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On Second Thought

Posted on Wed Apr 13th, 2022 @ 11:27am by Lord Lachlan King & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:24pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Imperial House, Hawaii
Timeline: Date 2371-05-08 at 2200
1823 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Two days had passed since his seemingly chance meeting with Princess Elana in the shopping center. She had made claims to be in Hawaii on official business concerning the common people. He had hardly believed her and, in the end, had let her off to do her work without him while he attended a prestigious party. Since then, he had put a great deal of thought into their conversation and its implications. It was only after he saw the agenda for a newly announced meeting of the Council of Lords that he felt he might pay Elana a visit. His black car pulled up to the outer gate of the Imperial Estate and, after his driver indicated who he was, he was let in. The vehicle came to a stop beside a dazzling fountain in front of the front steps. He stepped out of the open car and, nodding to assurances that the Princess had been alerted to his presence, even at this late hour, he crossed his arms, leaned on the car, and waited.

The main doors opened and Elana exited the house, dressed in what could be called 'professional chic' She had a few formal events over the day and was hoping this impromptu meeting would dispel the needs for it. Elana paused at the foot of the steps and smiled faintly at him. "my Lord" She greeted him. "Your visit was unexpected."

"It's late, I know." he began, seeming politely apologetic, though not shy. "But I needed to speak with you straight away. As far as I'm concerned we can do it out here in the Hawaiian breeze or we can go somewhere more comfortable."

"Hmm there is a gazebo in the gardens if you like? Or would you prefer neutral ground?" Elana asked.

"The Gazebo sounds lovely...that is, unless you're planning a political assassination?" he asked, offering a handsome smile to the obvious joke.

"That would be my sister's way of doing things." Elana said as she turned for the garden. Leading him into the garden over looking the ocean she kept her pace even and relaxed as she walked up the cobblestone path to the gazebo on the cliff.

"Princess Giana has people killed?" He asked skeptically as he followed her up the stairs. He'd always thought of the eldest daughter of the Emperor as a rather empty-headed and silly girl rather than someone who was capable of such action.

"She says she has." Came Elana's reply as she sat on a bench. She waved him to sit beside her.

"Hmm...seems like more your brother's style." he said, sitting in the spot that was indicated and crossing his leg over his other casually. He sat comfortably, not seeming to be bothered by her rank and title. "I can proudly say I haven't killed anyone...bloodshed might be in the past of the Empire, but it doesn't have to be in our future. Though, I know the Crown Prince doesn't see it that way...and it isn't entirely clear what your father thinks."

He looked at her then for several quiet seconds, a curious expression crossing his features.

"What do you think, Elana? Really."

"I find myself conflicted. I want our Empire to be strong, but I am averse to killing people. I think we can find our way forward by other means." She rested her back against the seat back. Her gaze was set looking out over the ocean. "If we are strong here, with the people, we can build a strong empire."

“So you believe there must be a peaceful way toward restoring the Empire to its former glory?”

"There has to be. Death leads to death" She said softly.

“How much do you know about our political situation with nearby states like the Alliance, the Ferengi, and the stimulant Republic?”” He asked gently, trying to see if she would be able to help him what he needed.

"Not much officially." She said her lips curving slightly. "Unofficially, I know what my brother knows."

"Oh? I've got a royal spy on my hands, it seems." he remarked with a grin. "And, I'm assuming that means you're read in on everything which isn't highly classified then?"

"Yes" She said with a smile. "I have been unable to get into my fathers files."

"That's probably for the best. Things like that could put your life in danger." he said with a concerned look. "I don't mean to lecture; hell, its none of my business. I just don't want you to get hurt over a curiosity."

A silent moment passed over him before he spoke again.

"Well, since you're in the know, for the most part, that brings me to the reason I came to see you today. As you know, the Terran Resistance within the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance is tearing them apart and straining their military resources. The warmongers in the Empire are chomping at the bit to take the fight to the Alliance more aggressively where as my faction would like to see a peaceful solution to this conflict which gives us a more even slice of the pie." he said, looking at her, his brown eyes studying her features. "This morning, your father called for a meeting of the Council of Lords with a closed agenda, meaning he wants to blindside us in order to get what he wants. My question for you is...what does he want?"

