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Posted on Wed Mar 9th, 2022 @ 5:23am by

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Indigo Prime, Alexandria II
Timeline: MD 19 / 1432 hours
3630 words - 7.3 OF Standard Post Measure

While the inside of their ship was starting to get to where they wanted it, structurally, there was still much work to do. Currently, the small family was sitting in their new dining area, looking at a holoprojection of Daphne's room, as it stood now.

"Alright, sweetheart," Micheal said softly. "Rebecca has shown you all the options that we can go with, now it's time for you to pick which ones you want, and we can finally start redoing your bedroom."

Daphne studied the image and then pointed to the single bed “That one please. And those drawers.”

Micheal nodded and grinned. "And what colors would you like?"

“I like purple and teal blue” Daphne said shyly.

Michael grinned softly at the young girl. "Rebecca, would you please, give us a few different patterns and schemes, using the colors purple and teal blue?"

"Yes, Master. One moment, please." A beat later, the selected room design started to now have several different color designs.

"When you see the one you like, let us know, honey," Micheal stated softly.

Daphne shyly pointed to one. It was very nicely done. “That one?”

Micheal smiled and nodded. "Excellent choice!" He looked over at Kaleigh. "What do you think, my love?"

“Perfect” Kae said giving Daphne a hug.

"Okay, Rebecca?" Micheal said aloud. "Would you please start replicating linens and paints of the patterns and colors selected?"

"Yes, Master. I shall use all three replicators to fill the order. Would Miss Daphne care for any stuffed animals or toys?"

Daphne looked up. “A toy?” she looked at Kae and the eyes begged, “Please”

“Yes Daph you can have a toy or two.”

"Would Miss mind if I take the liberty of choosing a few items?" Rebecca asked as her image appeared on the screen.

Daphne nodded “Yes Please Miss Rebecca”

Rebecca smiled warmly in reply. "Please go to the cockpit replicator. You will find three toys for you there, Miss Daphne."

“Thank you Rebecca!” the 7 year old bolted for the cockpit while Kae laughed softly.

“Yes thank you Rebecca” she said with a warm smile.

"It is my honor to serve, Mistress." Rebecca bowed her head respectively.

Daphne came running back in with her arms filled with the three stuffed animals which she hugged close to her chest. She wore the biggest grin.

Kaleigh smiled and turned back to the image. “So how long will it take to get this done?”

"I will have everything required replicated within the hour, Mistress."

"I can have the furniture that's in there switched or recycled in the new furniture, then painted and decorated….."Micheal did some mental calculations. "Three, maybe four hours."

“And if I help?” Kae asked with a smile.

"Probably half that time," Micheal. "Then you, young lady," he smiled at Daphne. "You will finally have a full, regular bed to yourself."

Daphne grinned at him. “Thank you Micheal!”

"You're welcome, honey," he grinned warmly.

“Daph, you do some school work while Micheal and I work in your room ok?’

“Yes Kaleigh” Daphne said and went to sit down to do her work. As she sat down she placed the three toys, a stuffed teddy bear, a stuffed cat and a doll, on the other chairs.

The sight of the little girl, being a little girl, warmed the old warrior's heart. It set his resolve even more that he would ensure Daphne would only live a life of safety and love.

"Shall we?" He asked Kaleigh with a grin.

“Yes, sooner started sooner done.” she replied with a smile.

Standing, Micheal grabbed his tool bag and moved into the small, two person cabin. "Once the furniture get changed and moved, she should have more room to do all the things a little girl should in here."

“Hmm true” Kaleigh smiled and joined him with some tools.

While it took them about an hour to completely strip the room down to the bulkheads, it took them almost two more hours to rebuild the room to the specifications that Daphne had requested.

Once they were done, Micheal stood to the side, his arms loosely wrapped around Kaleigh, as he stood behind her, holding her against his chest. "It sure looks like our little girl will be happy with her new room. What do you think, my love?"

“Perfect” she whispered. “Absolutely perfect”

"Daphne?" Micheal called out. "Come on in here, honey, see your new room!"

Daphne came into the room and smiled bright. “Wow” She said looking around.

"This is now your space. With Rebecca's help, you can further decorate it however you want. There are two rules, however. Rule number one, if one of us tells you to let us in, it's for a reason. Rule number two, as it is your space, you will be required to keep it clean. For now, that is the extent of your chores. Do you understand me, sweetheart?"

