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With or Without You

Posted on Mon May 30th, 2022 @ 4:45pm by Lieutenant Cael Maz
Edited on on Thu Jun 2nd, 2022 @ 12:43pm

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: ISS Vengeance - Holodeck
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 2000
1874 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Cael frowned, "Again, please," He said to the thin air.

The program swished and reset back to its default position. It was of a clear-skied Trill, one not torn apart by the Terrans for its resources, one where people were not enslaved. It was very realistic to the point that it clearly was not part of the ship's program.

"Playback, normal speed. Go." Cael said as he watched footage of a little girl and her mother playing in an open field, the sound of water splashing against the shore from behind him. His eyes were hyper-focused on both the little girl and her mother.

Rhen entered the holodeck only to be surprised to find it in use and someone already inside he was carrying a bottle of bourbon with a glass with him. He needed some alone time to sort things out in his head but this program he didn't recognize before he had been to trill but this wasn't the trill he knew. Looking around in wonder he was amazed at how different it was compared to the one he saw and remembered.

Cael heard no one come in but was still focused on the couple.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" The little girl asked the woman.

"Soon, baby. Daddy is just helping the Cardassians recover from the Dominion." The woman said with a smile on her face.

"Ohhh...okay. Can we go pick flowers?" the little girl asked.

"Sure, we can put them in a vase for when daddy comes home." The woman said with a smile.

Rhen was lost in the wonder of how magnificent the place was and walked around till he saw a woman and child off in the distance. Curious he made his way toward them and hoped to get some answers if they was able to provide any.

"The woman looked toward the recording device and smiled, "You know she adores you? We both do." then she made a kiss face toward where Cael was standing. "I love you, my love. I will see you when you get home."

"Computer, pause. Scan face and begin search of all slaves that you have records of." Cael said with tears streaming down his face.

"Working..." the computer said.

"Who's that?" Rhen asked leaning up against the tree beside him he had noticed Cael a while ago sitting there watching them and decided to come overcheck on him.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Cael said as he jumped into the air a bit hearing a voice from behind him. "How the hell did you get in here, I had the locks on." He asked as he turned around, the look of surprise on his face but inside pure sadness mixed with a hint of anger and frustration.

"Actually the door was unlocked I just waltzed right in." Rhen calmly replied jabbing his thumb back to the direction he came. "Sorry for the near heart attack."

"Fucking Terran computer, can't even follow a simple command," Cael said looking for something to kick that would be the computer but failed in his attempt. "Starfleet computers are so much better. Less war dedicated and," Cael cupped his mouth, "KNOWS HOW TO LOCK THE DAM DOOR!" He said loudly in a huff before making his way toward a nearby bench with a sigh.

Rhen took a step back slowly noticing that maybe he should take it as a sign and leave. "Hey, I am sorry I didn't mean to barge in on you like this." He looked around one last time before hefting his bottle and glass. "I will leave you alone."

After a few seconds, Cael responded, "My wife and daughter."

Rhen stopped cold before turning to face him then the woman and child. He didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure things out something bad happened to them. Walking over he sat down on the bench with him handing him the bottle. "Think you need this more than I do."

Cael looked over to the bottle and nodded, "Thanks." he said as he took the bottle and tilted his head back doing an open pour. After a few swigs, he brought it down and covered up his cough. "Wife is Emma and daughter is Jessica."

Rhen looked at the glass in his hand before tossing it over his shoulder taking the bottle and taking a drink. "They are lovely," He paused feeling a bit guilty of asking. "Dead aren't they?"

"In my timeline, yes. The useless computer is doing a search for slave records for this timeline. I hope...I hope she is alive here." Cael said with sadness in his voice. "They were murdered. The murderer was never found. Justice never delt."

Rhen was shocked. "I am sorry about your losses." He turned to face Cael. "Wait, different timeline?"

Cael nodded his head, "Yep. Whole different outcomes. Place where alien life was embraced rather than enslaved."

Rhen wondered what that timeline was like was he and his wife happier there? It made him want to ask Cael so many questions but only one thing came to the top of his mind. "How did you wind up here?" He asked.

Cael tapped his skull, "A little bit of this and a transporter. The secret will die with me, I am afraid. Can not have the Terran Empire attacking Starfleet. I worked too hard to build the Federation from the ground up to see it attacked."

