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Til Death Do Us Part

Posted on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 11:31pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Sergeant David Novak & Ensign Mika Petrova & Commander Cyrus Cain

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Holodeck One
Timeline: Mission Day 21 at 0800
2310 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure


~ Callie’s Quarters ~

Callie stood looking at herself in the full length bedroom mirror, she hadn’t been planning to have to alter her wedding dress but it had proved too snug on her bump. She’d had to seek out Kass’ help with letting out her dress with hopes that she would still be able to wear it. Now here she stood hardly believing that she was getting married.

Walking out of the bedroom she offered a nervous smile as she looked at her bridesmaid Kass, “Are you sure I look alright?”

Kass smiled as she stood from the chair where she had been sitting. She was still recovering from the events on Ocampa and moved slowly. "Callie, you are wearing one of my originals, You look wonderful. Hell, you would look wonderful in sackcloth." She picked up the last few items for Callie. "Something blue for you" she held out two blue garters.

Callie smiled as she took the garters. “Thank you Kass, are you sure you’re up to this? I’m amazed you’re on your feet after what they did to you.”

Kass gave her a smile. "I am fine. Now lets get you ready to marry Troy"

Callie nodded and grinned. “Let’s do it! Fergus should be here soon and I don’t want to be late.”

"A bride is never late" Kass replied with a smile.

Fergus happened to be outside in his marine blues. He just wished he could get the eye fixed he thought as he waved his hand under the door's alert box.

Callie looked towards the door, she was only expecting Fergus so she called him to enter. “Come in Fergus”

The devil dog nooded as he stepped inside. " You look lovely Callie." He said in a rare moment of warmth.

“Thank you Fergus” Callie smiled warmly. “You look very handsome in your uniform blues.”

" Thanks. Suprised these still fit i've never been able to get them to eb correct around the collar." He replied.

Callie grinned. “Well let’s get out of here, I don’t want to be late to my own wedding.”

~ Holodeck ~

Johnathan stood next to Troy, on the chapel. "You nervous yet?" The young pilot asked, a slight grin on his face.

Troy was making a conscious effort to remember to breathe. He was indeed nervous, though not in a flee the wedding sort of way. He was going to be a husband and father. His family was going to be stranded in the Delta Quadrant for years, perhaps to never see Terra. It was a daunting prospect. He turned to his friend and nodded with a slight chuckle. "Yes. I am, and if you tease me about it I will do the same to you when Kassandra gets you locked down the same my friend."

Johnathan grinned warmly, thinking of how wonderful that day would be. "When that day cones, I will be a very happy man, buddy."

Troy inhaled deeply before exhaling audibly. "I have no doubt you will my friend. I am ready Callie and I to officially start our lives together."

Melissa looked at everyone and then spoke to Ami. "Ami... what is this event we are at.. And is there something wrong with Troy? Is he going to die soon? Shall I prepare a stasis chamber somewhere so his remains will be fresh when we return to Terra?"

Ami gave a soft laugh. "Its a wedding, when two people get married. Surely you have heard of that?"

Dana stepped into the holodeck alongside David, she smiled as she held onto his arm. She hadn’t been to many weddings before and she was looking forward to it.

David was dressed in his marine dress uniform and his hair was greased and formally styled for the occasion. He wasn't used to getting all gussied up, but he certainly cleaned up well.

"Think they'll have cake?" he asked Dana, his eyes scanning the room.

Dana grinned. “I would certainly think so, did I tell you how handsome you look?”

“Just about 28 times.” He said with a smile. “In fact, I’m surprised you’re keeping your hands to yourself right now.”

Dana smiled a wry smile. “Trust me you have no idea how much I’m having to fight the urge to put one of the storerooms to good use!”

"Maybe you can show me later." David said with a wink, before guiding her gently to the seats.

Next through the door were Kiera and Rhen, not really knowing anyone much she opted to sit further back. “This kind of reminds me of our wedding day” she smiled warmly at Rhen. The romance of a wedding brought out the best in her.

Rhen looked around before sighing seemingly depressed. "Why did you bring me here? I don't know these people..." Clearly a bit upset in his tone.

Kiera kept her voice low. “I brought you here because they’re our cremates now Rhen, we have to be respectful. Besides I like weddings. If you don’t wish to be here with me then feel free to leave, I’m staying.”

Rhen wasn't trying to be rude but with his Kiera's marriage not on calm waters right now it was best he stay away from events like these. All it was remind him of better times before he screwed up both their lives and he couldn't handle the guilt. "I think you're right it be best I be elsewhere than here." Not saying another word he gave give Kiera a apologetic nod and left.

Kiera unhappily watched Rhen go, she knew they needed to talk out their problems but right now she didn’t want to be rude and leave the wedding.

The next time the doors parted, the Petrovs entered together. The four of them moved as a unit, smiling, waving, and shaking hands as the moved slightly up the hill. Ivan, Andrei, and Mika were wearing their dress uniforms, while Yana was dressed in a baby-blue garment which hugged her fit frame and made her look very tall and slender.

After greeting several people, Ivan moved to the spot under a fan of beautiful flowers where the ceremony was to happen and clapped his thick hand on Troy's shoulder.

"Congratulations, son. You're taking on an awesome responsibility today and it won't always be sweet and easy, but it will be an adventure every day." the man said, smiling through his hefty beard. "I'm proud of you."

Troy straightened as Ivan approached. "Thank you sir." He glanced from Ivan to Yana and back to his Captain. "Got any sage advice for a man about to start the adventure of a lifetime?"