Daphne looked up at him. “Yes” She replied. She grinned then turned and raced out of the room for her toys. She came back carrying them and promptly placed them on the bed neatly.

Micheal smiled again, watching Daphne. "I'm glad we were able to do this for her," he whispered into Kaleigh’s right ear.

Kaleigh nodded as she watched the girl she had raised from the age of 2 settle into the room. She nudged Micheal out of the room,and they left Daphne to enjoy the space.

Once they were back out in the living area, Micheal sat down at the table, then silently pulled Kaleigh onto his lap. "Of course," he whispered in her ear as he pulled her closer. "We will need a bigger ship, once our children are born." He gave her a soft, hopeful grin.

“Hmm yes, we will need to find one where Rebecca can be as well”

He nodded. Though Rebecca had only been a part of Kaleigh's and Daphne's lives for a short time, Micheal had long since considered her both invaluable and impossible to live without. "Of course. She is, afterall, an important member of our family."

“She is” Kaleigh said with a smile. “One day I think i will sit down and see about making her able to leave the runabout with us.”

A warm smile slowly spread across his face. "You never cease to amaze me. My love!" He leaned in and gently kissed her.

“I am not that great at building things but thinking things up i do ok” Kae said with a smile. “That said it would be easier with a Imperial Starfleet vessel”

He chuckled softly. "So many things would be easier." He reached up and gently caressed her cheek. "Of course, the likelihood of me having to kill someone who looked at you wrong would also increase." He gave her a devilish grin.

“Hmm same goes” She shifted so she faced him. “Tonight, after she is asleep..” she brushed her lips across his. “I will be happy to show you how much I am yours”

He growled softly and grinned expectantly. "I am yours, just as much. Don't forget that, my love."

“Good thing your room is soundproof Captain '' she whispered. “If you want, I will take your orders like a good girl tonight.”

Hearing her speak that way, Micheal couldn't help but feel a strong stirring in his loins. "Are you saying that, for all the other times, you've been a bad girl?" His eye danced with the lust that he was starting to feel.

She smiled and whispered in his ear “No but if you want I can be bad”

An approving sound rattled in his throat. "I might like both. Though, we would need a safeguard, in case either of us starts to get uncomfortable. Also, you would have to teach me about what else you like to do, my love."

“And you the same” she said softly. “This is a two way street”

"Role play?" He asked hesitantly.

“Like?” she asked as she shifted closer.

He shrugged slightly, "I could be the Emperor and you could be my naughty concubine….or, you could be a slave Mistress and I could be your newest acquisition?"

“Hmm I prefer the former, I could be your slave My Lord” she whispered impishly as she nuzzled his neck. “You can take me anyway you want”

A hungry growl vibrated in his chest as Kaleigh nuzzled close against him. "If…if you don't behave…I'll be forced to…to take you, right here, right now…!"

Kae smiled and slid from his lap. As she did so she let her fingers trail over his lap. “Oh? I guess if she is occupied...” then she lifted her hand and turned towards their bedroom. “After dinner maybe?”


He practically snarled like a wild beast at her touch. "Rebecca," he said heavily as he stood up and stared at Kaleigh like she was a juicy piece of meat. "Keep Daphne entertained. Kaleigh and I are going to be indisposed for the next hour or so…" He then scooped Kaleigh up in his arms and kissed her fiercely, as he carried her to their bedroom.

Kaleigh giggled and wriggled in his arms, mock fighting to get loose from him. “Oh?” she breathed as they entered the bedroom. “And what are you going to do with me?” She nuzzled his neck again.

"Oh, you have been a very bad girl," he replied, hunger filling his eye. "So, I'm going to spank you until you learn to behave!" He lowered her to her feet, but took hold of her wrists with his left hand, locking the hand shut, just tight enough to hold her in place. He then slowly raised his arm, causing her to stretch up on her toes.

After carefully spinning her, he reached back and smacked her ass with his right hand.

Kae didn’t struggle; she merely smiled as he held her hands together. “Hmm” She said as his hand hit her through her clothes. “Is that all?”

His left eye glowed a bit brighter. "Oh, no. Of course, if you really want the beast, we will need a few ground rules. What do you not want? Be truthful, please. I never want to make you uncomfortable or scared to be with me."

Though he was speaking calmly, he still held her up by her wrists.

She looked into his eyes. “I want you to dominate me, I can handle most things, whips are not a favorite though I have had them”

"We still need a safe word, my love."