"Romulans" She said softly. "They want a summit" She kept her gaze on the horizon.

He raised his eyebrows at that in surprise.

"A...summit...a peace summit?" he asked, not able to believe that. "Or a war summit?"

"An Alliance summit." She said softly. "Together, against the Alliance. I believe." She glanced at him. "You should be prepared."

"I can't believe this.." he said, a frown on his face. "We don't need to spend more money and time, and Terran lives trying to win back his vision of glory days long gone!" he exclaimed, slamming his fist on his knee angrily. He looked at her with an expression of confused suspicion. "Why would you tell me this? You know that my faction will try to stop your father."

"You asked" She replied. "And, it might be worth keeping in mind that we are, as an Empire, Ally poor. The Romulans have resources we could use, for our people not just for war. And a non-aggression pact between us, means we are not fighting a war on two fronts."

He thought about what she was saying and considered it for a few moments.

"That might be true, Your Highness. But, after all, I can't count on your father's good intentions in this." he folded his strong arms under his chest. "I'll have to stand up for what I believe in and so will those who agree with me. Peace and not war is our goal. If that is what Antonius wants, I would like to hear it from his own mouth."

As would she. Elana nodded. "I understand that, My Lord" She said softly. She leaned forward and braced the heals of her hands on her knees as she did so. "I don't want war. I want peace. If I could snap my fingers and get that I would. But I am not a magical being, and peace needs to be worked towards."

"Does your father really know you're here?" he asked, a smile sneaking onto his face for a moment. He almost seemed to admire her in the moment. It would be very difficult for someone like her to strike out on their own in this way; very dangerous as well, if tempers were stoked in her family. "The way I see it, you're either playing me like a fiddle or you're playing him."

"My father believes I am like Giana. He believes what he wants. He knows I am in Hawaii. But I keep my own council. I always have. And as I am trying to save my family, he may yell, and threaten me, but death, no not unless I betray the Empire."

His grin matured into a smile and he leaned back, relaxing in his chair. His green eyes moved from her to the nightcaps which had been delivered by a silent servant some time before. He grabbed the glass and licked his lips, taking a sip.

"You're not at all what I expected." he said in a low voice.

"I am not what anyone thinks. My sister sees me as worthless, my brother, sees me as an annoyance, as for my little brother, he keeps his views to himself. My father sees my value in who he can wed me to. And my mother? A pretty empty headed person." She took a breath. "I have secrets."

"Do you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "And what does a man have to do to learn some of your state secrets?"

Elana looked at him over her shoulder. "They are not that important." She replied. "I know what people think when they see me. I am the weak sister, the one even more stupid than the elder. But I am not. I went to University. No one knows that I did."

"Oh...being underestimated can be a very powerful tool." he said with a nod, sipping the brown liquid again. "In social settings, in relationships, and in politics."

Elana gave a half shrug. "And being seen as something totally different from what you are, helps as well."

"You've been very helpful, Your Highness." he said, placing the glass down on the table. "And your secret is safe with me. I will, of course, keep quiet about your involvement. We're going to put up quite the fight, and I wouldn't want you blamed for it by your father."

"If.. if he asks about me..." She said softly. "Protect yourself."

"He can't afford to alienate himself by attacking me right now." he said with certainty in his voice. "But I'll be smart about it."

"Good. too many people get hurt when my father is on a tear. I do not wish that on you."

He turned to walk away, but then paused and looked at Elana to speak again.

"I must say, your highness...if more nobility knew of your hidden qualities, I dare say the line to take you to wife would be out the door." he said.

She gave a short laugh. "Never, they all want the showboat, not the dingy."

"You're wrong." he said plainly, flashed a brief smile, and then turned to leave.

"Oh, My Lord?" She called out as she stood up. "When is the meeting with my Father?"

"Tomorrow morning in Rome." he answered, looking to her. "The sooner it happens, the less time the opposition has to speculate and prepare. I've got to wake some people up and get ahead of it."

Elana smiled at him. "Good Luck" She said honestly.


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