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A Rooftop Soirée

Posted on Wed Apr 27th, 2022 @ 11:30am by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 6:53pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: New York, Northern Dominion
Timeline: Date 2371-05-08 at 1930
2909 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure

The air was crisp and clear atop the high rise where slavish party was being throne by one of the Empire’s most active socialites. People mingled and spoke to each other over insanely expensive wine and music from a live band. The Princess Giana had yet to make her entrance, however.

“Stand up straight.” She said to the man standing next to her in the hallway. He had been her lucky pick for the night, topping the list of a hundred hopefuls who followed her around or generally desired that she might marry them. Being the daughter of the Emperor had its perks in Imperial Society.

Captain Edward Howard Fredricson, Imperial Marine starfighter ace pilot, glanced over at Giana. That she had picked him to be her date tonight was true. That he was fawning over her like other suitors would was not. He knew who Giana was, inside her heart. They had known each other since they were young children, when the Emperor had rewarded Edward's father the Governorship of Luna, in recognition of his nearly fourty years of faithful and loyal service to the Crown.

"Stop nitpicking, Gi." Edward replied, his deep baritone filling the small hallway. "You know I won't make you look foolish."

“Don’t you dare call me that here.” She hissed, a frown on her attractive face. “You don’t understand how important this is. You never have.”

She walked up to him and straightened his bow tie with less gentleness than he probably would have hoped.

If Giana hurt him any with her roughness, Edward didn't let it show. Instead, he looked deep into her eyes and spoke so only she could hear him. "My apologies, Your Highness." His tone was calm and gentle, as he always was with her. "As for the importance of this party, you are correct. I don't know. I have never been good at the socializing side of our worlds. That is your battleground, and you are the fiercest warrior on it that I have ever seen. My battleground is up there, in my the cockpit of my Reaper starfighter. I have yet to meet a foe who can match my skills there. Together, we have always been stronger than we are apart." He paused before adding, “You do know that our mothers are practically drooling for us to wed?"

“She mentions it at every opportunity.” she responded, rolling her eyes. “I’m not as eager to be sold off as you might be. I just want to have fun.”

She angled her body toward the exit to the rooftop party.

“Stand close..but not too close.” She instructed. “And make sure you smile.”

Edward gave Giana the grin that she knew belonged only to her. "Your wish is my command, Your Highness." He winked playfully at her, then put his polite game face on. While he knew he would garner some attention tonight, he knew enough that tonight was about the beautiful woman he was with.

This was a game they had played for years, even before she was presented to court. He knew that, for now anyways, any public displays of affection must only come from her. The most he could do, was escort her around. Even the simple act of holding her hand, which was one of his favorite things to do, was not allowed in public, unless she instigates it.

"Lead on," he added with a lop-sided grin.

She walked slightly ahead of him, her head held high. She wore a white dress which stopped just below her knees. It had a peacock like collar lined with silver and gold decorations and a plunging neckline which stopped in a point directly between her breasts. Her hair was styled in a lavish updo. It was an avant-garde presentation meant to draw attention directly to her.

As the two of them entered, people turned toward them and a wave of bows and curtsies followed. She ignored the gestures, moving instead directly toward the hostess of the party. Her eyes locked on her rather sternly, though her smile was bright.

“The wine is already flowing, I see.”

Athanasia Selinofoto, daughter of Artaxes Selinofoto, who, served the Emperor as a Regional Governor, gave the Princess a matching smile. "Princess Giana." She said as she waved a servant forward with drinks. Athanasia was dressed in a murderous red dress, which draped from a golden shoulder clasp, of grecian design, on her left shoulder, down to its asymmetrical hem, slit up the side to allow for movement. Her hair was down and was long enough to brush her knees, though it was pinned back from her face by jeweled hair clips, which sparkled with rubies and diamonds. She curtseyed as custom but there was no subservience in her tone. "Welcome to the party. So glad you could find the time to join us." She said as the servant served Giana and her escorted.

Giana grabbed a white wine from the tray and held it daintily in her right hand. She watched as Ed grabbed his own drink, and then turned her attention back to Athanasia. “Something previously scheduled was cancelled, so I found myself available. Of course, you remember Edward Howard Fredricson, son of Lord Fredricson. He’s back from a tour of duty and I decided to invite him to accompany me.”

Athanasia had two choices, one she could simper or she could pretend the man was nobody. She chose the later. "I do apologize Your Highness, so many men appear on your arm, they tend to blur." She held out a hand to Edward. "Lady Athanasia Selinofoto," she said politely.