“Lead from the front, Troy.” Ivan replied with a self-assured expression. “Always lead from the front. The first into danger; the last one out.”

Karen entered alone in her dress uniform. She took her place among the guests, smiling brightly. It was a happy occasion. She didn't know how many of those they would have in the Delta Quadrant.

A few minutes later the bridal party stood outside the holodeck waiting for their queue to enter.

“Why do I feel so nervous!?” Callie offered Fergus and Kass a smile just as the music began. “That’s our queue.”

Kass nodded and headed in, pausing at the door "Breathe Callie, it will be fine."

Callie nodded and took a deep breath. A few moments later the music started to play...

" Come on lass you have the rest of your life to start." the marine said as he offered his arm.

Troy turned to the holodeck entrance as the musical que for Callie's entrance began. She, to his eyes, appeared absolutely radiant and literally breathtakingly beautiful. He could not take his eyes off her. She was only halfway to the awning when a subtle nudge from Johnathan came.

"Breath, dude, breath!" The young pilot whispered softly as he gently nudged Troy's ribcage.

Troy resumed breathing as he gave himself a mental shake. He whispered to Johnathan. "Thanks for the reminder. Wouldn't look good for the groom to pass out before the bride made it here."

Johnathan smiled and nodded to his friend. He then turned his gaze to see Kassandra. Though she wasn't the bride today, he still thought that she was the most beautiful women he'd seen.

Callie smiled as she looked towards Kass. “Looks like Johnathan only has eyes for you.”

Kass flushed slightly. "Just pray he didn't loose the ring" she whispered back.

Taking hold of Fergus’ arm Callie’s smile practically shone as she walked down the aisle between the guests towards the man she loved with all her heart. Her eyes were transfixed on Troy until she stood at his side, turning to Fergus she smiled warmly. “Thank you Fergus.”

" Thank you lass. He'd better treat you right or my foot's going up his ass." the marine said camly.

Troy took hold of Callie's hands and stared lovingly into her eyes. He couldn't contain the wide smile. "You look...radiant my love."

Callie couldn’t take her eyes off Troy as he held her hands. “Thank you Imzadi, you look so handsome!”

Troy nodded before turning his head towards Ivan. "We're ready sir."

"Family, friends, and soldiers, we have gathered here today to celebrate the love between Troy Marshall and Callie Vali, to bless their marriage with our own hopes and prayers, and to help them start their new family." Ivan said, his eyes now darting past Callie and Troy to the gathered throng of well-wishers. "These two solemnize their union with their own love and dedication, but I have been empowered, as a captain of the Empire, to officially and legally recognize what they have started here. This very day, they will become one with each other; bone of his bone; blood of her blood; the first baby born of our crew...sojourning in the great nowhere of the Delta Quadrant."

Ivan's eyes drifted to the two of them then.

"They have each written vows they would like to share with one another."

Callie nodded, taking a deep breath she smiled as she looked at Troy.

“Troy from this day forward I take you as my Husband, Lover, and Partner in Crime.” She grinned.
“I promise to treat you with respect, to love you for who you are, and never try to change you.”
“I promise to keep your secrets, and I promise to be a good mother to your child.”

“An enemy of yours is now an enemy of mine.”
“If you get sick I will care for you.”
“If you get murdered I promise to avenge you.”
“And finally when the end is near, I want your face to be the last thing I see and your voice to be the last thing I hear.”
“I love you.”

Troy looked into Callie's eyes as he spoke. "I knew you were special from the moment I laid eyes on you. I will stand with you in all things until my dying breath and hold you as my dearest love until that day."

Vows done Callie looked towards Ivan. “Over to you Sir.”

"Troy, do you take Callie to be your bonded wife? To love, and protect, and guide, until your life has ended?"

Troy nodded. "I do."

Ivan looked at Troy with a meaningful smile and then turned his gaze to Callie; she looked so beautiful in her dress.

"And Callie, do you take Troy to be your bonded husband? To love, and protect, and guide, until your life has ended?"

Callie nodded. “I most definitely do.”

"Then by the power vested in me as a Captain of the Imperial Starfleet, I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

Troy did not need any que from Ivan. He took Callie in his arms and kissed her deeply for a full five count.

Callie returned the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Troy, everyone else in the room simply ceased to be as she let herself enjoy the first kiss as Mrs. Marshall.

Ivan smiled and put his large hands together in a round of applause. It warmed his heart to see his people starting a life together, and it was a soothing balm for his soul after getting them all trapped out here in the Delta. He hoped that some good would come out of all of this and that their union would be strong. Looking past the young people's embrace, he made eye contact with Yana, who smiled at him immediately. He had his love as well.

Kiera wiped away a few emotional tears at having witnessed such a beautiful ceremony, standing up she applauded appreciatively for the newly weds.

Dana rose from her seat joining in the applause, she was happy for Callie and Troy they had their whole lives together as a couple and family. She couldn’t help but wonder if she and David would ever reach that point in their romance.

Johnathan smiled happily for his two friends. He was glad that they had found each other in this far off place. As the crowd continued to applaud, his eyes moved to Kassandra's, and his smile grew even more.

Kass smiled back. She wanted to sit down and she turned and watched Callie head down the aisle with Troy

Callie’s smile practically shone as she and Troy headed back down the aisle. This was the start of a whole new chapter of her life one she planned to live to the fullest.

Troy held Callie’s hand as they walked towards the exit. Their wedding reception would be held in the main shuttlebay shortly, then the next 24 hours they were off to enjoy their first night and following day as Mr. and Mrs. Marshall.



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