the cabinet and extracting the bottle. She crossed to the small replicator and called up a soft drink and mixed in the alcohol to produce a tasty and potent mixed drink. She bowed her head as she handed him his drink. "If I may say Master. You look like you need a good massage, at least a soothing shoulder and neck rub. May I be of service in that capacity?"

“The drink is fine.” He said, resisting the offer with a somewhat stern tone. He sipped the drink and looked up at her. “How are the other slaves handling the events of today?”

Eritrea breathed in deeply, the laces on her corset style halter-top loosening to reveal a considerable amount of cleavage. She pouted as she stepped closer to Andrei and ran her hands along his exposed thighs and up to his crotch. "Please allow me to comfort and pleasure you Master. You know that I am quite talented at doing so. I can tell you about us slaves as I help relieve all this tension."

Her presence was always intoxicating to him. She was so sensual and, besides that, there was something else intangible about her that made him crazy. His eyes wandered to her cleavage and that, plus her getting down between his legs, caused the beginnings of a growing tent in his underwear of a size that could not go unnoticed. In his reason, however, he knew he couldn’t allow himself to be manipulated; he was the manipulator.

“I said no.” He said, his face unreadable neutral as he looked into her deep brown eyes. “Tell me about the slaves.”

Eritrea felt disappointed that Andrei was turning down her advances to pleasure him. She sighed again causing her corset to open further as she kept her eyes down. "We are all scared. None of us know for sure what has happened." She raised her eyes to look into his. "Rumors have spread amongst the slaves that we are stuck in the Badlands." Eritrea slowly extended an index finger that barely touched the apex of his tented underwear. "Others believe we are hiding from an Armada of Alliance vessels trying to find us." Her finger slowly caressed the tip of his manhood through the fabric just enough to expose him. She licked her lips with hardly concealed hunger.

With one hand, he grab her hand and held it slightly further away from him. He looked at her with intense eyes within a relaxed face. His word had to be law. He squeezed the hand tightly in a way that would cause moderate pain. A warning, but he didn’t release her.

“I said no.” He said. Information was one of the ways that slaves were kept in the dark. Ignorance was an excellent tool of control. Some knowledge was the difference between a slave in your bed and a knife at your throat. “Do you think that, because I allow you to share my bed, that you can do as you please, Eritrea?”

Eritrea was a little surprised at Andrei's reaction. She cast her gaze back down as the pain caused her eyes to begin to tear up. "Master, I...I beg forgiveness. I only wanted to comfort you during this difficult time. Give you the pleasure I know I have provided you in the past. I never meant to anger or displease you in any way."

He looked at her steadily, his eyes on hers; cold. Then he released her a smiled.

“Good. Then I forgive you. Only do as I say, and we won’t have trouble.” He said, rubbing her hand gently and picking up his drink and sipping it again. “Now, why did you lie to me?”

Eritrea was truly confused at this point. "Master, I've never lied to you. Not knowingly any way." She dropped to her knees in what appeared to be complete submission. Her eyes welling up with tears almost ready to fall. She knew that if even one tear fell on his flesh, it would act as a powerful aphrodisiac that would at least work temporarily to allow her some measure of persuasion over Andrei. It was a closely guarded secret of Elasian women. Though only half Elysian herself, it could prove subtly effective in her attempt to seduce Andrei if need be.

“You told me the slaves knew nothing about where we are and what our current situation is.” He said, his smile fading again. “All of the slaves were out doing there duty when we were hit and I know for a fact that my father told the entire ship that were have been transported into the Delta Quadrant. You know where we are, and so do the rest of the slaves.”

He grabbed her by her wrists and lifted her up until she was slightly on top of him, though still between his legs. There faces were close and his eyes said nothing.

“So, why did you lie to me?”

True fear dominated Eritrea's expression. "Slaves...are commonly lied to. Promises for better treatment. We all thought it was just another means of keeping us in the dark. Please, Master. The others and I knew nothing for sure about the situation." A tear fell from her eye and landed on Andrei's wrist. It would be moments before the aphrodisiac effects took place.

“Oh, you’re more clever than you want me to believe.” He said, chuckling with a handsome grin. He was relaxed and at ease in the tense situation, and perhaps that was more frightening than if he was steaming mad. His eyes faltered, however, and fell to the cleavage she had left available. He felt a sudden wave of desire which he tried to ignore. The more he tried to push the thoughts away, the stronger they became. “I think, perhaps, I should remind you who is boss.”

Grabbing her again, he pulled her onto himself fully and laid back on the bed.

Eritrea straddled Andrei and rubbed herself against the bulge in his shorts. She smiled meekly down at him as her rocking aroused him even more. "I live to but serve Master and being of service to you is...most enjoyable." She ran her hands down his chest before drawing them up her own body. "May I loosen my own garments Master?"

