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Inspecting the Shuttlebay

Posted on Fri Jan 21st, 2022 @ 1:46pm by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, shuttlebay
Timeline: MD 04 / 0900
791 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

As the ship was still docked, Johnathan decided to use the majority of his shift, down in the shuttlebay. After checking with the computer, he found that he still had no other officers in the department. However, he did find that the chief petty officer in charge was present, as were two of the enlisted, plus the three slaves. Instead of announcing his approach to inspect his little feifdom, he decided to just walk in and see what was going on.

As he rode the turbolift down, he read up on the personnel he had so far. Both crewmen, Rebecca McKnight and Harry Fitzpatrick, were fresh out of training, o. Their very first deployment. His chief, however, was much more experienced in the Fleet than even Johnathan himself.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Chuck Finley, was a fifteen year Imperial Fleet Veteran, having served on four other commands, and took part in several battles, both major and minor. He was decorated with several of the Fleets higher awards, which only showed that the man had been through the grinder more than once. Johnathan hoped that, while his position guaranteed respect from the older man, as a new leader, he hoped to earn true respect and loyalty from those that served him.

What happened in the next ten minutes would decide the path of things to come.

Approaching the open shuttlebay entrance, he could hear a man's voice, barking orders.

"Move your asses! This shuttlebay will be squared away before our department head shows up to inspect things, or I will personally operate the controls on the agonizer booths that I will shove each of you into!"

By the commanding tone alone, Johnathan was certain that he had identified Chief Finley.

He moved to stand in the open doorway, trying to remember everything he learned in the command classes at the Academy, and what he had observed other officers doing.

A few beats went by, then, he was spotted.

"OFFICER ON DECK!!" The older man of the group snapped to attention as he barked out the warning. The younger crewmen and slaves all snapped to attention as well.

Johnathan entered the large compartment and made his way over to the group.

As got closer, the NonCom snapped out a smart and crisp salute. "Long live the Empire!"

He was echoed by the others. "Long live the Empire!!"

Johnathan snapped to attention and saluted in reply. "Long live the Empire!" He then dropped the salute and started to move among the assembled flight crew, giving each a critical eye as he inspected them and his domain. Finally, he moved back to the front and center of the small formation. "Chief, report on the current readiness of my shuttles and shuttlebay."

Finley stood a little straighter as he replied. "Sir! Though the current flight readiness crew is only at half strength, The shuttle bay is fully stocked and ready to care for the ship's shuttle compliment. However, at present, said compliment is only half full. We are still waiting for the Starbase to send over the rest of our support craft and starfighter compliment. When I spoke with the dockmaster an hour ago, I was told that the remainder of our our craft would be delivered by the end of Alpha shift tomorrow, Sir!"

Johnathan nodded slowly as he listened. When Finley finished speaking, he spoke up. "Alright people, listen up. I'm going sat this once, and once only. Do not mistake my youthful appearance for inexperience. This is my second starship command assignment I've had. I intend to run this department like a fine oiled clock. You do your jobs to the absolute best of your abilities, and you will find me to be a fair and kind commander. Fail me in any way, and you will discover new levels of pain that you never knew existed. Do I make myself clear?"

The entire group replied with a resounding, "Aye, Sir!"

Johnathan nodded again. "Also, you will find that I take care of my own. If anyone on the ship ever tries to bully or abuse any of you, aside from the CO and XO, of course, you come to Chief Ginley and myself immediately. No one will abuse my department while I am in charge of it. Understood?"

"Aye, Sir!"

"Good. Now, continue to ensure my shuttle is ready to receive and properly store the rest of my birds once they arrive. Over the next few days, I will create a duty roster for you to follow. Until then, everyone is on Alpha shift. Carry on." He then turned and made his way to his office. He had a lot of administrative work that needed doing before the first senior staff meeting.



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