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To Fallen Heroes

Posted on Thu Jun 9th, 2022 @ 8:08pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar & Sergeant David Novak & Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Cargobay
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 0600
2597 words - 5.2 OF Standard Post Measure


The hour was early and the mood somber as the crew of the ISS Vengeance gathered in Cargobay 1. It was the only space large enough to house so many people and, besides a smattering of junior and enlisted officers manning critical areas, everyone was there. In the center of the room, seven closed containers were lined in a semi-circle, a flag of the great Terran Empire draped across each one. Besides the pain of loss which everyone was feeling, the knowledge that they were now stuck in the Delta Quadrant weighed heavily on everyone.

Troy had been in the cargo bay for the last few hours supervising the enlisted detail, drawn from all departments, preparing for the memorial services for the Fallen. He was in a somber mood as as he worked on the final touches before the Captain, officers and crew arrived for the actual ceremony starting soon. He performed one last systems check on the audio and video equipment that would send the ceremony to every monitor on the ship and record the event for posterity. He completed his check and looked up as the first person arrived for the ceremony.

Callie entered through the doors of the cargo bay. 24 hours earlier she and Troy had been planning to get married, and now here they were gathered for a memorial service to those lost thanks to the Ocampa, and their Caretaker. Walking over to Troy she offered a somber smile. “All set up and ready?”

Troy turned to Callie, then glanced about at the crew putting final preparations in place. He turned back to Callie and nodded. "As about as ready as I can be." He looked at his watch. "We need to get everyone into formation in about 15 minutes."

Callie nodded. “I’ve no doubt the crew will be ready in time.” She wanted to ask if their plan to get married later the same day was a good idea but she thought better of it right now. Plus she needed Kass there as her bridesmaid. At least it would give the crew something positive to focus on when it did happen, but she and Troy would need to talk about it.

Walking into the cargo bay Dana looked around, she was planning to join David for the duration of the ceremony but it seemed she’d arrived ahead him. She nodded politely to both Callie and Troy.

Korinna entered in her dress uniform and was silent as she stepped up into place.

Behind her the Intelligence team, led by the assistant chief because the chief was in medical under sedation, entered and took up their positions.

Andrei and Mika Petrov entered together, their expressions sober to fit the occasion. Whether the two of them were particularly sad wasn’t entirely obvious.

Johnathan entered next, wearing his dress uniform and various awards he had earned in his service for the Empire. He was still a bit numb by the recent events. Certainly he had faced death before. It just, wasn't a feeling he enjoyed experiencing, especially not when it was his friends and shipmates who were gone.

Callie saw Johnathan enter, she offered a brief smile as she made her way across to him. “Johnathan, would you like to join us?” She hoped he’d say yes, things between Johnathan and herself had been pretty strained of late. She just wanted their friendship back.

Nodding somberly, Johnathan moved to sit next to his friend. He couldn't stop looking at her pregnant belly and worry that with the trauma that Kassandra had recieved, they might not be lucky enough to have their own children one day." He looked up into Callie's eyes and gave her a sad smile.

Callie offered a warm smile, doing her best to be strong for her friend, and for Troy too.

Melissa entered the room and stood, watching and taking in the scene. She sometimes did not understand human behavior. With these funerals.

Andrea entered hoping she wasn’t late, she’d been keeping busy with her duties whilst Callie was resting.

The next time the doors parted, Ivan and Yana Petrov entered together. He was wearing his duty uniform and she was wearing a form-fitting wrap-around black dress which seemed to be made out of some scale-like material. Beside them was David Kovak, the captain's bodyguard. Once he got the nod from the Captain, he moved over to join Dana, being sure to remain close by.

The Petrov's, on the other hand, moved to the center of the room and stood in front of the gathered throng, right before the caskets. The room had quickly silenced itself at the sight of them; everyone waited expectantly to hear what would happen.

"We have gathered here today to give honor to the members of our crew who died in the line of duty," Yana began, stepping out in front of her husband and gazing upon the crowd with head held high, "to fallen heroes. To brave men and women who traversed the turbid space with us into an unknown quadrant, and gave their life in service of their Empire."

