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Finding a Way to Fight Back

Posted on Thu Apr 7th, 2022 @ 5:59am by Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Captain Fergus Williams
Edited on on Thu Apr 7th, 2022 @ 6:00am

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: The Array Farm Simulation
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 0730
945 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy moved his team off to a slight rise after the impromptu meeting with Captain Petrov. Tasked with finding or making weapons, his team would need to brainstorm how to accomplish their mission. He looked off into the distance at the farm buildings. "Ideas?"

Ensign Nazar leaned against the farm house, her green skin contrasting her lacey purple bra and panties and her bare feet sinking into the pillowy grass. A marine had graciously handed her a jacket which she left open around her arms for a bit of extra warmth, but she was among the most obviously unprepared people here. Nevertheless, she crossed her arms under her chest and looked at the Chief of Security.

"Well, how do you fight against an enemy you don't understand?" she asked philosophically. "It looks like its us up against a bunch of holograms, sir."

Cael just stood, looking around the environment and occasionally taking deep breaths. "I smell cherry blossoms. This environment seems awful human in nature to be so alien." He said making an observation.

The marine command flicked out his plastic baton. " We have this at least. Anyone wants to guess the likely hood of their being some flint nearby?" he asked his mind going through the training manual.

Troy gestured at one of the structures. "That appears to be a barn. We will start there."

The group moved out in the direction indicated by the Second Officer and, before long, they were out of eye-shot of the rest of the crew and the farm house. As they traveled along the makeshift path toward the barn, a large man climbed off a tractor in front of them, his brow wet with sweat and his overalls only half buttoned.

"Where you gettin to, friends. The shindigs over that'a'way." he said, pointing in the other direction.

"We're taking a tour." Revana said with a somewhat nervous expression.

"There's nothing to see out here, pretty lady." he said, then turned his eyes to the rest of them. "So, why don't ya just go ahead and turn yourselves around there and...head back."

Troy kept a level gaze on the man as he took a step forward, but just out of striking distance if the man were to throw a punch or kick. "And if we decide not to return to the...shindig?"

"Then it would ruin the shindig.." the man said, his face straight. "For you and for all your friends."

"Is that a threat?" Troy narrowed his eyes.

The farmer smiled, stepping closer to the group.

“No, Buddy. It’s an invitation. Let’s go.” He said, and before he could be questioned he grabbed Revana’s hand with a strong grip and started off back toward the farm house at a rapid pace, pulling her along with him with an impressive strength.

Fergus had been staring at the man. His mind was screaming uncanny valley at him. This thing looked human, but something was off about it. The baton switched out as he stepped forward. " Didn't your mama never tell you it was impolite to grab a woman?" he said calmly as he seized up his opponent.

Cael, not paying very much attention to the fact they were on some fancy holodeck, had managed to spot what he determined was a green Granny Smith apple in a bushel near where the tractor had parked. Without even asking, he took one and looked it over. Seconds later, he shrugged and took a bite with a loud crisp bite. He turned in enough time to see that Revana was being taken off somewhere and he followed suit, chomping on the bittersweet cacophony apple.

The farmer used his free arm to shove Fergus back with impressive, superhuman speed, sending him reeling back against tall stalks of corn. Still holding on the Revana, wrist despite her struggle, he shook his head.

"Didn't your mama ever teach you how to act as a good houseguest?" he asked, seeming flabbergasted, and not angry. Suddenly, however, he reacted with a yelp as Ensign Nazar sunk her teeth deep into his arm. Simulated blood trockled down in streams of red. He released her and she scurried back beside Lieutenant Marshall.

"We don't have time for this!" she yelled, picking up a fine-edged hoe and forcing it into his hands. Her irritation was obvious, as she was no longer taking orders, but giving them. "Finish this hologram so we can get on with our mission."

"Put that down right now." the farmer said, squaring up with Troy, his jaw set in a sign of anger. "Or you'll regret it. And that was a threat, my friend."

Cael watched the whole thing unfold then stepped between his shipmates and the hologram. "Look. I'll admit, you have some good apples, but let's cut the proverbial shit. What exactly do you or your creator want with us?" He then took another bite of the apple, waiting for a response, verbal or otherwise.

"Just come back; we can all talk about it together." the farmer said, a fake smile on his face.

Troy looked at the farmer's hand on Revana's arm then stepped up to striking distance of the farmer. "I take orders from my Captain, not you. My normal duties include protecting the officers and crew from hostile aliens. That is not only a threat. It is a fact."

Suddenly about a dozen men in overalls blinked into existence, each of them holding simple farming tools and looking rather angry. The man in the middle who had started the conflict with the group frowned.

“I guess we have to do this the hard way then…”

FADE to Black


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