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Rescue, Part I

Posted on Wed May 11th, 2022 @ 12:03am by Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones
Edited on on Wed May 11th, 2022 @ 12:10am

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: SS Deathwing
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 0000
754 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Revana checked the diagnostic readings on the Aerowing Shuttle. This small ship, built in to the underside of Vengeance, was an advanced runabout built for missions similar to this. She had scanned things quickly as others were approaching. She wasn't assigned to this away mission, so she quickly moved toward the exit.

Troy entered the transporter room and did a final check on his combat kit for the rescue operation. He ensured his phaser rifle and phaser pistol were fully charged. He patted the sheath of the combat knife strapped to his thigh. He double checked the bandolier of eight stun grenades across his chest. Finally he drew the one weapon that wasn't Starfleet issue. The sharp rapier that had been passed down from father to son for over twenty-five generations in his family. He gave a satisfied nod. He awaited his team for the rescue mission.

Dana was next to arrive, as a member of the medical staff she was equipped with her medical bag and had her phaser strapped around her waist where she could easily get at it if she needed to. She offered a polite nod as she greeted Troy. “Lieutenant.”

Next in was Fergus with a squad of devil dogs. " Lieutenant." He said calmly as they took their place in the room.

Rhen came in next pushing a hover cart full of plastic cases. Before unloading them on the floor next to the hatch of the shuttle. "Hey all, gather around." He said.

Johnathan stood up from the helm console and came forward. "What do you have for us, Ensign?"

Melissa walked in, carrying a heavy repeater on her shoulder like it was nothing and then waited.

Rhen held up a finger. "New standard equipment for away missions thanks to the creative minds in R and D from Starfleet. Also, some of my own designs I brought along to test on this mission." He opened a crate pulling out an armored vest. "Armored tactical vest, ablative armor plating sandwiched in carbon-fiber ceramic coating." Rhen put on the vest to model it for everyone. "Attach points for various grenades, backpacks, phasers, combat knives."

Opening a second cate he pulled out a phaser pistol. "New agony phaser pistols, the same standard features just minus the 'dust buster' style going back to a more gun style look multiple settings for stun and kill as always but with a twist. Stun adds agonizing pain to the target enough to make them talk but not kill them."

Rhen opened two more boxes pulling out an SMG style phaser. "Agony recon phaser, the middle child of the new phasers three settings, single, burst, beam your pick. Lighter to carry easier around corners built-in retractable 3.5X scope linked to the tricorder."

Setting the recon phaser down Rhen grinned slightly. "Lastly the big kahuna herself," He pulled out an Agony assault rifle. "This bad boy is the big brother of the two, 5X retractable scope same features as the other two but." He racked the barrel. "This beast can use a grenade launcher attachment to fire a multitude of grenade rounds of your choice photon, stun, micro homing rocket. But highly recommend not using them in tight places like corridors less you want to see how well you can hold your breath in space."

Melissa spoke. "This is a Type V Heavy Repeater... Usually it's mounted on a tripod." She noted. "I was built well."

Johnathan looked over the new gear. After taking one of the vests, plus a couple grenades and an additional combat knife, he made his selection among the weapons and picked the Agony Recon Phaser. 'How long does the battery pack last on this, if kept on full power?"

"At full power it should last least six hours longer than ones our current phasers would." Rhen replied handing him some extra power cells. "So do keep it in mind."

Troy gathered the group together for a final run through of the operation order. He gave each member of the Away Team a serious look before speaking. "We are heading down to an alien planet to rescue two of our own. We have no idea what resistance we will encounter. We will not stop for any reason until we secure Lieutenants Selin and Vali. We will use lethal force against any Ocampa we encounter." He gestured to three short poles. "Transporter Enhancers. We find our officers and get them home as soon as we can and then get the hell out. Any questions?"


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