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Press Coverage

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 12:59pm by Empress Cosima Orsini & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:20pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Just outside Paris
Timeline: Date 2371-05-28 at 1800
1292 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Elana was the quiet princess, the one no one really cared about. She was seen to be the follower of her sister. She was always photographed after Giana as Giana swept into gala's and Parties. And while her sister smiled, flirted for the Cameras, Elana gave quiet smiles and waves and spoke with their Hosts in soft tones. So when the press got wind of her Hawaiian interactions with Lord Lachlan King, they turned it so that she was helping Giana out with a lover by being a decoy. Rumours swirled that Elana was to front the cameras while Giana was wooed by the political opposition to their father. Because what else made sense to the Press, as No one would be interested in Princess Elana unless they wanted something from the family, ie a title and the ear of her father. One or two of the reporters may have entertained the idea, but they dismissed it for the more sensational reports that Giana was using her sister.

Funnily enough, the Cameras missed the shots that would have showed how wrong they were. Aides were spoken to and gave the response of 'No Comment'.

Meanwhile as Giana partied in New York or elsewhere with friends, Princess Elana was seen on her own around Paris, shopping in stores that raised eyebrows. Common place stores where she and aides brought clothing for children aged from new born to the older ages. in bulk. Books, teaching supplies, toys and sports equipment followed.

More rumours swirled as when cornered, the Princess merely smiled, and said "I take the wellbeing of our people seriously. And nothing gives me more pleasure than helping those our enemies have hurt." before helping her aides load the bags into the hover car or hover truck. Being seen as one not afraid to get her hands dirty, endeared her to the press and common folk alike. She held fundraisers, for what she called her Orphanage project, and released all financials from it without hesitation. The funds went directly to the new Orphanage outside Paris and to the building of several more around the globe.

Still the mixed press coverage had been brought to her mothers attention and Elana had been summoned to the Palace.

She arrived early for her meeting with her mother, dressed appropriately in a demure business suit, and her hair neatly braided down her back. An aide led her to her mother's sitting room. Elana took a breath before she knocked on the heavy wooden door.

On the inside, a servant in white gloves pulled open one of the massive doors to allow Elana entry. The room had polish parquet floors, seafoam green walls, and flowers placed in every place tasteful. Empress Cosima Orsini sat in an ornate white chair in a flattering scarlet dress which cut off at the shoulders and plunged in the middle. She was a fit, full breasted woman who was once the image of youthful beauty before she started to get older. Now, though years younger than her husband, she was losing her flair. She did, however, still have the body to pull off a dress like this; if only they could find a cure for wrinkles.

"Elana...join me." she said, looking up at her daughter, her features unusually tight. She was typically a gregarious and expressive woman, the opposite of her husband, but now she seemed tense.

"Good Morning Mother" Elana said following protocol and curtseying to her mother before kissing her cheek. "You are looking well this morning"

"I look old, dear." the woman said with a slight frown. "And dismayed. You have been quite busy..."

"Yes the Orphanage keeps me very busy. The teachers I have employed are loyal to the empire and the children are thriving." Elana said as she chose to sit opposite her mother. "What dismays you so Mother?"

"You've always been so good at playing the innocent one, Elana...but honestly, I've seen the news. You've been spending more time with Lord King again." her mother said with an expression which bore some understanding. She too was once young. "This is...not a good idea. If your father were to find out, he..."

"Will have me killed? Have Lachlan Killed?" Elana asked, her tone neutral. "Mother, I am not going to deny it, though the press seems to believe he is interested in Giana."

“Ridiculous.” Cosima said, waving the idea away with a hand. “And your father would never hurt you. Lachlan King, on the other hand… could find himself without a title..without lands…or without a head. He’s already angered your father enough politically. Instead of wasting your time with him, I have someone else you should put your mind on.” This time, her mother smiled. Match-making among the nobles was one of her most important jobs, securing alliances between hundreds of houses and ensuring the Empire remained one.

"Maybe you and father should get used to him." Elana replied. "Because he has not dishonored me, and he sees ME, not Giana's little boring sister, the one everyone overlooks. And he has not asked me about Father or the politics within the Palace. I am not changing my mind on him Mother."

“Oh, Elana, I know how you must be feeling. It doesn’t seem fair.” The Empress said, a sad expression on her face. “ but let’s be serious. Our relationship between the two of you will have serious consequences for him. Are you really selfish enough to endanger his life like that because you want to be..seen?”

The Empress laced her long fingers, her eyes lingering on her daughter.

“How about Lord Tanaka? He’s handsome and, for the sake of the gods, he’s loyal to us.” She said. “I’ve spoken to him and he’s interested in you. Is that not being seen enough for you?”

"No." Came the reply. "Its not just being seen mother, its being seen by one person who cares." Elana sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. "He listens. He talks to me. He understands why I am working at the Orphanage. I am Not going to go with Lord Tanaka, that man probably has illnesses from all his... conquests"

“You’re behaving like a child, Elana. You’re too old for this. Your father and I raised you to understand your duty to the Empire; to this family. You’re throwing your future away! And for whom? A traitor!” The Empress said, raising her voice. The anguish was obvious in her face. “Gods, between you and Giana..we’ve got two daughters who can’t think about anyone at all but themselves.”

Elana stood up at that. "EXCUSE ME!?!" Her voice was raised for the first time in her life "Thinking about myself? If that is what you believe of me Mother than you do not know me at all!" She turned and headed for the door.

“Your making a mistake, Elana. I really hope you realize that before you find yourself leaving flowers at his grave.”

Elana turned and gave her mother cold look. "I am doing this to protect this family. But you believe what you want." She stalked out of the room.

As soon as her daughter was gone and the door was slammed behind her, Cosima's hand went to her mouth and she began to cry, sobbing in long heaves. The tears cascaded over her stagnant hand and the servant who had entered the room, silently backed out. She could not turn her daughter left or right, and she knew that pain was soon to come. It seemed there was nothing she could do to get Elana to see the real danger of this situation.


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