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Posted on Wed Jun 29th, 2022 @ 4:09am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Various
Timeline: Mission Day 15 at 1300
1346 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Kass was being released from medical and the Nurse helped her to dress in off duty clothes of a pair of track pants and a tank top. Kass needed to sit down between each article of clothing. But soon she had finished and her shoes were on her feet.

The Nurse pushed in a hover chair. Kass considered arguing but allowed herself to be helped into the chair. "Lieutenant Anderson will be here shortly to help you" The Nurse said.

Kassandra sighed and sat there to wait.

Less than thirty seconds later, the doors slid open and Johnathan hurried in. He was carrying a single bloom in his hands, Kassandra's favorite. Turning his head, he saw her waiting in the hoverchair. A relieved smile started to fill his face. "Hey you," he whispered softly to her as he stepped over.

He handed over the flower first, then leaned down to give her a kiss.

Kass smiled and kissed him back. "Hello Handsome." She whispered "So... can you break me out of here?"

He grinned broadly at her. "Why do you think I'm here? I'm taking you home, baby." He looked over at the doctor and received a smile and nod.

Moving behind her hoverchair, Johnathan took hold of the handle and started to push her out of the recovery room. As they moved down the corridor, he said, "I hope you don't mind, I asked Mica to help me bring some of your things to my quarters."

"Thats fine" Kass replied. Once they cleared Medical, she took a breath. "So glad to be out of medical."

"And I'm glad to get you out of it, my love." Johnathan replied as they reached the nearby turbolift and, after entering it, rode the short trip up to the deck reserved for the senior staff. Moments after leaving sickbay, Johnathan was guiding Kass' hoverchair into his, now their, quarters.

"Welcome home, sweetheart!" He exclaimed happily as he came around and knelt in front of her, his eyes locked on to hers.

She stared into his eyes and slid her arms around him as she leaned forward to hug him. Her face she buried in his shoulder.

Johnathan wrapped his arms around Kassandra and held her securely. "You're safe, baby. I'm so sorry we didn't find you sooner, before they...." just thinking about what she had been subjected to, started to infuriate him again.

"I.." she shook her head. "Glad to be back with you."

As she clung to his neck, Johnathan adjusted his stance and gently lifted her up out of the hoverchair. "And I'm glad to have you back, beloved." He whispered softly to her. After ordering the computer to lock his door to any visitors, then turn down the lighting, he carried her to their bed. As he hadn't had the opportunity to get it swapped out for a larger size yet, it was still the standard-sized double.

He gently laid Kassandra down onto the bed, then he moved around and got in next to her on his side. For a while, the two lovers simply held tightly onto one another.

Kass didn't speak she just clung to him. She had been told what the Ocampa had done to her, seen the scans and holo of her recovery surgery. She didn't remember it, as she had been knocked out but she still had the pain and stiffness from the fact her body was still healing. "I feel useless" she whispered "I couldn't get Callie and myself out."

"Shhh..." he replied softly as he started to gently run his fingers through her hair. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. You were captured, after a powerful being rendered the entire crew unconscious. Transported to an alien world, surrounded by an overwhelming force of those said aliens. You killed one with your bare hands and started to make your escape, before being rendered unconscious by the cowards again, then kept unconscious while they cut into you." He took in a ragged breath to calm himself. "You did everything a loyal Imperial soldier would do. And, if anyone ever says different, they will be introduced to my blade!"

She snuggled closer. "They experimented on Callie... she was so scared and had she tried to fight back, they would have killed her child" she whispered. "I do not know why they chose us."

Johnathan gently kissed Kassandra's forehead. Most of the ones who cut into you are dead. We have two currently in the brig. The Captain has been having them interrogated nearly around the clock. When you are stronger, you will get your chance to claim vengeance on them!"

"good" Kass said softly, looking up at him. "I can wait but when I do get my hands on them... they will beg for death."

He nodded, a slight snarl in his voice as he replied. "We will eliminate all who stand before us, my love!"

Kass nodded and snuggled against him. "I missed this." she whispered.

He made a soft purring sound. "I did too, my sweet." He looked down at her. "I love you, Kassandra."

"I love you too Johnathan." she whispered back. "I am glad to be back here with you."

"This is where you belong, beloved." He hugged her a bit tighter. "Wherever you are in the cosmos, that is where my home is." He paused for a moment, then continued.

"Your father, while claiming that I am from a lower class and of uncertain stock, is allowing me to keep seeing you." He chuckled softly. "I wonder how he would react if we were engaged!"

Kass raised an eyebrow at him. "No ring and you best ask him first."

He was quiet for a beat. "And if he denies my request for your hand?"

"I will fight for you." she whispered.

"And I will always fight for you, my love. Until the last bit of breath leaves my body, I will fight to keep you safe."

Kass smiled and kissed him gently. "Better make the ring worth it though. Yana will expect it."

Johnathan considered the challenge, then nodded. "It will be a one of a kind, just you, my love!"

Kass nodded and let her eyes drift closed. She was still getting worn out easily, even laying down awake. The Doctors said she would start to get better soon though.

Johnathan saw Kassandra close her eyes. Then, moments later, her body relaxed, signaling that she had fallen asleep. He remained still and and quiet, until soon thereafter, he fell asleep as well.

A few hours later, Kassandra woke curled into a warm hard body and she smiled. The Doctors had been strict on their orders. No strenuous activities for another two weeks, which made her pout. But this, snuggled up against him, was enough for now.

Johnathan was asleep, snoring ever so softly, his breathing was deep and rhythmic.

Kass lay there watching him sleep, curled against him. She missed seeing his face when she woke. Gently she pushed hair from his face and smiled.

The gentle touch caused him to stir slightly in his slumber. Slowly, he started to come to. As he cracked open his eyes, he gently hugged her against him and smiled as he said groggily, "That was a great nap!"

She gave a soft smile. "A nap indeed. I have been having a lot of them lately."

He smiled back. "I haven't slept right until now. I've missed you so much, my love!"

"I missed you too" she rested her head on his shoulder. "A lot"

Johnathan held Kassandra lovingly against him. "Anything you need to get better, just ask and I'll do it my love."

She shook her head "Just hold me. Its going to be several weeks before I am back up to strength."

He nodded as he continued to hold her to him. "That, my love, is something that I plan on doing, for the rest of my life." He kissed the top of her head again, pausing to inhale her sweet scent into his nose.



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