Edward smirked slightly. He decided to play along with Athnasia's apparent amnesia. Taking her offered hand in his right hand, he snapped his heels together in a gentlemanly manner, then as he bowed slightly, bringing the back of her knuckles closer to his lips, he replied. "The pleasure is mine, m'lady." He arched his right eyebrow slightly as he gently kissed her knuckles.

"They do, don't they?" Giana said, offering a mock-amazed expression. "It's almost like I can have any one I want."

Athanasia merely let her lips quirk into a smirk. "Yes I am sure they will just adore you, for yourself." She then turned and waved a hand to the room. "Enjoy the party. Oh, and there is a designer from Paris here, showing off their latest designs. Over by the pool"

Edward was careful to keep the grin from his face, as he listened to the barb that Athanasia just laid into Giana.

"Thanks, darling. So sweet of you." Giana said, a fake smile on her face as she grabbed Edward by the wrist and pulled him away from Athanasia. They settled, instead, several paces away near the balcony. Giana sipped her wine and looked out at the crowd, expertly hiding her irritation. "That arrogant bitch, who does she think she is?"

Edward leaned his right hip against the marble railing as he took a sip of his white zambuca on the rocks. "She thinks that she is the hostess of this particular party, my dear." He kept his voice low, so only Giana could hear him. "And she is correct in that thinking." As he spoke, he slowly scanned the crowd, his eyes briefly locking with Athanasia's.

Athanasia's eyes were smirking, there was no other term for it. She turned and vanished into the crowd.

Giana looked from Athanasia to Edward.

"So you're taking her side? She basically called me a whore, and you think she's justified?" The Princess asked, huffing at it, her cheerful expression disappearing. "Or maybe you're just trying to get under that tacky dress of hers again, Ed?"

Edward was immune to Giana's temper. Looking over at her, he spoke evenly. "I didn't say anything of the sort and you know it. You and Athanasia have always been at odds. When are you going to let it go and realize that your status will always be higher than hers?" He paused to take another sip of his drink.

"And if I am? You yourself said that you just wanted to have fun."

"Well, for me, it's fun to have the man escorting me defend my honor instead of trying to fuck my attacker." she said, and rolled her eyes. Before he could respond, she gave him the coldest shoulder ever and stepped away from the balcony. She would have disappeared into the crowd if people weren't making space for her every time she approached them. She joined a group of women her age, fellow socialites and friends who commonly joined her in hating Athanasia and many other people. They welcomed her with excited cheers.

Athanasia moved around the room, barely pausing, she having been trained by her mother on how to hostess a party. She had made sure no snubs could be given by making sure all of those of the social rank she was and above, though only really Giana was above, were invited and catered too.

Servants moved as well, bringing food and drink.

By the pool the designer, Mme Lilith Edith sketched on a padd. She had come because Athanasia's little sister was an upcoming designer and she had been told (see lied to) that Kassandra Selinofoto would be there. But seeing the Princess was a mild compensation.

Edward shook his head slightly. He knew that Giana wouldn't stay mad at him for long. She never seemed to be able to. So, instead of causing a bigger scene, he moved to one of the many bars and ordered another drink.

Giana, for her part, switched her mode back to enjoying herself rather quickly. She mingled with her friends for a while, but eventually, a long line of greeters intruded on that part of the party. She sat daintily in her chair and held court with everyone who came over to speak with her. She told jokes, she listened to their stories, and she always had something saucy or daring to say in return. Eventually, she turned to one of the girls in her entourage and pointed toward the pool.

“Darla, MLE is over there by the water. You remember, she makes the most darling dresses.” Giana said, pointing with her silvery eyes looking straight passed the bar where Edward sat alone nursing a drink. “Go fetch her for me.”

The woman nodded and headed off. A few minutes later, Lilith, a slender woman in her late 20's with blond hair and green eyes was led up. She curtseyed to Giana. "Your Highness." She said calmly.

“Ms. Edith.” Giana said, her hands placed formally in her lap. “I love your dress. You must make me one.”

"Of course, For which event would you like me to design for?" Lilith was not about to say no.

“I’ve just decided to throw a party in two weeks at Imperial Tower.” The Princess said, angling her head to the nearby skyscraper, home to the Emperor’s daughters and the tallest building in the city. “It’s going to be of even grander proportions, so I want to look like a goddess. Can you make that happen?”

Lilith studied the Princess. "If your Highness would stand for me? And walk a few paces?" She had ideas.

