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Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 1:03pm by Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Agonizer Room
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1130
1100 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Agonizer Room
Culluh hadn't said a word since he was captured on the Caretaker's Array. He only offered an angry expression, like that of a man who had no hope of escaping. He said nothing still as his restraints were moved and he was placed inside the agonizer chamber.

Korinna, moved in silence to the control panel and ran a light finger over the controls. "Had you done the right thing, and held your end of the bargain, you would be in a different place" she said in an almost singsong tone of voice. "But I am grateful that you turned out to be treacherous. Gives me a chance to play." Her lips curved as she spoke. "A small dose to show you I think, then, we can get down to business." The Agonizer had 10 levels. And she knew how to use each level. "Kazon physiology is so different from humans, I think we shall start with a level 5 charge, for 30 seconds." She seemed almost absent minded as she set the level and pressed the button.

Culluh used as much self control as he could muster as the electrical agony began to ark and stretch across his body. He breathed in sharply, having failed to control that breathing, and then his lips curled back and he through back his head and let out a deep and pained grunt. He rode out the pain, not having felt this way since he was seriously injured in a battle against the Vidiians years ago. Once it was done, he breathed heavily, but looked at her, his eyes still resolute and challenging.

“You Terrans use your technology for destruction. I thought you might be effective allies. You were, unfortunately, less trusting than the situation called for. I did what I had to do.”

"Ah yes, doing your duty to your.. what do you call them? Your Pack? You cobal? Your people? If you were truly doing that you would have killed the Ocampa years ago." Kori mused and she examined the readings. "How about level 7.. for 90 seconds. One of our officers suffered through a whole day at this level every 30 minutes. I wonder how you will go." she set the timer and the level humming softly a lullabye.

“My Federation.” He said with a scowl. “And we do not exterminate those who are only trying to survive. All we needed to do was weaken them, and you helped us with that tremendously. Now what is left? You want to go home?”

She lifted her eyes to him and let the glow begin. "I want to serve my Emperor. The Captain is serving him and the Empire. Your.... information will assist with that and if the Caretaker's array can be used to send us home and back again, then the Empire will come here and squash your federation. Now enjoy level 7." She pressed the button.

The grunt had groan to a low moan, like a howl as the man’s muscles tense and he strained against the rippling pain. He started to sweat, and rapidly, and his hands shook for the thirty seconds the agony endured. When it was over, he looked at her, out of breath.

“Ask your questions then, woman. And then let me die.” He said, knowing he wouldn’t leave this ship alive. “Perhaps I will even answer them, if you get me a glass of water.”

"Prisoners do not get water while in the box" she said with a smirk. "Tell me about your race and the other races around your so called Federation."

“You could’ve gotten the answer to that question without torture.“ he said, looking at her resentfully. “The Kazon Federation is a peaceful democratic state made up of my people and the race that once enslaved us. We set ourselves free and, despite some considerable grudges, forgave them and joined our sects with theirs. I am a member of our military organization…the commander of the Ocampa Sector. See? Wasn’t that easy?”

She smirked. "Easy enough Tell me about other races the Ocampa have enslaved."

“Minor races, Lieutenant Quevremont. That is your name, isn’t it?” He asked, rhetorically. “They are so scattered and few in number that you would scarcely identify them as peoples anymore. Save the Kazon and the Vidiian Sodality, the Ocampa have laid waste to the races of this area. They behaved much like you are behaving now, Lieutenant. Like barely more than animals.”

She laughed now and pressed a code into the system. "Oh I am not an animal. But, I can be if you wish." She began to glow. Her whole body began to glow and her uniform faded as did any distinguishing features. What had been standing before him was gone. And in its place was a large animal with long fangs and red eyes. "You wanted an animal" the words were low and gutteral.

"What the?" he asked, as his eyes grew wide. As far as he knew, they hadn't injected him with any hallucinogenic drugs. His heart started to pound. "What...what are you?!"

"I am the nightmare Petrov unleashes on those he wants to terrorise. This box? Its only the beginning." the gutteral reply came as the beast's clawed paw raised towards him in the booth. "You don't want me in there. I want planet co-ordinates, troop strengths, everything."

Despite the fear in his eyes, like he was indeed in a waking nightmare, Culluh lifted his chin.

"Sector Commander Culluh, Kazon Federation Navy, ID number 5954123." he said, and then repeated it. "Sector Commander Culluh, Kazon Federation Navy, ID number 5954123."

The beast sighed and raked its claws down the plexiglass of the booth. "poor confused soul." it growled. "Level 8 it is" she pressed the button.

"NNNNnggaaaaahhhh!!!" he shouted this time, since the pain was far worse than it had been before. Shaking with agony and fear, his pants began to darken in a blob that grew and grew. The man was emptying his bladder, losing all control of himself.

Hours later, Kori handed a padd to Captain Petrov with a comprehensive list of all races known to the Kazon, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as resources. Water was a major concern for all races.

"Then we're rich." Ivan said with a smile, placing the PADD on his desk. "Good to know."

"Yes Sir." Kori replied "Though I will caution that having such, riches, will cause those desperate enough to attempt to take it by force.”

“We’ll have to be ready.” Ivan said soberly, and knocked on the desk to accentuated his phrase.


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