There was silence in the room still as many nodded and some reached up to dry an eye. The Captain stood behind Yana, his hands folded in front of him, his face somber...angry. Not only had he said nothing, but he wasn't giving any indication he intended to.

"I will say a few brief words, and then I will open the floor for your comments and memories on these brave individuals." she continued, and then paused for a brief moment, to reset. Then she moved to the first casket and put her head upon the top of it. She looked out at the crowd meaningfully. She would move between each one, placing her hand atop it as she talked about them.

"Crewman Jillian Foust, Operations Specialist, Daughter ~Died on transit to the Delta Quadrant~

Crewman Roderick Perkins, Shuttle Pilot, Son ~Died on transit to the Delta Quadrant~

Petty Officer, Second Class Carrie Young, Cloak Specialist, Daughter, Wife, Mother of Two ~Died on transit to the Delta Quadrant~

Chief Petty Officer Richard McWay, Dentist, Son, Husband, Father of Four ~Died on transit to the Delta Quadrant~

Lieutenant Lionel Morrison, Chief Intelligence Officer, Son ~Died on transit to the Delta Quadrant~"

At that last one, her eyes moved from person to person. Many of them likely knew the truth, that Kassandra helped him along his path, but it wasn't explicitly obvious and she would say nothing about it. The Gods would determine his worthiness on their own.

"Commander Cyrus Cain, Executive Officer, Husband, Father of One ~Died at the hand of the Kazon on the Caretaker Array~"

She said, then finally arrived at the last casket. Placing her hand on it, it was the most unexpected of all. Cael had died in the night of causes completely unrelated to their current predicament. Perhaps the stress of their exile was partially responsible.

"Lieutenant Cael Maz, Chief Science Officer, Son, Husband, Father ~Died in his peace~"

Yana turned to the gathered crew again, tears stuck in her own eyes. Her husband, however, had balled his gloved fists and seemed to be shaking with a barely restrained rage. She ignored him, perhaps because she couldn't deal with his emotions and hers and do what he had asked her to do.

"All of these soldiers will be remembered." she said, and then turned to the far side of the Cargobay. "Eritrea."

Eritrea stepped forward and presented the plaque to Yana. She was particularly melancholy about Commander Cain's passing. She was often the one setting up refreshments for staff meetings under his supervision. He had always shown appreciation for her efforts.

A round of applause concluded the presentation. Then Yana stepped back next to their husband, gesturing to the space she had just occupied.

"Would anyone like to say a few words about the fallen?"

After a few beats of silence, Johnathan quietly stood up. He moved forward, into the space that Yana had been standing. Taking a moment to look at each casket in turn, he finally looked up at his fellow shipmates. "My friends, some of you, I know well, others only in passing. However, at the end of the day, we are all members of the same family. And, not since the early days of expansion, has an Imperial ship and crew been so alone in space."

"Now, more than ever, we must come together and forge the bonds that will make us a force to be reckoned with in this new quadrant! We must shout out to the aliens races here that, if one of ours are killed by them, hundreds of theirs will be executed! Our fallen heros here must not have died in vain! We will teach this quadrant what it means to Terran!" He then turned toward Captain Petrov and saluted with energy. "LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!"

Captain Petrov returned the salute resolutely, but his face was still a mask of extremely negative feelings. He was silent as the grave, even as he returned his gloved hands to fists at his sides.

Johnathan then returned to his seat, giving someone else a chance to speak.

Callie watched as Johnathan returned to his seat by her, nodding her agreement at the sentiment of what he’d just said. She hadn’t really known those who were lost besides Cain, and she only knew him in his position as First Officer so it didn’t feel right to stand up and speak. She wondered who would speak next.

Troy stepped forward and looked at the officers and crew gathered. He glanced at Johnathan for a long moment as he gave thought to the person Lieutenant Morrison had proven to be towards Kassandra. He glanced at Ivan and then back to the crew. "It was my privilege and honor to have served with Commander Cain. He was an outstanding officer and remarkable in his ability to assess problems and develop solutions. We will honor his memory and sacrifice for this ship by making it home while expanding the influence of the Terran Empire throughout this quadrant." He returned to his position by the senior staff.