With the help of her unknown species ability, Andrei’s heart was racing. He felt his hardness pressed up against her and his breathing quickened.

“No.” He said, and his own strong hands found the clasp of her shirt. He worked quickly to remove it.

Eritrea lifted herself up as she straddled Andrei. She hiked up the leather skirt slightly to expose her panties. She knew his arousal was at a fever pitch and he would want to just rip her clothes from her. She looked down at him with a hunger for she knew that her tears would also bestow an incredibly long stamina in him as well as a craving for her for at least the next few days. "Command me Master. How may I please you? How to make your wildest fantasy come true?"

Without warning, he flipped her so that she was on the bed and he was on top of her. Unfastening her shirt and corset, he exposed her bare breasts which he kissed briefly, working down to her stomach and then suddenly back up to her neck. Lingering at her ear, he nipped at her a bit and then whispered. “I want you.” Quietly and gruffly. He was between her legs and, though he knew she still had her panties on, he could already feel her warmth and wetness against his boxers.

Eritrea slipped a hand between them and gently rubbed his manhood through the boxers. It had been far too long since they had shared special alone time. "Take me Master. Fill me with your manliness. I am yours to command and use however you wish." Her other hand hooked his boxers and pulled them down to free his manhood.

Not being able to hold back any longer, Andrei reached down and, moving her underwear to the side, he parted her opening and moved inside her. He heard her moan as he began to thrust quickly, not taking any time at all.


The two of them lay in the bed, their lovemaking over and their bodies close together. Andrei’s hand circled her stomach and wander around her as he quietly hummed a song out of tune. Seeming more relaxed than before, he looked up at her face.

“Where we’re you born?”

Eritrea had been regaining her strength from Andrei's insatiable appetite and incredible stamina. She was enjoying the caresses as he allowed her a respite. She glanced up at him. "My mother was Elasian and my father was a Terran officer stationed there during one of the back and forth occupations of Elas conducted by the Terran and Klingon Empires. My mother was the officer's concubine."

“Oh yes, those campaigns were a disappointing tale.” He said with a smile. “I’m surprised to find you a slave. Generally the children of concubines are protected by their fathers from such a fate.”

Eritrea's expression turned bitter. "My father was just a junior officer back then and he was already married to a woman on Earth. My mother was just a slave girl he found attractive. Someone to use on lonely nights. He discarded her the moment he found out she was pregnant."

“Do you know who he was?” He asked, his hand pausing at her navel and circling it steadily. The question was presented with some curious out; perhaps he knew the man.

Eritrea gazed into Andrei's eyes as she slid a hand down his chest. She wanted to believe that Andrei did truly want to help her, but she knew that help would come at a price and his help would only come if it benefited him in some way. "His name was Marshall. Back then he was a junior officer. An ensign or perhaps a lieutenant at the time. My mother never told me his first name. I...would be very appreciative if you could find out anything." Her hand had slipped down and she gently caressed him. "Very, very appreciative."

At the touch of her hand, he seemed to come to life again, his notable appendage slowly returning to its previous height. He smiled, moving his own hand to her breast again. He squeezed it gently and moved his hand over it with silky smooth touches.

"Appreciation is always a good thing." he said, looking her in the eyes. Had he forgotten all in his passion or was every one of his moves a calculation? With his twitching manhood in her hand and an intense look in his eye, he certainly seemed emotionally engaged with her. The name of her father, "Marshall", turned around in his head, unbenounced to her. He spoke his next words unexpectedly. "I wonder how I compare to Gruber, Eritrea. Do you prefer this to your nights with him?"

Eritrea scowled at the mention of the previous Overseer. He had been a vile and brutal human being who terrorized all the slaves. He was the reason many of the slave women would seek officers to seduce. Some of the male slaves were little better than Gruber at times.

"Evenings with you Master have been some of the most pleasant of my life. Allow me to show you my appreciation." She kissed down Andrei's chest as she gently stroked him. Soon she was using a combination of tactile and oral talents to demonstrate how much she appreciated him.

"Mmm." he moaned, his fingers quickly finding her hair and guiding her actions; a practiced skill of his. "You know, there's a difference now. You no longer have to do things of a...personal this...mmm."

Eritrea paused for a moment to look up Andrei's body and smiled. "Master has always had the stamina and gentleness to satisfy my desires as well. I am glad to do what I can to make Master...comfortable in his off duty hours." She resumed her expert pleasure giving actions with a bit more fervor than before.

Andrei enjoyed her work for several minutes, no longer interrupting her with conversation. The thought of her mentioning of her father still repeated in his mind over and over again. Could it be that this slave girl was the sister of Lieutenant Marshall, and, even more satisfying a thought, was his boss's sister his play thing? He felt a surge of power which only made him more excited. There wouldn’t be much sleep to be had tonight.

It wasn't until the wee hours of the morning that two of them finally collapsed from exhaustion.


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