"I see..." Rhen took a drink offering Cael one with the bottle. "Tell me do you follow the Olympics? From that timeline?" He asked.

Cael took the bottle once more and took a good drink from it before handing it back, "Here and there. Our Olympics are different compared to here. Lot less death in the end. The last one I watched was probably before the Dominion war."

"Death only occurred to worst athlete my wife and I are former Olympians we did very well." Rhen replied taking the bottle and took a drink. "Just had to be sure you never lost to a Pekled."

Cael chuckled a bit, "Yeah that species is... underdeveloped overall. A bad case of giving tech to an early species. We had rules built for that, we had a prime directive." Cael sighed, "What's your name, kid?" Maz wanted to know and the only way to know was to ask through Cael.

"Rhen Tal and you?"

"Cael and Maz." When he said Cael, he pointed to his head and when he said Maz he pointed toward his abdomen. "I know your name. You won a few events in my timeline during the Olympics. Also, you were on the news all the time for your charity work with the Betazed orphans."

Rhen shook his head finding it hard to believe where Cael came from he was famous and doing charity work. "Well, good to know where you are from I didn't fuck up everything in my life." He replied.

"Ehh I wouldn't say fucked up. I would say more...dealing with a bad hand before you were born. This timeline here, not as bad as a few I have heard of in my former line of work. Still pretty bad though."

"You mean I was sent to the gladiator pits after punching out the Emperor's brother-in-law from raping my wife in your timeline too?" Rhen asked.

"We have a Bolian president, so not quite. But yeah from what I understand that is a double edge sword. On the one hand, you did something about it on the other you could have let it slide and wife might have lost respect for you."

Rhen took a drink shaking his head. "I did what a good husband had to do, Cael, I was protecting the woman I love."

"Ain't no shame in that. Least not from my perspective." Cael stated with a sign, "Computer, end program." he said after standing up.

Rhen stood up with him giving Cael a approving nod. "I appreciate that, Cael, but not many like you agree."

As the simulation fell away, the holodeck returned to normal standby mode. Cael made his way to the archway and from the control panel, pulled a flash drive from it, and placed it in his pocket. "Who knows, we might make it back. If not, I can picture worse places than this."

Rhen formed a slight grin on his face. "Might make it back? Oh no I intend to get back home by any means if needed." He walked over to Cael. "My wife and I have plans and dying this far out is not one of them."

"Optimism is key, friend. Despite the hardships, keep optimistic." Cael started before opening the doors. "Keep the faith Rhen Tal, don't let anyone take that from you and you will make it home."

Rhen looked at the bottle in his arm before he walked over to Cael. "Cael, before you go," He placed it in his hand. "Take this you need it more than I do." The Ensign started down the corridor pausing to face him. "But if you need a ear I am always around I will even bring a new bottle to share if needed." With a nod and turn of his heel Rhen walked away.

Cael watched Rhen go down the hall and disappear. Cael took from his pocket an earpiece and placed it inside his ear. "Play, With or without you." The device in his ear chirped. As he listened to the song, his hands drug across the walls of the vessel as he walked slowly down them. His thoughts drifted toward his family and the last video he just saw. Tears began to swell in his eyes as he pressed for the empty lift. "Crew quarters please computer." The lift moved without causing any movement to the passenger. As it arrived, he watched the doors switch open and he departed. The memories he had were shared by Maz who for some reason wasn't responding like he normally would. It was as if he was asleep.

Arriving to his quarters, he punched in his personal pin and walked in, letting the doors close behind him. He bent down in pain. Something was wrong, very wrong with Maz. Through wincing through the pain he contemplated calling a doctor but he knew what it was. Maz had passed away and there was nothing anyone could do to save him. Crawling across the floor, he made his way toward his bed. "Et tu?" he said as he climbed up into his bed. "It's been a good run all in all. God knows I did what I could to redeem for Maz's mistakes." He winced in pain again, letting loose a cry of agony before going calm again. From his pocket, he grabbed at his video and pushed play. From it came her voice, "You know she adores you? We both do. I love you, my love. I will see you when you get home." A smile washed over his face as he laid back for what would be the very last time. "Honey, baby girl, daddy's coming home." And with two final tears in his eyes, he faded to black, his soul finally free.


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