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Parisian Sunset

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 12:58pm by Lord Lachlan King & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:27pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Paris
Timeline: Date 2371-05-26 at 1130
1419 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

The Orphanage was set on a parcel of land outside Paris, it had room for the children to play, and Elana was happy with the house lay out. Her aides had hired an older woman to be the matron and an older gentleman to be the groundskeeper. Other staff were being hired. Already children were being brought in and the building has been ready for a week. It would house up to 50 children comfortably and in a pinch she could add an additional 30 in case of emergencies.

All children were given a health check by a doctor Elana had hired. And now as she walked through the gardens to the back yard area she could hear them playing, and she knew that some were snacking on the food she insisted be prepared at all times. Fruit, and cookies always available.

If her family saw her, they would be horrified. But Elana was happy. Dressed in jeans and a plain white button down, she wore loafers on her feet and her hair was pulled into a ponytail. As she entered the backyard she dodged the children running around. None of them cared if she was a princess, and she insisted that they know her simply as Elana.

On the other side of the yard by the playground, Lord King wielded a wooden sword against two of the more aggressive boys. They hacked at them with their own and he deflected each of them with practiced skill. When the older one, a boy of around nine, started to take aim at him with the intention of doing some damage, he sung his own sword hard and knocked the sword out of the boy’s hand.

“Ouch!” The boy said, holding the hand which had a tight enough grip on the handle to have hurt in its forceful leaving. “You hurt my hand.”

“Yes, I did,” Lord King responded with a subtle look of concern. “And you lost. Get me back next time, okay?”

The boy smiled then, his hand still cradling the other.

“Okay, I will.”

Elana smiled as she found a patch of grass to sit and watch the children play and let her gaze sweep to where Lachlan King stood. "Ah Lord King, are you dispatching dragons over there?" she called out.

“I think I’m the dragon, actually.” He said back to her, patting the boy on the back and walking over. “I thought I’d stop by and see what you’ve made of the place.”

She smiled up at him. "Its coming along. Only 15 children so far and we can house up to 50. I have a few more arriving tomorrow." A little girl of about 4 toddled up, gave Elana a spontaneous hug and then ran off to play in the sand pit. "For most this is the most stable place they have ever had."

“Well you’re doing a lot of good for them.” He said with a grin. “It’s not often we see a royal doing something like this personally.”

"These children deserve the same advantages as others in the Empire. And they will have a chance to grow up and maybe one day serve the Empire as we do." Elana said with a small smile.

“That would be a high clime indeed, but I can see it happening.” He said. “Let me know if there’s anything you need and I’ll be glad to offer help in any way I can.”

"Why thank you Lord King" Elana said softly. "I will keep that in mind"

A staff member was rounding up the children for lunch and they were soon alone on the grass, as the children gathered on the patio.

Elana however did not rise from the grass. "You look well. I take it my father has not asked you to go to Mars with him?"

“All the Blues are going.” He said with a nod. “Someone has to be sure things remain sane. Will you be there or has he forbade you?”

"He has not asked me to go. He will take my brothers I am sure." Elana said. "It would be interesting to go though. I hear the Consul is very interesting."

“I hear the same. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Conference resort on Mars is made of dozens of palaces. You could always visit your apartments there during the conference.” He said with a raised brow. “That, or you could always stay with me.”

She raised an eyebrow at that. "And my father would have me killed for sure" she said softly. "What excuse would I give for my presence there? I am not the heir, nor the spare. To just show up.."

“You’re a princess. You don’t need a reason.” He said, smiling a rather silly smile. “But I could always let you carry my papers as an excuse if you like.”

"And there goes my life" She gave a soft laugh. "Father was pretty adamant I should not be seen with you."

“Then perhaps we should meet more privately.” He said in a challenging tone.

Elana held out a hand for him to help her up off the grass. "Hmm an interesting proposal."

He helped her up willingly, his hand lingering in hers for a few brief moments once she was standing.

"I thought so too." he said, watching her. "I'm sure we both have a few good ways of keeping away paparazzi....servants who are less than trustworthy."

"Hmm I have people I trust, who are loyal to me, not many. Gianna commands the slaves so they report to her."Elana said as she shifted to lean against a nearby tree.

"All my people are loyal, as far as I know." he said in return, leaning as well. "But no one seems to be watching here, in this place."

"True.." Elana said her tongue flicking across her lips nervously.

"Then it's settled." he announced in a reasoned tone, a smile playing at his own lips. "I should get going. The city calls and I've got about a thousand meetings on my schedule for today."

"Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to visit the orphanage" Elana said softly "The children appreciate it, I can tell."

"Perhaps I will again sometime soon." he said, offering her a smile which was tempered respect. "Until we meet again, Elana..."

"I look forward to it Lord King" She said with a smile. "I do so enjoy your company."

"And I yours..." he said, grinning then. Since they were so close, it was relatively easy for him to lean into her space. His cologne wafted up, masculine and sweet. He placed a kiss on her lips, slower this time then last.

Elana's parted slight beneath his as she kissed him back, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders. Yes, she did enjoy spending time with this man, and his kisses were worth the trouble she was sure to get in if her father ever heard about her and Lachlan still spending time together.

His hands found her waist, shamelessly at first, and then he remembered where they were. Hesitantly, he moved his lips away from hers. Looking at her then with fiery eyes, he spoke a simple phrase.

"You should pay me a visit next, I think." he said. "Otherwise, you might think I'm following you or something."

"Hmm and what would your people think if I showed up at your house or... your office?" she asked curiously, but her lips were curved. "Or is there another place we could.. run into each other?"

“My estate has a private transporter.” He said, leaving one hand on her waist still. “So my people have nothing to think about.”

"Hmmm privacy sounds quite nice." Elana said as she took a chance and brushed her lips across his.

He returned the kiss again, this time dancing his tongue around hers and unconditionally pulling her against his fit frame. When he broke again, his face remained close to hers.

“It does, doesn’t it? I suppose that means you might want to come sooner rather than later.”

"Hmmm yes I think that would be a very nice idea" Elana said softly staring up at him. "A very nice idea indeed."

“I’ll see you soon then.” He said with a wink, and then turned back to the Orphanage to go for his car.

Elana stood there watching him go and smiled to herself, content with the outcome.


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