Giana smiled and stood up as asked. Many eyes drifted toward her, but that was very normal. She was of average height, but had a beautiful face, despite her pretty case of resting bitch face. She was slender with a statuesque physique. Though her breasts and butt were small, she still looked very good in a swimsuit. Her skin was healthy looking and well moisturized with distinctive beauty marks, particularly around her chest and collar bone.

She took several slow and practiced steps and looked at the designer with a smile.

Lilith nodded then said "I think I can see your outfit well. Aphrodite herself would grind her teeth in jealousy. I will work on them and send them to you next week for approval."

"If you play your cards right, I might add you to my list." Giana said with a grin. "You could become one of the most famous dress designers in the Empire. And the richest."

Lilith merely inclined her head. "It is an honor merely to be considered."

From his place at the bar, Edward casually watched the entire party, from the gathered nobles and society sycophants, to Athanasia moving through the various groups, bring the excellent hostess, to Giana holding court. From the activity, it looked to him that she was about to own several more dresses.

Chuckling softly to himself, he took another healthy pull from his drink.

"You came in with the Princess, didn't you?" came the voice of a very handsome caramel skinned man with gentle eyes and short but very curly hair.

Edward looked over at the source of the voice. "I did. Why do you ask?"

“I was going to keep my distance since you seemed to have her locked down, but… you’re sitting over here. Trouble in paradise?” The man asked, seeming to grow in confidence as he spoke.

Edward gave the annoying man a level gaze. "Not sure what business of yours that is."

"Hey, no problem. I'm just worried about my business. It's no secret the princess is an eligible bachelorette." the man said with a grin. He extended his hand. "Noah Sibiya, Lord of South Africa."

He was sure Edward would know who he was already. It was uncommon for a noble to be made a governor at so young an age and, among his peers, he was one of a handful who had achieved this feat. Particularly, governing an entire country, was rare for a man so young.

"Well, if you feel that you are man enough for her, why don't you go try your luck?" Edward knew that Giana was very particular about the kind of person she spent her time with. He doubted this young lord had much of a shot. It would be humorous to watch, to say the least.

"oh yes, do try your luck" Athanasia said walking up. "It will be fun to watch what she does to someone so bold"

Lord Sibiya grinned at Athanasia and then offered a tighter smile at Edward. He seemed confident that he was, indeed, man enough. He turned to the Princess a few moments after the designer had left and offered a low and slow bow with a charming smile.

"Your Highness, you look lovely this evening." he said, his voice low.

"Well, if tha-"

"Though, perhaps my senses are dulled; blinded by the gaudy jewels worn by our host."

Giana looked at him with a somewhat surprised expression, a hint of dismay at the rudeness of the statement. It was, of course, not a polite thing to criticize one's host, especially when they were so near by. After a few beats, however, the expression on the Princess's face quickly melted into one of amusement. She placed a hand in front of her mouth as she snickered with practiced daintiness. As soon as she started laughing, her entourage joined her.

"Lord Sibiya, you are either very smart or the most remarkable fool." she said through the shaky voice of laughter.

"Why not both, your Highness?" he asked, prompting the whole group to rise again in a chorus of giggles. He moved forward then, not having sought permission to approach her. It was a move that confused and surprised her at first but, as he spoke to her in a low voice that only she could hear, she smiled again.

"Join me, Lord Sibiya. You are...exactly the kind of company I need this evening." she said with a smile.

The two of them spent the next ten minutes whispering to each other quietly and laughing at each others jokes. They were so quiet that no one could tell what they were saying and Giana's entourage quickly melted away to more social parts of the rooftop. Gradually, also, Giana began to make contact with Lord Sibiya's shoulder and, soon after, their knees were subtly touching and their eye contact had grown deeper, but was still tempered with the restraint that was expected of them.

Athanasia watched from a distance, her lips quirking. Giana may be a princess, and an Imperial Princess at that, but really, she played games. Turning, Athanasia moved back to the bar and looked at Edward who was still there. "Looks like she approves of who is with her now. Wonder how her mother will deal with it when his family approaches for a more... permanent match. Their coffers are all but empty and their lands are being leased out."

Edward turned to face Athanasia, a soft smile on his lips. "She rarely knows what it is she really wants," he said quietly. He thentook a breath and continued. "As for myself, if you will forgive my boldness," he moved a bit closer to her, his hand nearly touching hers on the bar. "I am looking for something a bit more serious in nature. I desire a partner that can be my equal in all things. A true partner, if you will."

She laughed "Oh Edward we have been over this. We are suited for fun."

Edward smirked slightly then shrugged. "Then I suppose we keep having fun until I convince you otherwise.


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