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A Drink or Two

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2022 @ 11:08am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Cabin 505 - A.Petrov
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 0030
1143 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Andrei got off his duty shift and grabbed a sonic shower to wash off the work of the day. He had spent all of his working energy, along with the rest of the Security Department, getting their weapons and shields back online. He tossed his filthy uniform in a basket that would be handed off to the slaves in operations responsible for cleaning such things. Once he was cleaned, he combed his hair and pulled on a pair of jeans and a form-fitting grey t-shirt. He was expecting company and he wanted, as always, to look his best. His quarters had gentle piano music playing in the background and a pleasant teakwood scene was filtered into the air by the life-support system. It was a calm, clean, and relaxing place, as was typical.

Karen had also changed out of her uniform and had a sonic shower. She was wearing a pair of snug black trousers, a white silk blouse, and her uniform boots. She smiled to herself as she made her way through the corridor, though part of her had just wanted to collapse into bed when she got off duty. Everyone was working long shifts and, in medical, they were depressing. She stopped in front of Andrei's door and dinged.

The door opened and Andrei stood there, looking down on her with inviting eyes and a somewhat mysterious expression.

“Back among the living..good.” He said with a chuckle. “And you look beautiful tonight, if you don’t mind me saying.”

"I don't mind you saying at all," Karen said with a smile as she stepped in.

“Please, have a seat.” He said, showing her over to the couch. On the coffee table was a large bottle filled with clear liquid and two glasses. “This is one of the wonders I have hiding in these quarters. Samarian Sunrise.”

He poured a glass for her first and then one for himself. Placing the bottle on the table carefully, he picked up his glass and flicked it with a finger, causing a swirl of color to replace the previously clear liquid.

“Have you ever had it?”

She took a seat, crossing her legs with casual grace. She took the drink and examined. "I don't think I have," she answered, even as she flicked the surface, much as he had, setting off the swirl of colors. "It's beautiful."

“I thought we could use a pickmeup, considering our current situation.” He said, taking a quick sip. “We’ve both been very busy these last few days. Let’s relax and give life a chance to slow for a bit.”

"I'd like that," she said, settling back a little and taking a sip of the drink. "It tastes good too."

"What do you normally like to do to relax?" he asked, draping an arm on the couch behind her. It wasn't a subtle mood, but it was particularly clear if he was trying to move in or was just getting comfort. "I assume you don't perform surgeries in your free time."

"Actually, I do," she joked. "It's just hard to get volunteers." She settled back, sipping her drink and allowing herself to rest back against his arm. "I actually play the violin and I like to read poetry. I also like to hike. How about you?"

"Oh, a woman of culture. Those habits plus your dancing say alot about you. Not to mention, you don't look half bad in a ball gown." he said with a grin. "I like to read, socialize, and sample wines. I also have some musical skills inherited from my mother; I'm good at the piano and I do a bit of singing, though no longer willingly."

He took another sip from his drink and took special note of her leaning against his arm. He rather shamelessly moved a lock of hair from her face and looked deeply into her eyes.

"For someone as cultured as yourself, I don't imagine you'd need the pretext of an operation to get someone in bed." he said, charming her without hesitation. "I'm surprised there's no 'mr right' yet."

"My father has a tendency to scare off a lot of men and to draw in the ones I'd be least interested in," Karen said reflectively, as she sipped her drink, shifting to look more directly at him, which also involved moving just a little closer, her side against the couch. "Not that I haven't tried. It just never quite worked out." She considered asking him about his history but she decided against. "I'd like to hear you on the piano sometime. I'm sure it's lovely."

“Well, 70,000 light years is a long way away, isn’t it?” He asked with a wink. With a flourish of his hair, he stood and walked across the cabin to a cabin. Opening it, he pulled out a roll which he brought back to the coffee table and unfurled into a portable piano. He sat cross-legged on the floor and took a deep breath. “It’s been a little while, so keep that in mind.”

He then began to play a piece by Frank Liszt called Un Sospiro. He played the arpeggios with well timed skill and his hands moved gracefully over the keys. He played emotionally, with his eyes closed, as if he felt and understood each note. When he was done, he leaned back on the couch on which she was sitting and sighed.

She listened raptly as he played, setting her glass down. She smiled softly as he leaned back on the couch once more and leaned forward. She pressed a soft, small kiss to the corner of his mouth. "That was beautiful, Andrei. You have a great depth of feeling. It shows when you play."

"Let's have that be our little secret then." he said, leaning on her leg slightly as he rolled the piano back up and left it there on the table. "If some people heard I have feelings, they might change their tunes."

Reaching up, he grasped her hand in his and gently pulled it toward himself, inviting her to join him on the floor between the coffee table and the couch.

"It'll be our secret," and then she laughed as she took his hand, sliding onto the floor with him. Her hand moved casually over his chest. "Hi..."

He smiled at the sweet greeting as the woman gave him every indication in the world that she was interested in him. He waited several seconds of pregnant pausing before leaning in and pressing his lips gently against hers. He could taste the alcohol on them, which he enjoyed.

She kissed him back, parting her lips as she straddled his form there on the floor. Her hands moved to his shoulders and then over his chest and she smiled softly. And then she kept sliding down..


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