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The fatherly figure

Posted on Tue May 31st, 2022 @ 7:01pm by Captain Fergus Williams & Callie Marshall
Edited on on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 12:41pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Williams’ Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 0700
817 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Even though she was supposed to be home resting Callie stood outside Fergus’ door with a replacement jacket folded neatly over her arm, when they’d arrived on the array Fergus had given her his jacket to cover up with, now she was returning a new jacket having lost his when she was taken by the Caretaker. Pressing the door chime she waited for an answer.

The door slid open. Fergus face looked a mess with his replacement artificial eye standing out the most. It wasn't the same colour as he real one but he managed a smile. " Nice to see you again lass." he said warmly.

Callie gave Fergus a surprised glance. “Heavens! What did they do to you!” She shook off her surprise offering an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry that was rude, I came to bring you this...” She held out the jacket. “You gave me yours to cover up with, so I thought I’d return the favour and get you a replacement.”

" The thing on the station. Guess he wanted a souvenir." the marine grinned as he beckoned her into his room which was starting to look like normal. " What about you did it do anything to you?" he inquired.

“Just this...” Callie placed the jacket down revealing the rounded stomach she didn’t have before. “They advanced my pregnancy, seems I’m approximately 27 weeks now. The Ocampans were interested in our breeding capabilities, the way we conceive and carry children among other things, it seems my son is a ‘goldmine of genetic information,’ as they put it.”

" At least you still have the kid. My eye now in a billion bits. " the marine said as he looked at the window. " I'm the furthest a scot has ever been. Wish it was more pleasant circumstances."

Callie offered an understanding nod. “I’m sorry, I can’t imagine what it must be like losing your eye. Anytime you need to talk, you know where you can find me.”

" Thank's lass but I've lost far more precious things to me than an eye. Besides the docs can have her fixed up in a week or two." The marine replied as he stared out into the stars.

Callie looked at Fergus curiously. “Do you have family back home?”

The marine EX was quiet as he stared out at the stars. " No no one waiting for me back home."

“All I have back there is a very controlling father and a mother I barely even know. At least here I have Troy, and my friends, and my son.” She offered a smile.

"You're luckily to at least to know your parents. Mine were a bunch of drug addicts who wanted to trade me for drugs."

Callie shook her head. “That’s awful.” She paused before a sudden thought ran through her mind. “Be part of my family, out here we’re all alone we just have each other. If we were in Empire territory everyone would be making allies for future career plans, I promised Troy I would protect our son no matter what and to do that I need both friends and family. Besides I’m going to need someone to walk me down the aisle.” She smiled.

The marine let out a happy chuckle. " You really want an old war dog like me to give you away lass?"

Callie smiled. “Why not? That’s if you’d like to of course.” She gave Fergus a warm smile. “All the crew of this ship have right now is each other. I could use a father figure like you, a worthy grandparent for my son.”

" I have no idea how to be one, but i'll do my best." Fergus replied with a smile.

Callie smiled and nodded. “I can’t ask for more than that Fergus. I’d still like to learn some extra self defence if that’s possible? I need to be able to defend myself against any foe.”

" May need to lay of the more extreme stuff for a while." he said glancing at her belly.

Callie nodded. “Agreed, there has to be something I can learn though.”

" I'm sure i can teach you something. I'll see what grunt is going to volunteer his holodeck season to run somethings through." The old marine responded.

Callie nodded. “I’ll volunteer my holodeck time, it’s me whose asking for the help.”

" Sounds good lass. I'll call you when i'm free." The devil dog said smiling.

“Thank you Fergus, I may not be able to do the rough and tumble stuff but at least I can go through the theory and weapons training.”

" I'll do what i can. Now go one i think you have a wedding to plan." the marine said warmly.

Callie nodded. “I do indeed. I’ll be in touch.” With that she headed back to Troy’s Quarters to rest.



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