Kae nodded “ok... Rose?”

Micheal nodded. "Rose it is." Then, without warning, he reached up, took hold of the neckline of her shirt, and ripped the garment away and off of her. "You were not given permission to be clothed, slave."

She lowered her gaze “This slave apologises Master” she said submissively. She could not move to remove her remaining clothes.

Lifting her further up with his artificial left arm, he grabbed at the closure of her pants and undid it. He then carefully peeled them off of her, revealing just a small pair of black underwear. After curling his strong fingers around the front hem of the delicate garment, he jerked it away, ripping it from her body, leaving her completely nude. "There, that's better. Now, how will you convince me to not beat you for your behavior?"

“Would the Master like me to use my mouth to please him?” Kae asked innocently.

Micheal sneered at her. "You had best be worth the price I paid for you!"

“Master will not be disappointed, if he is, he can spank me again.” Kae said with a smile, that boarded on sassy.

Micheal's right eye filled with a lustful look. He slowly lowered her back to her feet and released her wrists. He then moved to the plush, over-sized, chair in the room and sat down. "Show me," he growled.

“Yes Master” Kae walked over to him and knelt before him, undoing his belt with deft fingers freeing his manhood from the pants. Then she slowly set about pleasing him with her mouth.

As Kaleigh started on him, Micheal's head lolled back and he moaned loudly. When he looked back down at her, he reached over and put his right hand on the back of her head, holding her hair loosely.

The touch of his hand, had her sucking harder as she swirled her tongue around him, trying to make him happy. Her hands were running up and down his thighs.

For several minutes, he moaned and made other sounds of pleasure as Kaleigh worked him over. It took a great deal of concentration to remain in their game of master and slave.

Suddenly, her attentions pushed him passed the point of no return before he could stop her. Gripping her hair firmer, he grunted loudly and exploded into her mouth, giving her every bit of himself.

Kae kept on pleasuring him until he subsided and then sat back on her heals and kept her eyes lowered. She waited for the next order.

Reaching down, he placed his right hand under her chin and lifted it to look into her beautiful eyes. "You have pleased me with your attentions. What else have you been taught, my dear?"

Impish eyes sparkled “To dance, to do what my Master wishes” She replied with a tone of pride tinged with taunting.

His right eye seemed to focus more on her face. "To dance? Show me. Dance for me. Ask my AI for whichever music you need."

Kae was of mixed Terran heritage, her mother's family had come from Bathinda in the Punjab province. She stood up slowly, taking her time as she did so, and requested a song of Indian origin. As the music played, her hips began to shift and move, and then the rest of her followed in a traditional indian dance.

Micheal's right eye opened larger as he watched his beautiful angel start to move to the music. As he continued watching, his manhood slowly regained its spent vigor.

Kae was glad Rebecca had chosen a slower piece of music rather than a faster one, because it was easier to dance to and was easier to seduce to. She let her feet and hips lead and her hands shifted in time with the music, and when it ended, she was kneeling before him, but bent backwards in an almost arch.

Micheal's mouth was practically watering for her. "Come here, slave. I wish to give you your reward."

She rose to her knees and crawled over to him on her hands and knees without a word.

Reaching down, he took hold of her upper arms and pulled her up astride his lap. As he positioned her above his swollen manhood, he said, "Enjoy what you have wrought."

“Yes Master” Kae said innocently and lowered herself, feeling him fill her as she did so. A soft moan escaped her lips as she began to move.

As Kaleigh started to enjoy herself, Micheal moaned as well, he slowly moved his hands up and down her body, careful not to impede her movements. "Yeeesss," he gasped. "Just like that! You are making your Master very happy indeed!"

She looked up into his face from lowered lashes “This slave is pleased, Master”

He slowly slid his hands back up to her breasts, taking each one in his hands. He started to alternate between squeezing them and pinching the nipples, as he continued to moan and gasp with pleasure.

When he pinched her she pressed forward pushing her breasts into his hands even as she whimpered.

When she leaned forward, Micheal did as well, bringing his mouth into play on her breasts. He alternated back and forth, biting, sucking, licking, squeezing and pinching.

Kae moaned softly and her hips moved a bit faster as he teased her. She gripped his shoulders, her nails digging in.

He growled as he felt her sharp nails dig in. It hurt, but, it felt really good at the same time. "That's right, slave, put your mark on your Master!"

