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Getting a Drink...

Posted on Sat Jan 22nd, 2022 @ 1:31am by Lieutenant Cael Maz & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Carter Kehoe

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Deck 11 Bar
Timeline: MD 3 / 1804 hours
1388 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

After his first full shift was over, Johnathan made his way down to the Deck 11 Bar, to have a few drinks and unwind.

Upon entering, he saw that it was a busy place, there was good music playing from the hidden overhead speakers, a dart board to one side, and even a hole, which was replaying the latest vid of the Gladiatorial Games, which were just played down in Austrailia. He had managed to double his initial bet, bringing in a nice bag of gold and jewels. After securing half of it in his back, on Luna, he pocketed the rest for use later.

Moving to the bar, he waited to catch the eye of the attractive bartender.

Ami flitted expertly from customer to customer and soon paused in front of the Lieutenant. "Hi" she said brightly "What can i get you?"

Johnathan grinned slightly in reply. "Three fingers of white zambuca, on the rocks." He was feeling very morose at the moment, as it was a few days until the anniversary of his parent's deaths.

Ami nodded. "Sure thing, coming right up!" She swiftly got the spirit down and poured him his beverage and placed it before him on the bar. "Here you go Lieutenant. "

Nodding his thanks, he placed several credits on the bar by his drink, indicating that he was opening a tab. Then, his picked up the liquorice liquor, gently shook it in the ice, and took a slow sip. He enjoyed both the taste and the burn of it sliding down his throat.

Sweeping the credits into her hand she said "I'll need a name for the tab"

"Anderson," he said simply. He then took another sip. Seeming to be all alone in the universe.

Ami made the note and noticing his abstractness moved a bowl of peanuts beside his elbow and moved off down the bar.

If Johnathan noticed the bowl of bar snacks, it didn't register on his face. He just sat there, slowly sipping his drink,seeming to be a million light years away.

Carter walked up to the bar, still clad in his lab coat. A fact he found out when it got tangled as he tried to sit. "I thought i took this fool thing off!" he exclaimed as he threw a fit freeing himself. 'Sorry about that, everyone." he said as he sat. "Bourbon please?" he said.

Ami nodded "Coming up" And a few moments later served him his drink.

>>>Tag Carter

Callie stepped in the door dressed in a dress that would turn the head of any hot blooded male in the room, and possibly even any interested women. She was still wearing a pair of matching gloves and as regulation required a pin badge showing her status as a telepath. Walking over to the bar she smiled, “A Risan sunset please, on the rocks” it wasn’t one of the better known cocktails but she liked it.

Johnathan didn't notice either new arrival. His mind was a jumble of pain, anguish, loss. Though there was no way that he should remember his parents, the image of their smiling faces was forever burned in his memory for the moment he first opened his eyes. He wasn't being totally truthful to Callie earlier. It wasn't that he had a hard time forgetting some things...he never forgot anything that he was exposed to. The Imperial Fleet doctors diagnosed him with hyperthymesia syndrome. Meaning, he can remember nearly every event of his life in great detail.

So, every year at this time, he starts to feel morose, as he remembers his parents and their savage deaths as they tried to protect him.

Callie could feel the emotions pouring off of Jonathon, the negativity worried her. Walking over to him she offered a friendly smile. “Is everything alright? I’m sensing some very strong emotions from you. Can I help?”

Finally realizing that he wasn't alone at the bar, Johnathan looked over at Callie. "Unfortunately not, I'm afraid. Unless you can resurrect the dead, and give me a lifetime of memories with my parents?" He finished his drink in one large gulp, then signalled for another.

Callie offered an understanding smile. “I wish I could, but I can help with the bad memories. Come and see me when you’re feeling up to it, we’ll work on shutting out the bad memories so you can enjoy the good ones.”

"Were it that easy," the pilot uttered as a second dri k was delivered. After taking a healthy pull he looked at her and raised his glass. "This, my dear, is the only thing that comes close to quieting the screams in my head." He took another large pull of the stone liquor and slammed the glass back down. "Another!"

Ami moved back down the bar handing out drinks as she did so.

Cael Maz had managed to sneak in unnoticed, at least for now. It was the end of his shift and he had just finished instructions to his science teams and the reports that follow. Starfleet, no matter what version of it, loved paperwork. Centries since Maz had done any, he wondered if he put in too much detail. As he made his way toward the bar, he made note of everyone he had not met yet, which was damn near everyone. He put a few credits on the table, "White Russian. Keep them flowing." He said making sure that she was tipped in kind by the end of his stint.

Ami noded and without pausing moved to get his drink. She placed it in front of the Trill with a smile. "Here you go. I will keep them coming for you."

From the other end of the bar, Johnathan said again, "Another!"

Cael Maz raised his brow then looked back to Ami, "Best get him his drink," he said looking back toward the rest of the room thinking back to the last time he was aboard a starship let alone an imperial vessel.

Ami flashed him a smile. "I will be right back with your next drink." she bubbled and headed off to pour Anderson his next beverage. She poured the three fingers of Zambuca and placed it in front of him. She paused at Callie. "May I get you anything Lieutenant?"

Callie shook her head, “Nothing else for me just now, thank you.”

Johnathan tossed a few more credits up onto the bar, then completely downed the entire drink in a few large gulps, slamming the glass down again. It was clear that he was becoming very intoxicated.

“Johnathon...” Callie was concerned. As ship’s Psychologist it was her job to monitor crew wellbeing. “I’m a telepath, I can help you.”

Johnathan stumbled back a little. A sour look on his face. "No offense, doc," he slurred slightly. "No one can fuckin help me." He then turned and stumbled out of the bar.

"By George..." Cael said to himself as he watched the scene unfold rather dramatically. He raised his glass to his lips letting the cool creamy drink flow past his palette and down his throat. "Mmmm good stuff."

Ami sighed and cleaned up the glass from Anderson and placed it in the dishwasher. At least his creds were good. She placed them in the till.

Callie gave it a moment before chasing after Johnathon. “Hey...wait up!”

Having stumbled several meters away, Johnathan stopped and turned when he heard Callie call out to him. The expression on his face was clearly full of pain and heartbreak. He almost turned away, but a small part of his brain told him that that would be rude, so he waited

Callie caught Johnathon up offering a warmer smile. “How’s about I help you get home? I meant what I said, I can help lock away those bad memories.”

As his mind was currently hampered by the drink, he couldn't think of an argument. "Fine," he finally said with a shrug. "This way," he started to motion in the direction he had been moving, then stumbled slightly.

“Here...” Callie let Jonathon hold onto her for stability. “Just tell me where to go.”

Together, the pair made their way to the pilot's quarters.


Ami went back to serving drinks. People walked out drunk all times.


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