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Pause Between the Madness

Posted on Mon May 23rd, 2022 @ 8:31pm by Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Ami's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 6 at 2340
423 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

It was thirty minutes before the next phase of the operation. Melissa had time to check up on someone. A part of her needed to make sure she was alright. It was an interesting emotion.

Ami, as a civilian, was confined to quarters so when the chime rang she opened it and smiled. "hello Melissa,"

"Good, you are functional. I felt compelled to check on you. A response due to the strange place we were in." Melissa noted

"Yes I am fine. No harm came to me." She waved Melissa into the room. "I am glad you came by Melissa, I was concerned about you."

"I must leave soon. I just wanted to make sure you were here. One of my friends, Kassandra Selin, was not returned to the Vengeance." Melissa noted. "I have volunteered to retrieve her. She has earned respect from me."

"Hmm good to know you have friends. Do you have time though to have a hug?"

Melissa hugged Ami. "We are dealing with a pitiful entity that kidnapped us. Ami." She noted. "He's a slave... with the ability to free himself.. and he chooses to be a slave.." She noted. "I have never seen anything more pitiful in my existence."

Ami gently cupped Melissa's face in her hands and brushed her lips over Melissa's. "You will defeat him and his masters, free those, they foolishly took prisoner and return to me victorious."

She kissed Ami... "Victory... Does not interest me." She noted. "Not when it's temporary. I'd settle for the retrieval of our people. These Ocampas... They know no hardship in life.." Melissa noted. "I already hate them. Using the Caretaker to live a sedate and meaningless existence of lax and stupidity. A child that never leaves the crib is a pitiful disgrace." Melissa noted. "Strength requires pain, but not in the way that the Empire thinks of it and their torture chambers. The kind of pain I speak of... is one you endure... not just what is inflicted. These Ocampa don't deserve a respectful death."

"Then you will show them the true meaning of power and strength" Ami said with a warm smile. "Please be careful Meli, I do not want to loose you"

"I have every intent to live, Ami Lewis... I must for the day I am free of the Empire.. I will find a way.. one day... with you." She noted.

"I know you will" Ami said softly. "You will and it will be glorious."

"I must go. There are things I must do."



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