“Yes Master” She panted “Will... you be marking me Master?” she gasped out

"Oh, yes I will. You have earned it, for you excellent treatment of your Master!" He leaned back in and resumed devouring her. He would mark her later, when he was down between her legs again.

She clenched around him tightly as she moved faster on him. “May this slave make you climax Master?”

He grunted as he replied. "Y-yes! Make me happy and I will give you your mark as a reward."

Kae moved slow and rocked back and forth before upping her pace and kissing his neck and dragging her nails down his chest as her mouth followed. She kissed her way back up to his ear and whispered “Please Master, fill me, give your slave a child”

As if on cue, He grunted and did, indeed, fill her. He pumped for several beats, until he finally relaxed under her.

Kae’s own climax hit at the same time but she didn’t stop her movements because he had not told her too. She rocked on him even as their mutual pleasure subsided.

A few moments later. He wrapped his strong arms around her. Halting her movements. "You…you have done…done very well, slave." He was still trying to catch his breath.

“Thank you Master,” Pride was in her tone, and she wriggled on his lap trying to keep pleasuring him against his wishes.

Gasping softly at the continued stimulation, Micheal gave Kaleigh a playfully exasperated look. "You are certainly full of energy to please your Master, aren't you?"

“You said to please you” she replied with a small smile.

"You certainly do that, my dear." He leaned closer and kissed her deeply, his hands moving over her bare back.

She snuggled against him. When they broke for air she said “I am happy you approve”

He gently pressed his forehead to hers. "You are far more than I deserve, Kae." His words were said in a loving whisper.

“You doubt yourself a lot, love” Kae whispered. “You have done so much for Daphne and I.”

He smiled a slightly bashful smile. Even though they were as intimate as they were, the bashfulness seemed genuine. "I did it, at first…because you were Terran. Now, I would pave the space lanes red with the blood of anyone who tried to hurt either of you."

Kae smiled at him."As I would for you Master" she teased.

He grinned, hearing the playful tone in her voice. "You think there is someone out there who can best me in combat?" He moved his right hand up to her throat and squeezed gently. "You think me weak and defenseless?"

Kae smiled “I do not believe that at all” she said softly. Her eyes went darker with desire as he squeezed her throat.

Using his grip on her throat, Micheal moved Kaleigh up off of him. As she cleared his lap, he stood as well. After stepping out of his pants, he forced her back to their bed. Carefully bracing his hand, he lifted her a few Inches up off the deck. "You will do well to remember that I am Master of all. None can best me." He then tossed her onto the bed. He then reached up and ripped his shirt off of his chest, tossing the ruined garment away as he climbed down atop of her.

Kae had rolled onto her back when she landed on the bed, now lay looking up at him with a smile. “Yes Master, I will remember that”

He lowered himself down against her warm, flawless skin, and kisses her deeply.

Kaleigh kissed him back even as she ran her hands down his back gently. She shifted so she could run her foot up his leg.

Micheal made soft growling sounds when he felt her gently rubbing against him. He moved his kisses to the right side of her neck as his manhood slowly started to regain its vigor yet again. As he moved, it rubbed against the inside of her thighs and against her center.

Kae moaned softly in his ear. “Master” she purred “Slave needs you”

Raising back up to gaze down into her beautiful face, he replied softly, "No more Master and slave tonight. I just want you, my wife."

“Husband” she whispered back. “You only asked Rebecca to distract Daphne for an hour.”

Hearing her call him husband brought a broad grin to his face. "Then let's enjoy the time we have left to its fullest." He then slowly slid his reawakening manhood into her and started to thrust as he leaned down and kissed her again.

Kae smiled up at him and shifted beneath him to draw him deeper into her body. “Mike” she whispered. “Husband”

A short while later, the loving couple were cuddled together, enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking. "I hope I never start to bore you, my love," he said softly as he held her against his right side.

“Hmm highly unlikely.” Kae smiled. “We should shower and get back out to Daphne”

He nodded and sighed. "Yeah, I'm sure she's getting hungry." He opened his arm, to allow her to get up first.

Kae slid from his embrace. "I promise tonight I will be all yours darling."

He grinned at that. "The feeling is mutual, my love." He rose after her and joined her in the shower. They quickly git each other clean, then dried and dressed.

Once they were ready, they exited their bedroom and went to check on Daphne.

OOC: should we post this here?


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