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The DNA of a devil dog.

Posted on Tue Sep 13th, 2022 @ 8:38pm by Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1400
1000 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

The chief devil dog winched as he made his way down the corridors of the ship his jacket held tightly to his side. He was getting old he should have stopped that blow easily.

That feeling had come back as well. Something about this ship just didn't feel right. Some of the corridors just ended when his gut told him they should keep going. Dam he had to cut down on the alcohol he thought to himself as he stepped through the doors to the sick bay.

"Medic." he barked loudly as he stepped through the doors.

Daniel sighed at the tone of the call. The belief that doctors were only good for putting people back together was prevalent on this ship as any other. Nevermind the thought that if they didn't break themselves to begin with, usually on pointless activities, then they wouldn't have to deal with the doctors so regularly. Oh well, time to see who was the problem this time.

Standing he quickly stepped out of his office to be greeted by the sight of the captain and schooled his features into an unreadable mask. No need for the captain to know of his annoyance.

"Captain." He responded and without another word grabbed his tricorder and started to scan to see what the trouble might be.

The devil dog scowled at the sight of the tricorder. " You really need that doc. " He said glancing at the small blood trail coming from his leaking jacket. " Knife fighting practice. One of the new pups is going to be cleaning out the toilets with a toothbrush." He scowled as he grunted in pain again.

"Unfortunately, micro and x-ray vision are not abilities I currently possess. So, to confirm there is no damage beyond the surface I do, in fact, need this." With a nod he closed up the device and set it down, quickly trading it for a hypo and loading it with an analgesic. Waving away the captain's arm to then pull the jacket back and inject a couple times around the bleeding. "One moment now." He also noted the increased alcohol content in the captain's blood and while the numbing agent got to work, swapped out cartridges and injected the man with a neutralizing agent just under his jaw.

Daniel again traded out tools and replaced the standard regenerator tip for a thin, extended bit so he could get inside the cut in the clothing and regenerate the damage directly. "Be done in just a moment."

" Doc what was that?" The marine yelled as he suddenly felt yesterday's rum leaving his system. " Hey, that's none replicated alcohol. " He muttered.

"Nothing to worry about, just a standard anti-intoxicant. Also known as my job when it is likely the cause of your current injury." The dermal regenerator was removed from the shirt and set back on the tray and picked up the tricorder once more. "If you didn't want it to happen, you shouldn't have come in here injured while it was in your system." Tapping on the tricorder a couple more times he frowned slightly and looked at the captain. "Dare I even ask what it happening with your adrenaline gland here? Someone messing with things beyond themselves it looks like."

" That?" Fergus replied with the tone as if someone asked him the weather. " Not completely sure. Never did get a full explanation of what the doctors did to me in the program. All I know is it's always on yet never loses it strength."

"I don't see any medication as a suppressant and that seems...exhausting. Are you self medicating?" Old warriors were some of the worst to deal with such things. Never wanting to give up a perceived strength and just trying to grit through the down sides.

" Booze and cigars I guess. As I said they barely told me what they did to me other than I had a ten per cent stamina strength increase compared to normal humans. I was only a kid when it happened." Fergus explained.

"If you would like, I can work on something to alleviate the pressure this puts on your body that can be disabled when called for." True he would need to discuss the particulars with an engineer but first Daniel would have to synthesize an agent to counter the effects without knocking the captain unconscious or impair him otherwise. "Otherwise, you are patched up and ready to return to your activities."

" You could do that?" Fergus inquired. " The docs told me they made it impossible to switch it off."

"This wouldn't be switching it off, that would take a lot more studying of your particular modifications. However, I believe I can synthesize something that would counter the effects on an ongoing basis. With some sort of implant that you would have control over to inject you regularly." Daniel organized his cart of tools and then turned fully to Fergus to address any further questions more directly.

The devil dog thought it through in his head. It had been so long since he'd ever not had a constant buzz going through him. " Worth a try I guess doc. " he said nodding in indication for Daniel to go ahead.

Daniel noted the permission in the file and then gave a nod. "I will have to review things. Adrenaline is notoriously difficult to filter out of the body besides aerobic exercise and I do not want to just throw a tranquilizer in your system that will affect other things. I'll follow up with you in a week?"

The devil dog nodded with a "Sure doc I'll see you in a week." he said sliding off the biobed.

"Very well. Feel free to self medicate until then, but don't complain if you come in here and I take it away." Daniel smiled slightly before giving Fergus a nod and made his way over to his office to get started.

The marine nodded as he headed for the door. " See you later doc."


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