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Touching Base

Posted on Tue Apr 26th, 2022 @ 10:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Cabin 300 - Captain's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 6 at 2230
1332 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

She still didn't feel clean, even after two sonic showers. To think, whoever belonged to that detestable creature on the array had their filthy alien hands on her, it was almost more than she could take. She felt invaded, like her independence and dignity had been taken. Gods, what did they do to us?

Things hadn't been going well. First, her long-lost husband returned and entreated her to come with him to this ship, this metal tomb. Then Kassandra Selinfoto, the love child of her devoted husband and a woman who was long dead, showed up as well. She had made peace with the girl, but a terrible feeling still burned in her chest. She was now at the mercy of a man she hadn't seen for the better part of a decade, after she had finally learned to fend for herself...

She looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her face was without wrinkle or blemish, and she looked much younger than she was. Youthful appearance aside, Yana Petrova had the wisdom of middle age and she intended to use it. To what end was not yet revealed, though she knew it in her own heart. She placed her hands under the water and gathered a pool in her hands. Splashing it on her face, she inhaled deeply as water dripped from her face. Looking in the mirror again, she watched as the water droplets slid down her cheeks and collected at her chin and lips. One loose droplet strayed away and ran down between her breasts. I’m tired of just being the wife of a powerful man. Perhaps that thought was wrong, but she barely cared anymore. She wanted more.

In the name of that self-improvement, she had been studying day and night since she'd come aboard, working toward something, she knew not what. At first, for the advancement of someone she loved, and now...perhaps not so much. Hand to hand combat and weapons training had been a general demand placed on her from a much younger Lieutenant Commander Ivan Petrov; she had learned to use her body as a weapon just as she had once learned to use it for the stage. Flight training, battle tactics, systems, and Starfleet protocols she had been studying all on her own. By computer, and PADD, and holodeck, she had set her considerable intellectual power toward one goal; toward one mission alone. She hadn't had to keep it a secret; it was normal for a Captain's Mistress to gain such knowledge...though, most often, the Captain's Mistress was just that, and not his wife.

She pulled a robe over her naked body made of pink Saurian Silk, bought from an Alliance merchant a few months before. Such luxuries were long behind them now, back in the Alpha Quadrant, and she would have to settle for what could be replicated with their few means or found in this unexplored expanse of space. Sighing, she stepped out into the living room just as the chime rang. Walking over, she pressed the button near the door and it slid open, revealing her son. He stood tall and proud, his head lifted in that slightly arrogant fashion she had always found so endearing.

"What do you need, Mama? I'm on duty." he asked, an eyebrow raised. His voice was clipped. Clearly he wasn't interested in any lengthy business from her.

"Of course you are, Andrei. I know what time it is and I know what's going on. You're here to check on me." she said, stepping aside to allow him entry. "Now get in here and sit down."

"I'd rather just have this over with quickly so I ca-"

"Now." she said decisively and dispassionately, gesturing toward the nearest couch. As she continued to hesitate at the door, she gave him a look which he knew meant there was no discussion to be had. Andrei entered the quarters as commanded and lowered himself brusquely onto the couch. Once her son had complied with her wishes, Yana walked toward him slowly, her hands on her hips. "How are things down there?"

"I bet your pardon?" came his incredulous response.

"In the slave pit." she corrected, cocking her head to the side. "How are they doing, I mean?"

"What do you care?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "I must say, you've been behaving rather strangely since we've come aboard. Since when do you care about slaves?"

"Since I decided to care about slaves, Andrei." she said, evenly. She placed a hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. She could be so damn sweet when she wanted to, and so bitter at other times. "My handsome and strong. Perhaps, you might think..." she leaned in then, until she was within an inch of his face. Her features were devoid of feeling then, all the love falling away, "handsome and strong enough to take away what I've worked for?"

"I'm not entirely clear what you are working how can I take it away?" he responded, unbothered by her tone or change in demeanor.

"And you won't be clear, until I tell you." she said, standing up again. "don't stand in my way on this. I know you aren't an unwitting lackey, but I promise will only benefit by going along with me. Now Answer my question." she lifted a piece of metal in her hand and placed it quickly to his throat quick as a flash. It was a small knife.

"Gods, Mama, Holy Fuck!" he commented, his eyes growing wide with a strange amused surprise. "You're very serious about this, aren't you?"

"I'm serious about everything. Haven't you learned that?" she asked, pressing the metal into his neck enough to make the skin pucker. "And watch your language, boy."

"I'm starting to get it." he said, not showing any signs of fear. "Alright, I'll answer your damn - er - darn question."

She stayed for a while just to see him squirm inside, and then she moved her hand back. Once the blade was pulled away, he subconsciously moved his hand to the place to check for blood. He found none, this time.

"The slaves are terrified. It's the perfect time to show them a kindness, if making friends on the lower decks is your game." he said. In his mind, he wondered how the rest of their family would react if they knew how the two of them really thought. There was something wrong about him from his birth. His father wasn't around enough to notice, but his mother did, for she had the same problem herself. There was something missing within the two of them; a piece of their soul seemed to simply not be there.

"And how much 'kindness' have you been showing them? The females in particular.." she asked, giving him a knowing glance.

He demured for a second, looking away with some embarassment.

"I have only showed my kindness to one of them. And she is, I assure you, perfectly willing.” He said with a slightly superior tone.

“She’s using you for status and a comfortable bed.” Yana said.

“We’ll I don’t think it’s quite that-“

“She is, Andrei. Don’t be a fool. A slave girl wants two things, and that is freedom and vengeance.” Yana said. “If she wants to have an orgasm she could easily get one with the other slaves. She’s chosen you for a reason, and it isn’t your charm."

She offered a small smile, touching his face again. "Such and handsome and strong boy...think with the brain up here, son. It will last longer and get you farther."

He smiled back at her again, his expression wider than hers, and then he quickly turned and left without another word. Once she was left alone, she went back to the room to change to prepare herself for bed.


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