"I have something to say." Rhen said sitting up on the catwalk above the crowd his legs dangling over the edge his large arms resting on the lower guard rail. He had actually been in the cargo bay for a while longer before everyone showed up Rhen had signs of crying on his face. "I met a few of these fine folks who are no longer with us."

"Richard McWay, was on the shuttle with me when I first arrived to this fine vessel. In case, some of you aren't aware I was celebrity athlete in a past life. Richard was actually a fan of me and Kiera said we inspired his youngest kid to get into sports. Was pretty damn proud that we was role models to some people out there, you know?"

"Commander Cain, well what can I say about him other than he sold me and Kiera to join your crew, Captain, he liked our work although he was never one to not be strict he knew good people when he saw it. He was a damn fine man and one hell of a officer I owe him for bringing us here to be with all of you."

"Last is Cael Maz, I only met him once but he too was aware of my past as a athlete. We got to talking he had a wife and kid once they were sadly no longer with him. But I know I only just met I would of liked to of known him more Cael seemed like a good guy. It saddens me he will not be around anymore but I am happy he is with his family again." Rhen started to choke up a little before motioning to everyone was finished paying his respects to some of the fallen he met.

Jonas sighed, with Kassandra out of action, it was his place to speak on Morrison. He stepped up. "Lieutenant Lionel Morrison was only our chief of Intelligence for a short time, but he made an impact on his team. He will not be forgotten by those who served with him, and the lessons he taught us, will remain with us." Short and better than the man deserved. He stepped back down.

A few other junior crew stood and spoke, some of them very briefly, and some of them at length. Many brought wreaths and flowers and sat them on the casket. Eventually the activity seemed to lull into quiet and sniffles.

Ivan was to conclude the speeches, but when he stepped forward, he found he had nothing to say. Just feelings and silence. His crew watched him, waited for him, but nothing came for a long while. Then, at once, he broke the silence.

"Enough talk. I will show you how Terrans are to honor the dead." He said, his anger still obvious. "Battle stations!"

The red alert klaxons started immediately and the lights in the cargobay dipped, red lights starting to flash in concert. The crew, surprised, began to quickly disperse and, for the most part, jogged from the room. Before he could leave, Ivan took hold of Troy's shoulder moving him with his own massive bulk. He gave him a deadly serious expression.

"We're going to get them back, Troy. Now. We're going to do something to them the entire Quadrant will remember for generations. Set a course for the Ocampa Homeworld, maximum warp." he said, talking close to his Acting XO.

Troy nodded with a thinly veiled smile. He was going to enjoy taking a full measure of revenge on the people who had taken his betrothed and performed medical experiments on. "Aye Captain. We will rain Hellfire on their pathetic planet and live up to the name of this ship."

Callie had moved out of the way of the crew, who were rushing off to their duty stations. She waited until there was a moment for her to move across to Ivan and Troy. “Permission to join you on the bridge Sir? I know I’m supposed to be resting but I want to be there to see them get what they deserve!”

Ivan looked to Troy but said nothing, deciding he could make the call himself, both as her boss and as her husband to be. He placed the other hand which wasn't resting on Troy's shoulder on hers and gave them both a meaningful, though strained look. Then he turned and headed out with the rest of the crew. He felt closer to his men and women every day they were out here.

Troy nodded as he took her hand. His expression held a hunger for vengeance against the people who had taken her and Kassandra. "You will stand with me as we obliterate the Ocampan Homeworld from existence."

Callie nodded. “I will be proud to be your side.”

Rhen got to his feet. "Captain, may I offer myself to work tactical in, Mr. Marshall's, place?" He asked a bit nervously.

“Lieutenant Marshall is still very Chief of Security and I’ve made no decision concerning what happens next.” Ivan said. “Come to the Bridge and provide whatever help he needs.

Rhen nodded and started climbing down the ladder to join Troy at his side. "Ready to help you kill some Ocampans, Lt. Marshall." He saluted him.


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