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Time for a Medical

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 11:27am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Ensign Mika Petrova

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD7 0920 hrs
752 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

As regulations required Callie had quickly headed to Sickbay for her boarding medical ahead of rejoining Troy in the transporter room at 1000 hrs. She was wearing her black gloves as required by regulations, as well as a specially designed pin badge on her uniform that indicated she was a telepath. Yet something else that kept her apart from others, the gloves were standard Terran uniform but for a telepath they also worked to keep her touch senses from operating.

Walking stiffly into Sickbay given her aching legs, she looked around. She hoped this doctor would be more friendly than those she’d worked with so far. No doubt she’d soon find out.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" Mika asked before a nurse could greet her instead. She wanted the crew to feel safe with her as their...almost doctor, so she opted for energy over experience.

Callie offered a polite nod. “I’m Lieutenant Callie Vali, I’m here for my boarding medical.”

It was that exact moment that Karen walked into Sickbay for the very first time. She smiled slightly at the two. "Lieutenant, Cadet, I'm Dr. Lamont."

Callie nodded politely as she greeted Lamont. “Doctor, I’m Callie Vali. I’m here for my boarding medical.”

"Cadet, please get me the lieutenant file," Karen said to Mika before looking back to Callie. Her eyes moved briefly to the badge marking the other woman as a telepath but she made no comment. "Have a seat on the biobed."

Callie nodded. Her immediate impressions of Lamont were positive enough. On an Empire ship you had to watch your back, there was always someone who would be willing to take you down, and take your place. Plus a desperate slave was always a risk.

Mika handed the doctor the PADD and offered a grin. It seemed the cavalry had arrived.

"Here you go, Doctor." she said, then stepping aside, clearly intending to observe her boss and teacher in order to clean any medical knowledge she could.

"Ah, yes," Karen said, glancing at the PADD. "The biobed, please, lieutenant," she repeated to Callie and then stepped into her office. She returned with a specialized tool which she pressed against the inhibitor on the half-Betazoid officer's neck. "Has this been giving you any trouble?"

Callie shook her head. “No, not that I’ve noticed. Not that I like having it on me in the first place.”

"That's not my decision," Karen said calmly. She checked the special tool and then put it away. "It looks to be in working order. Now, you're actually overdue for your contraceptive. Are you sexually active?"

Callie paused then nodded. “You err...could say that.” She gave an embarrassed look. “I did replicate a hypo to use but I thought I was still covered by my last long term contraceptive.”

"You must have entered a date wrong, or someone did. According to your records, it expired five days ago." Karen spoke a little more softly. "Callie, I know it's personal but I'm your doctor. Have you had vaginal intercourse recently?"

Callie nodded. “I’ve been letting myself loose somewhat since I came onboard. I err...I’ve slept with three men.”

Karen simply nodded and began running a medical tricorder over her. "Come see me again in three weeks, on the off chance." She paused as she moved the tricorder to Callie's head. "Any headaches?"

“No, except at the end of a long day!” Callie offered a smile. “They are a hazard of being a telepath and empath but I’m generally pretty healthy.”

"I'm going to give you another long-term contraceptive," Karen said, "and I want to see you again in three weeks. Just on the off chance."

Callie nodded. “Understood. Hopefully nothing will come of it.” What she didn’t say was how worried she was something would come of it.

"Hopefully," Karen agreed, looking to Mika. "Would you fetch me the contraceptive?"

"Yes, Doctor." Mika said, walking past one of the nurses in the room, through the office, and to the back room. Walking up to the medical replicator, she indicated the specifications for the item and it materialized in the space. It was a small white device meant to be implanted under the skin. She returned with it on a tray, sitting it down close to the doctor. "Here it is, Doctor Lamont."

As the procedure for implanting the device got underway Callie could only wonder what trouble she might have gotten herself into.



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