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Gut Feeling

Posted on Sat May 7th, 2022 @ 3:43pm by

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Security offices
Timeline: Mission Day 6 at 1900
1261 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

With end of shift looming Kiera made her way to the security offices, now they were assigned crew aboard the Vengeance it was a case of waiting for free time to see Rhen even though they were married. Walking into the security offices she smiled as she saw him.

“Excuse me Ensign” she smiled proudly at Rhen, he was an officer, her superior as far as ranking went. “I was hoping you’d be free for dinner soon?”

Rhen didn't say anything at first he was busy looking at the playback of the alien captain they met earlier. "Kiera, come here for a second." He said not looking away from the screen. "The alien captain we met earlier, what did you sense from him?"

Kiera moved across to Rhen. “To be honest I never really got to pay much attention, I was busy down in the intel offices.”

Rhen leaned forward studying the Captain for a moment. "I sensed he was certainly hiding something but his eyes, I seen it many times on the gladiator arenas. He is a killer certainly but a sly one waiting for the opportunity to strike I don't think he really cares about helping us get our people back."

“We’re well and truly on our own out here.” Kiera shook her head before she smiled at Rhen. “You’re getting good at focussing your senses.”

Rhen slumped back in his chair shaking his head. "Thanks, but something tells me that he might be interested in more than just the ship." He turned off the screen before turning in his chair to face his love. "You mentioned food?"

Kiera nodded. “I did indeed. It’s nearly end of shift so I thought I’d see if you wanted to have dinner?”

Rhen sat up fixing his uniform. "I don't see why not, not much I am doing staring at the computer screen all day." He replied.

Kiera offered an understanding smile. “It’s not exactly busy right now, but you’ll get your chance to show what you’re capable of. We’re just lucky to be serving now and not part of the slave entourage.”

Rhen hated thinking about the years in the gladiator arenas he was thankful to be doing something other than being stuck in a life of deadly entertainment. "Can we not talk about it? I rather just forget it ever happened." The memories still haunted him at times and he was happy to be out of that sort of situation back into a somewhat more normal life again.

Kiera nodded. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories” She wished they could talk about it, there were things she needed to get off her chest, old feelings of guilt from her time having to please others as well as Rhen, especially as they were married at the time.

Rhen hung his head rubbing his forehead clearly a little upset. "Look, I am sorry but I am still having problems wanting to talk about it." He felt guilty still of all the women he was forced to sleep with it nearly broke him. The ultimate betrayal he felt still to Kiera how they were still together was still a miracle.

“You should Rhen, if not to me then to the Counsellor it’ll help you recover.” Kiera offered a warm smile.

"Does this ship even have one?" Rhen asked. "Even if it does what sort of help is it going to be, huh? 'Sorry, you was a moron beating up the Emperor's cousin and his pal trying to rape your wife. But hey you and your wife spending those years in a gladiator arena forced to fight or die and fuck other people is what you deserved.'" He shook his head his anger building up before realizing he was in a room full of people still.

Rhen didn't even know he had made a fist before quickly flattening his hand and just placing it on his hip. "No, I said I didn't want to think about it and I don't think talking about it is going to help." He said in as calm tone as possible.

Kiera sighed before her own anger got the better of her. “Now you listen to me! Stop being so damn stubborn!!” She stood hands on hips. “WE need to talk to someone before our marriage goes to hell. You’re not the only one who feels guilty! I was made to ‘entertain’ other men while you were sleeping with other women, how do you think I feel?” She bit her lip, she rarely got angry and she didn’t like being this way with Rhen.

The few others besides them in the room turned to face them clearly made Rhen embarrassed. He never saw Kiera get this way much but when she did he knew he screwed up. "Fine." He began in a soft defeated tone. "I will go okay?" There were a few snickers from the room making his face turn red slightly.

“Did anyone say you lot could eavesdrop!!?” Kiera looked around angrily. “I suggest you all get back to what you were doing!!”

Finally, Rhen led Kiera into a quieter place away from prying ears. "Okay, calm down I said I will go with you!" He said softly.

Kiera nodded. “I’m sorry, I was just angry because they were laughing at us!” She took a deep breath. “I’m hurting too Rhen, just as much as you. Just because I don’t show it, it doesn’t mean that it’s not there.”

Rhen shook his head waving his hand and taking a seat in the room. "I am sorry, I understand you are going thru the same things I am with me." He looked up at Kiera. "There is a reason I hardly use my abilities anymore."

Kiera gave Rhen a curious look. “Which is?”

"This, the whole fact every time I want to I can sense your thoughts your feelings about our time there. I shield my mind from you too cause I too think about it and I know how much we enjoyed sharing our thoughts and feelings with each other as a normal betazoid couple should." Rhen looked at his wife. "I miss it I miss the people we were."

Kiera nodded. “So do I Rhen, I want the old us back.”

Rhen couldn't help but smile a little as a thought came to mind. "I remember us spending hours in bed just talking about children." He looked up at Kiera. "I still want to have a family with you that hasn't changed."

Kiera nodded. “You always wanted us to wait so that we could raise our kids on Betazed, that’s not happening anytime soon... if it ever happens! Chances are we won’t get home for a long time, it’ll be too late to have s family by then.”

Rhen shrugged his shoulders. "We can discuss it things might change my mind." He replied patting her hand.

Kiera nodded. “First things first we get some counseling.”

Rhen said nothing just pulled Kiera close to him keeping to his thoughts but enjoying the closeness of her.

Kiera closed her eyes for a few moments as she cuddled up against Rhen’s chest. She enjoyed their closeness.

"How about you set up a time for us on the counselor." Rhen looked at his love. "Till then let's go get that dinner I am starving, hmmm?"

Kiera nodded. “Let’s go home.”



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